Chapter 210 Qingcheng I (32)
One day, we will be the boss in this city!

Once Xiaoci disappeared, it took two days and two nights.Hainan Island and I searched separately, and we were devastated.At first we thought it was just the little girl's anger, but on the third day, we found that the situation was much worse than we thought.

Huba has been helping us find Xiaoci, and his face finally has blood, no longer as pale as paper when we first met.Wu Hongmei, who is ill, insists on cooking delicious food for Huba and us every day.

She asked Hubardo to thank Hainan Island for taking care of her in the past seven years.She said, my child, being able to make such a good friend is a blessing that can only be cultivated after many years.

Huba smiled at her and said, I know.

But these words fell into the ears of Hainan Island, but it was so unpleasant, he could only smile at them awkwardly, the smile was so difficult, and said, Auntie, this is what I should, I should.

I stared at all this from the sidelines.I don't know why, but I always feel that although everyone says they don't care about each other, there is still a knot that is firmly tied in each other's hearts.They all want to break free, but they don't know how to start.

Hu Dongduo called Hainan Island, and she said, is Ai Tianya there?She has been gone for 72 hours and the phone is not working, so I can report to the police.

Hainan Island handed me the phone, and just as I was about to speak, Hu Dongduo had already handed the phone to someone else.

Jiang Han's voice came from the other end of the phone with a chill, and he said, should I report this problem of staying out at night to the teaching office of your school, and take care of the girls' shame education?

ah? is it you?I was taken aback and thought to myself, Hu Dongduo, you are a treacherous official who betrays the master and seeks glory, a traitor.How much money Jiang Han gave you, you actually sold me, a friend who fetches water, sweeps the floor and washes socks for you from time to time.

what is me?Ah, Ai Tianya, at this moment, do you feel the pleasure of being caught and raped by your own husband?Jiang Han was on the other end of the phone, with a lazy voice, like a lazy lion basking in the sun, but ready to attack at any time.

What are you talking nonsense about?I don't know why, but I'm a little annoyed, but also very apprehensive about talking to Jiang Han.Because it takes a lot of brainpower, you have to be on guard against the cold arrows he shoots suddenly.Pity me, it's miserable enough to waste my brain cells in writing stories, but I have to face this man's "Jianghan-style brain teasers" all day long.

Hainan Island looked at my embarrassed expression and asked, what's wrong?
I motioned him to keep his voice down.Unexpectedly, Jiang Han on the other end of the phone sneered and said, yes, yes, it's really a double.

When I heard it, my face seemed to be swollen by water, and I twitched. I said, you are crazy.

At this time, Huba looked at my facial expression and couldn't help asking, Tudou girl, who is it, you are so careful.Tell him your brother just got out of prison.

Huba's last words were just a joke, but Hainan Island suddenly lowered his head after hearing this.

I quickly signaled him not to speak, Jiang Han sneered again on the other end of the phone, and said, ah, there is another one, it seems that it is not a pair, but a triple, ah, I did not expect a junior female student, your taste It's pretty heavy.

I figured it out, he probably deliberately wanted to be disgusting today and I wanted to make things difficult for me, so I just said, yes, you have to be happy in life, do you want to join?

Jiang Han's tone on the other end of the phone became extremely cold, as if his face was suddenly attacked by a snowstorm. Wrong, even his tongue was attacked, so he said word by word, Ai Tianya, Where are you?Try not to appear in front of me in the future, otherwise, you will be miserable!You're dead!

Neuropathy!You narcissist, you pretend to be the sun and the center of the world, aren’t you excited?You still have to pretend to be God, if you let me die, I will die?I snorted coldly, and suddenly discovered the joy of doing "Jianghan-style brain teasers".

Jiang Han said, okay, just wait, I will move all the things in your dormitory, I don't believe you didn't ask me!

I yelled at the phone directly, and I said, you robber, I don't beg you for moving the school away!I beg you I am a pig!
Jiang Han said, good!it is good!If you beg me, you are a pig!Don't you forget!

At this time, the phone was back in Hu Dongduo's hands, and she said, Ai Tianya, be honest, did you secretly call me a traitor just now?

I shook my head and said, no, what kind of traitor are you, you are just a traitor!Okay, Big Sister Hu, Queen Hu, Big Speaker Hu, help me go back to the dormitory and guard my things, ah, ah, I'm going to die.

Hu Dongduo smiled and said, okay, big sister, I guarantee with my personality that all your things will be taken away by him.I promise it will all include your cuties and lingerie!
After speaking, she hung up the phone directly.I fell into facial paralysis.

After the traitor Hu Dongduo hung up the phone, I returned the phone to Hainan Island, and he was in a daze again, his eyes seemed to be filled with the past.

Huba said, what are you thinking?Tudou gave you the phone.

Only then did Hainan Island come to its senses and said, oh, oh.There are no words below.

Wu Hongmei said, you have to find Xiaoci quickly, that little girl is stubborn.If something happened, how should I explain to Uncle Mu.Ugh.

Hainan Island smiled and said, yes.

At this time, it has been 72 hours since Xiaoci disappeared. Huba, Hainan Island and I have been looking for her for two full days.If it wasn't for looking for her, I wouldn't have stayed away from school for so long. Moreover, when I was looking for Xiaoci, my mobile phone was taken away by thieves, so Hu Dongduo and the others couldn't find me.

However, what is a little weird is that since Hainan Island came back from looking for Xiaoci yesterday, he suddenly felt distraught, and his whole body was in a trance, and some soft moisture was forced to hide in his eyes, turning around a thousand times.

Huba also noticed it, and secretly asked, Tianya, I haven't been here for seven years, the boss... did he suddenly have some beliefs?For example, do you believe in Buddhism?Believe in Christ?

I thought about it for a long time and said, he has always believed in money!
Huba said, no kidding.I really think the boss is weird, and he has the potential to become a monk and become a Buddha.Wouldn't he really regard himself as the Buddha who saves all living beings?

I said, what happened?

Nothing happened, Huba said.On the way to find Xiaoci yesterday, he saw a middle-aged woman begging along the street looking for her son, and she quietly dropped 200 yuan. 200 yuan ah!How about being so generous!

I also felt a little strange in my heart, and then I thought about it, could it be that his sympathy caused his overflowing sympathy?One is looking for a son, the other is looking for a sister, both are people who have lost their relatives.Thinking of this, it is not surprising.

In the winter evening, it was extremely cold.

Xiaoci's departure made the three of us not like old friends who had been separated for many years, but like people looking for something in a hurry.

After two days and two nights of searching, we were not only exhausted, but also increasingly worried.

Hainan Island was almost outraged. He took a drag on the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stomped it out, pulled his collar, and said, fuck it!If I want to find this dead child, I must have skinned her!

Just as Huba was about to say something, he heard Hainan Island's cell phone rang, showing that Xiaoci was calling.

Hainan Island grabbed the phone, the voice was hoarse, you still have the face to call, if you have the ability, don't come back!
Xiaoci also yelled at Hainan Island on the other end of the phone, I just want to say the last word to you!I'm going to die, I'm going to make you feel guilty!Make you feel guilty all your life for slapping me on the face!At the auspicious time of two o'clock in the middle of the night, please pray for my salvation!I hate you to death... After finishing speaking, the phone hung up.

Hainan Island grabbed the phone, as if catching Xiaoci's last breath, and shouted, Hello!Hello!Hello!Don't hang up!You...cough!Damn it!
I looked at Hainan Island's livid face and asked anxiously, what's wrong with Xiaoci?
Hainan Island looked at me, looked at Huba, and said that she was going to... commit suicide.

Huba and I were stunned, our eyes widened, and we were at a loss.

We don't know how stubborn Xiaoci is.I remember that after she was adopted by Lao Mu, Lao Mu wanted to send her to study, but she refused desperately, so Lao Mu had to temporarily give up and wait for the next year.When the next year came, Lao Mu sent her to study again, but she still refused to go.Old Mu was very angry, so he beat her to death, but she still refused to go, so Old Mu could only think, wait until she is one year older... In this way, how many beatings Xiaoci received for not wanting to study, I don't know, but I do know that she is the only one among the children in the hemp spinning factory who has never set foot in school.

Huba also understood Xiaoci's character, so after being astonished, he quickly told Hainan Island, what else can I do?Boss, call the police!Then call the chat show on the radio, let more people help us find it, and then the three of us will mobilize our friends to look for it too!
Hainan Island cursed fiercely, and then dialed 110.As soon as she took out her mobile phone, Hu Dongduo's call came, she said, Brother Haidao, tell Aunt Tianya, Jiang Han packed all her things away.

Hainan Island said, stop making trouble, I will call 110.After finishing speaking, he briefly told Hu Dongduo about Xiaoci's affairs, and then said, you and Xia Tong can also help, and ask your classmates to find someone together.

Hu Dongduo was startled at first, then calmed down, and said, it's useless for you to call 110, the police brother doesn't have this kind of spare time, maybe he will accuse you of disturbing the law and order!Ah... Xia Tong said, the radio station can think about it.You three take it easy.Come to the school and find us, let's find someone together!
The reason why Hu Dongduo is so sure that calling 110 sometimes is useless is because of an incident that happened not long ago.

That day, a middle-aged woman in shabby clothes called home from a newsstand outside the mall, probably to tell her she was safe.

The owner of the newsstand is a young guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek as thin as a green onion. It seems that this disheveled woman is a foreigner, so he cheated. Originally, a 3-minute call cost one yuan and twenty cents, but he insisted on asking this middle-aged woman for money. ten yuan.

The middle-aged woman pointed to the one yuan and twenty cents on the meter, brother, it is not ten yuan, but one yuan and two cents.After finishing speaking, he took out a small handkerchief from his pocket with shaking hands, opened it layer by layer, and found out one yuan and two cents.

The young man was not happy, and he opened the woman's hand, cursing, you beggars, urban garbage, affecting the appearance of the city, I don't ask you for 100 yuan.Give me the money now, don't talk too much!

The middle-aged woman said embarrassingly, I am not a beggar, I am here to find my son, he has been away from home for 13 years, I have been looking for him... Speaking of this, the eyes of the middle-aged woman turned red.

The young man interrupted her impatiently, swearing and swearing, you are crying for me here, your son must have died long ago, you still have to find a ball.Fortunately, he died, otherwise he would have the same virtue as you!A group of peasants know how to run to the city, so hurry up and give me money!ten dollars!

(End of this chapter)

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