Chapter 260
On the morning of the second day, Wei Guan hugged Wei Yang and brought Xia Fei to the court.

In the court hall, Wei Guan announced: "My lords, Yang'er, the emperor, will stand to the end and will not abdicate. From now on, I will be the supreme emperor of Jin and a mighty general. I will help the emperor govern the government and make the country rich and the army strong. The Empress Dowager is still the same as before, accompanying Yang'er to court every day, and assisting Yang'er with all the ministers."

When the courtiers heard the words, they couldn't help being in an uproar, and they discussed it one after another, with some in favor and some against.

Wei Guan waved his hand and said, "All gentlemen, please be quiet and listen to what this general has to say."

The courtiers couldn't help being stunned when they heard that Wei Guan had proclaimed himself a mighty general, and he would quickly change his mouth and call himself this general.

Wei Guan looked around at all the ministers and said, "During this time when the general was fighting in Ba, the Empress Dowager attended the court every day. Was there a time when she was confused? Whenever there was a decision, was there a time when there was constant hesitation? Whenever an order was issued, did it ever make a mistake? when?"

The ministers recalled Xia Fei's actions in the court, and it was not easy to speak out of conscience for a while, because they said: "The empress dowager is wise and very decisive in her actions."

"Since that's the case, why not let the empress dowager continue to assist the government?" Wei Yanyang said: "And everything will be supervised by the general. All the family members can continue to be loyal to the empress dowager and the emperor."

All the ministers looked at each other, unable to tell what was in their hearts.

"This king objects." King Rui and King Kang stepped forward together and said in unison.

"The emperor is above, is it your turn to object?" Wei Guan turned around and asked Wei Yang who was sitting on the throne: "Your majesty, would you like to let the empress dowager assist the government?"

Wei Yang said in a milky voice, "I am willing!"

Wei Guan nodded, ignored King Rui and King Kang, and began to discuss meritorious deeds and rewards.

The ministers were relieved to see that although Wei Guan proclaimed himself a general, he still supervised the government.

In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, King Rui and King Kang, because they led the troops to the capital without permission, the crime was extremely serious, but this time they fought against the Ba Kingdom, and they really contributed their efforts, so the meritorious deeds were punished, and the two returned to the fiefdom at a certain date. The decree is not allowed to go to Beijing, and if there is any violation, it will be punished.

After the court was over, King Rui and King Kang came out of the palace, both of them a little dejected.Going to Beijing this time, lost soldiers and generals, and lost a handful of rice by stealing chickens!
Later, Wei Yu returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and after taking a bath, he held on to Xia Fei and whispered, "Why does the Empress Dowager ignore this general?"

Xia Fei snorted.

"What, did you annoy this general?" Wei Yu whispered, "Quiet your anger, Empress Dowager!"

At the Shicai Palace, a general reported that when Ba Kingdom surrendered, ten beauties were offered as a gift, and asked how to arrange these ten beauties.

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew that these ten beauties were actually dedicated to Wei Tiao, and now the general said that he just wanted Xia Fei to accept the ten beauties in the palace and enrich Wei Tiao's harem.

Xia Fei didn't have a fit in the palace, but said calmly: "The matter of beauties, let the Supreme Emperor decide for himself! I'm tired, so I'll go back first."

Wei Yu hurriedly rewarded the beauties to the unmarried generals, and hurried back to the harem to appease Xia Fei, fearing that Xia Fei really misunderstood him.

Xia Fei's expression softened a little when Wei Guan said that he had rewarded the general with the beauty.

"A Fei, with you, who would still look at a beautiful woman?" Wei Yan took Xia Fei by the sleeve corner, pulled her into his arms, and whispered: "Empress Dowager, may this general undress you? "

"No!" Xia Fei said angrily.

"Why do you undress this general?" Wei Yan took Xia Fei's hand and caressed it towards his chest, unable to restrain himself.

That night, the two lingered until dawn before falling asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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