Chapter 223 Qingcheng I (45)
Jissbon, or banana flavor.Tianya, we both don’t seem to use this brand before.

My eyes were dazzled at the time, and I tried to widen my eyes to look again, and it was indeed: Tianya, buy me a box of condoms, I need it urgently.

I thought to myself, could it be that the text message is garbled?Or was the text message genetically mutated during transmission?Or, Xia Tong's cell phone was lost, and someone else was playing a prank?
So, I called Xia Tong back, and in front of Kang Tianqiao, I was too embarrassed to ask loudly, so I could only say like a mosquito, Xia Tong, what do you want?
There was little enthusiasm in Xiatong's harmonious voice, saying, condoms.

On the phone, someone behind her muttered, give me the test tube, give me the test tube.Someone muttered, where's the graduated cylinder?What about the graduated cylinder?

I'm embarrassed to say, what do you want this for?

Xia Tong seemed very busy and said, blowing up a balloon to carry a satellite to the sky!Do you believe it?What else can I do?Experiment!What do you want to do?You woman has been with Hu Dongduo for a long time, and your brain is moldy, right?
When I got out of the car blushing, Kang Tianqiao kept smiling at me, as if he was harboring a huge conspiracy.At the end, he told me, Tianya, my birthday is on the weekend, and your birthday will be on the same day as yours!Let's go together!
After finishing speaking, he shook his head, and the hair that had been ion permed fluttered with the wind. It felt like, using Rejoice, was so confident!
I said, oh, check it out.

I plunged into the supermarket like a thief, afraid of being discovered, no matter what the brand was, I closed my eyes and grabbed a random one, even if I bought a condom for Xia Tong.

But there was a single condom box in the shopping basket, and I was really embarrassed to go to the counter to check out, so I blushed and bought myself some snacks.

At this time, the lights in the city were already on, and my mind suddenly drifted to Tang Hui. I thought, Gu Lang must be sitting quietly in a corner again now, like a lonely shadow.

When I went to pay the money, a phone call came in from Hainan Island. He almost yelled at me with a voice like killing a pig, saying, Ai Tianya!Where are you!

At that time, my heart was tense, and I thought, could it be that the matter of buying condoms by myself was seen by Hainan Island?I searched around and found no sign of Hainan Island, so I breathed a sigh of relief, and I said, I'm in the supermarket, boss.

Hainan Island held back for a long time before saying, is there... is there... a pregnancy test in the supermarket!

Swish Swish Swish!The blue sky, the thunderbolt, the lightning and the thunder, hit me so hard that I couldn't figure it out for a while, and I was so trembling that I couldn't even think, I said, are you pregnant?
Hainan Island turned green with anger on the other end of the phone and said, I am pregnant with a head!Xin Bai!no!Little China!Xinbai, damn it!Didn't I tell you this morning?Xiaoci has been feeling unwell these days, and she vomited for a long time just now!You buy me some test strips.

As soon as he said that, I immediately remembered Wu Hongmei's hesitant expression today, and I understood immediately.I secretly scolded Xin one hundred and one hundred words of "the beast", and then told Hainan Island on the phone, if I don't buy it, you can buy it yourself!
Hainan Island said, how can I, an old man, buy these things!After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone with the attitude of "Ai Tianya, are we good brothers? If we are good brothers, you will stab me in both sides".

When I hung up the phone, I was still thinking, it can’t be such a coincidence. In one day, I went through the condom and then the pregnancy test paper.Could it be that they are ganging up on me?

So I bit the bullet and searched the whole supermarket, but I still couldn't find it.

After hesitating for a long time, I finally mustered up the courage and walked towards a shopping guide. At this moment, a figure suddenly swayed in front of me.I was taken aback, took a step back, and looked up, only to see a man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes standing upright in front of me.

It was none other than Poseidon... er, no... Saga.

Wrong, it was Jiang Han.

I haven't seen him for more than a month. The man in front of me is a bit haggard, but his clothes are still exquisite and elegant, his mouth is tightly pursed, and there seems to be a trace of cold hatred in his eyes, like old wine soaked in peach blossoms.

I gasped, and finally understood why Kang Tianqiao smiled so weirdly today.I subconsciously moved the shopping basket behind me and said, why is it you?Hehe, long time no see.What a coincidence, you also come to the supermarket.

Jiang Han smiled, but with inexplicable hatred in his eyes, he said, "Unfortunately."

He put his hands in his pockets, squinted at me with his eyes, and said, Kang Tianqiao said you were here.So, as soon as I came back, I came here to find you!Tsk tsk, it took me a long time to find you.His last words were clearly "tsk tsk, who made you look like a passer-by, I can't even find you"!
I sorted out my thoughts, and I didn't know where to start the topic, whether it was from "Jiang Han, you give me back my pendant", or "Jiang Han, you give me back my clothes", or from "Jiang Han, what happened to Xiaoci that day? Everything is thanks to you, thank you"...Suddenly, I discovered that Jiang Han and I really had a "love-hate entanglement", the relationship was messy, and the relationship was even more complicated.

Jiang Han said with sarcasm in his tone, haven't you seen me for a long time, and you are so surprised that you don't know where to start?
I blushed, but I didn't know what to say, I just responded, how is it possible?

At this time, Jiang Han's cell phone rang suddenly, he answered the phone and said, I'll be out right away.Then, he lowered his head, snorted almost coldly, and said, these days, if the little boy hadn't been sick!Ai Tianya... He didn't say the following words, but just said coldly, don't move here!I'll settle the score with you in a while!

I watched Jiang Han leave in some confusion, I couldn't figure out how he could be so arrogant?It seems that he was the one who threw my pendant!He is the one who moved my clothes!He was also the one who called me the "Three Great Disciplines" like the heroine of a romance novel... By the way, he hasn't told me what the third one is yet.

Thinking about it carefully, apart from helping us find Xiaoci, he didn't have any credit.Speaking of it, it should be that I want to settle accounts with him, he made me wear Hu Dongduo's clothes all the time...

Time is money, and Xia Tong has already sent me another text message to remind me.Taking advantage of Jiang Han's absence, I quickly pulled over a shopping guide, carefully, as if meeting with an underground party, and asked reverently and humbly, is there any contraceptive paper here?
The shopping guide looked at me strangely, smiled, and said, there are only pregnancy test papers here.

My face instantly turned red and I said, oh, this is it.

With the help of the shopping guide, I finally found the counter and took a bag like a thief.

Later, when I told Hu Dongduo about this matter, she was very happy, her face was full of red, and she said that everything is difficult in the beginning, but it will not be difficult in the future.

I put the condom and the pregnancy test paper under the snacks, searched around furtively, and found that Jiang Han was talking to a middle-aged woman, who was holding a baby in her arms, and there was a young girl beside her, Pushing a shopping cart.

Later, I found out that these two people were nannies hired by Jiang Han to take care of the children.The older one is Aunt Yu Lianhua, and the younger one is younger sister Xiushui.The reason why I mentioned these two characters is that in the near future, the unlucky me will maintain a long-term strategic partnership with these two people.

I ran towards the cashier counter farthest from Jiang Han. There is a saying called "Take care of the head and ignore the tail". Super thunderbolt on a sunny day!There was a thunderbolt, and my head exploded.

Gu Lang? !
It is indeed Gu Lang!
It is absolutely the Gu Lang who I have been squatting in Tang Hui for more than a month and haven't seen it!

Is this the so-called "can't meet but not seek"?

He, he, he actually appeared in the supermarket!It doesn't matter if you appear in the supermarket, you still appear by my side!It doesn't matter if it's by my side, or when I'm shopping for these things!At this moment, I finally understood what is meant by "blessings never come, misfortunes never come singly" and what is meant by "a house leak happens to rain all night"!At this moment, I would rather pretend to be upright with my father, Lao Ai, than meet Gu Lang.

My eyes went dark, and I simply oiled the soles of my feet, wanting to leave.At this time, my mobile phone rang, and I don't know who sent the text message.The strange sound of duck calling caused Gu Lang, who was sideways, to suddenly turn his face away. When he saw me, he was taken aback for a moment, and opened his mouth, Tianya?
I said "ah", smiled, and said hello, what a coincidence, Gu Lang.

He smiled, and that smile was as reserved as his voice, which was a coincidence.

At this time, the wound on his face no longer exists, leaving only faint traces. It has been one month and 21 days since the day he appeared in Tang Hui.21 days a month, I wandered around Tang Hui's gate almost every day, or ran into Tang Hui to sit quietly, hoping to meet him, and then call his name, just say it, what a coincidence.But today, I didn't expect such a coincidence. Could it be that God is colluding with Hainan Island and others to play with me?
I looked at Gu Lang, feeling a little thirsty, and I said, I'm going over there to pay the bill.

At this time, it was Gu Lang's turn at the checkout counter here. He smiled, put a bottle of Coke and a box of chewing gum on the checkout counter, raised his hand and took my shopping basket, and said, let's check out together. , that day, thank you.

I turned pale and screamed, no need.

(End of this chapter)

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