Chapter 221 Qingcheng I (43)
Whose sentimental vicissitudes of time's heart?Whose tears wet the face of the years?

If I hadn't thought about the clothes that Jiang Han had taken away, I really didn't realize that I hadn't seen him for many days.

I chased after Hu Dongduo's ass and said, if you don't find Jiang Han out, I will have to run naked.

Later, from Kang Tianqiao, we learned that Jiang Han left because the child's high fever caused a lung infection, and he might die at any time.Jiang Han took him to another hospital and transferred him to Shanghai, where he stayed by Xiaotong's side tirelessly day and night.

I don't know why, when Kang Tianqiao played the emotional card, my affection for Jiang Han immediately rose, and I immediately felt that he was not a little bee flower butterfly color mantis, but a man of affection.It's just that no matter how good a person is, he can't take my things away.So, for more than a month, I asked Hu Dongduo to borrow clothes to wear. Hu Dongduo wanted to protest, so I said, whoever made you and Jiang Han collude, this is called self-destruction if you do many injustices!

During that period of time, I lost my mobile phone, had no clothes, and couldn’t find the bird pendant. It was really difficult for me to live.So, I "missed" Jiang Han more and more, it can be said that I was worried and tender-I hope his child's illness will recover soon, and I hope he will come back from Shanghai as soon as possible and return my clothes to me.

Several times, I tried to use Hu Dongduo's mobile phone to send him text messages, hoping that he would not forget that there is still an earth creature like me, eagerly waiting for his return.After he returns my things to me, he will never return to Earth for the rest of his life, and I will never miss him.I lay on the bed in the dormitory, revising the text messages I sent him several times.

The first aggressive version: Jiang Han!The old lady's winter clothes are still with you!You don't want my mother to live like a cold bird this winter, so let your son recover soon!Hello come back early!
The second resentment version: Xiao Hanhan, I am Xiao Yaya, please send my little clothes back as soon as possible, okay?It's really cold.Xiao Yaya will freeze to death.

The third diplomatic edition: Jiang Han, I am Ai Tianya.My clothes thank you for storing them for me, hope I can see them sooner.At the same time wish the child a speedy recovery.

The fourth implicit version: Jiang Han, I am Tianya.Thank you for helping us find Xiaoci that day, and I hope you can help me find my clothes as soon as possible, and wish Xiaotong safe.

The fifth version of the inner truth revealed: Your uncle's Jiang Han!After all, you haven't returned my wife's clothes yet!Although your son is important, I don't want to freeze to death!


However, after weighing it for a long time, I think it's too unreserved to do so, it seems that I like to flirt with him, and he never contacted me through Hu Dongduo like before.Eventually I gave up on the idea of ​​texting him.

More than a month passed slowly, and with the help of Hainan Island, my support, and Ma Xiaozhuo's friendly support, Huba's bookstore was opened, and the name was "Qingcheng Jishuguan".

Huba sat in the bookstore smiling like a beckoning cat, and Wu Hongmei was so grateful to Hainan Island that he felt ashamed and looked at me with beautiful eyes, embarrassingly embarrassing.

Huba's bookstore is very close to Tanghui PUB, on the same street, separated by only two alleys.

I think the location of this store is really well chosen, because every time I hang around here, Hu Dongduo always laughs at me, saying, let’s hang out at the gate of Tang Hui again, right?Do you want to meet your lover Gu Lang again?
Now that I have a fig leaf, I said, I came to see Huba's bookstore.

I asked Hainan Island, why didn't Xiaoci come?

Hainan Island said, don't mention that disturbing thing!I'm not feeling well at home!
I nodded and said, oh.When I glanced at Huba, I found that Wu Hongmei was looking at me, with a distressed expression on her face, as if it was inconvenient to speak.

I was just about to ask her, when Li Menglu walked in, dressed up in fancy clothes, just like the rainbow version of Lin Daiyu.She gave Huba a plaque and wrote: Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Hu Dongduo sneered next to me, and said, what kind of stuff is really giving me something!Land rich!As soon as she finished speaking, Ma Xiaozhuo stepped in with a cornucopia in his arms and a smile on his face.

Hainan Island and Huba went forward to meet her, and I walked over, dragging Hu Dongduo's hand.I pointed to Ma Xiaozhuo and said to Hu Dongduo, this is our boss, President Ma.

Ma Xiaozhuo smiled at Hu Dongduo.Then I introduced Hu Dongduo to Ma Xiaozhuo, and I said, Mr. Ma, this is Hu Dongduo, my classmate.

Ma Xiaozhuo's eyes paused for a moment, then he remembered something, and smiled meaningfully at Hu Dongduo.

At that time, I didn’t know that Hainan Island had inadvertently told Ma Xiaozhuo about Hu Dongduo’s evaluation of Ma Xiaozhuo’s second-hand Accord as a mistress’ car, so Ma Xiaozhuo had a special memory of the word “Hu Dongduo”.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Everyone was chatting and laughing lively, and Ma Xiaozhuo was like a spring breeze. At this time, I noticed that Li Menglu was following a slender girl, about the same age as Xiaoci, with thin eyebrows and narrow eyes, very reserved, with timid eyes , looking away.Her eyes followed me all the time.

I turned around and asked Hu Dongduo, is there something on my face?

Hu Dongduo said, no.

I looked back at the little girl behind Li Menglu and smiled sweetly.

The little girl also bit her lips and smiled at me. I don't know if I was being sentimental or what, but I felt an indescribable satisfaction in her smile.

At this time, Li Menglu suddenly grabbed her over like a chicken, and grabbed her in front of my eyes, and said, my sister, Li Wanwan, I adore you!She buys magazines with your articles, and now that you have published a book, she is even more excited.I heard that you met my friend Huba, so I pestered me to come and see you.

Li Wanwan was beside Li Menglu, his face was flushed, he looked at me very carefully, and didn't speak.

Li Menglu pushed her again and said, you are dumb!Then, Li Menglu turned around and smiled at me, saying, little girl, this is the first time I see a live author and I am not used to it.

Li Menglu's words made me choke, I smiled, ignored her, and told Li Wanwan directly, so you are my reader.

Li Menglu smiled at me, lit a cigarette casually, and said, seeing how excited you are, this is also the first time you see a live reader, right?

At that time, I wanted to kill Li Menglu. I thought how could this person be like this. To be honest, I didn’t say that. Anyway, I have to save face, right?But I still had a smile all over my face, Hu Dongduo who was beside me had turned around and went elsewhere, and didn't want to look at Li Menglu at all.

Ma Xiaozhuo stepped forward and helped me out. He said with a smile, "Our Tianya has also done book signings before, so why is this the first time I've met readers?"

Well, Ma Xiaozhuo didn't lie, I did book signings, that is, I set up a table in front of his bookstore to sell books for his old man.The old man asked me while enjoying the shade beside him, and said, Oh, Tianya, I heard that the author of XXX signed 300 books in one morning, let's see how many copies you can sign this time?
I thought to myself, speaking of it, you think it's a PK match between fast boys and super girls.

In fact, speaking of it, since the publication of "Lavender Love", Ma Xiaozhuo would definitely like to convert me into a human flesh printing machine if possible.There were several times when Ma Xiaozhuo invited me to dinner, implying that he hoped that I could publish a book every month.

I was eating Yutou Wang appetizer, and as soon as he finished speaking, the pepper choked my throat.I looked at him straight, and felt that the Shenzhou [-] was not launched into space, but into his head. I said, Mr. Ma, although I am a very hardworking writer, I am not a typewriter.

Ma Xiaozhuo just laughed and said, Tianya, you can find some people to write books, you can read them, write your name on them and publish them.

After I heard this, my face suddenly became gloomy, and I said, Mr. Ma, are you talking about hired gunmen?

Ma Xiaozhuo seemed to see that I was unhappy, and said, this is also a good suggestion, to maintain your popularity.The company is also wholeheartedly for your good.At the end, he added that some authors do just that.


That time my dinner party with Ma Xiaozhuo ended unhappily.

The publication of "Love in Lavender" not only caused Ma Xiaozhuo's bad luck of wanting to pile up gunmen behind me, but also brought me some opportunities, and some publishing houses began to contact me.

Among them, there was an editor named Du Yali. She said that before the Spring Festival, she happened to visit a friend in my city, and she would chat with me to see if there was any chance of cooperation.On the phone, the moment her voice rang, I suddenly lost my mind—I felt that it was Ye Ling, calling me after seven years.

With a smile in her voice, she said, Ai Tianya, right?

Although I understand that everything is my imagination.My Ye Ling, she has already scattered her soul before dawn in the city, on the cold asphalt road...

(End of this chapter)

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