This uncle is a little cold

Chapter 736 Competition

Chapter 736 Competition ([-])

Halfway through the game, several people have been eliminated, and now there are two fierce beasts left to decide the winner. The scene has entered a white-hot stage, and everyone around the field is even more excited. Some people even started to predict Who is about to become the number one warrior in Hades.

Xiao Yunyue was a little bit disappointed and also regained her previous excitement because of the last match.

Dou Da's eyes stared blankly at the arena, and even when the game reached a dangerous scene, his little hands clenched his fists fiercely.

The people around were cheering and shouting, and suddenly, just at the very moment, the two ferocious beasts that were fighting fiercely stopped, and then under the surprised eyes of everyone, they knelt down on their knees with a pious attitude, It seems that there is something that makes them have to go to the city.

The sudden scene made many people vigilant, and Wang Shan even protected Xiao Yunyue behind him.

"Princess, I'm afraid there may be something different here, please follow your subordinates and leave first." After he finished speaking, he saw that the little princess was unmoved, and he still stood where he was, not to speak out again, "Princess?"

Xiao Yunyue had a slightly surprised face, but suddenly she smiled, she looked sideways at Wang Shan and said, "Uncle Wang, it's okay, he's my friend."

With such a familiar aura, it must be the big guy. She still remembers the promise she owed the big guy. She wanted to wait for her father and mother to recover before she went to the mountains and forests to look for it. Unexpectedly, it found it by itself.

Seeing that the guards had drawn their swords, Xiao Yunyue said, "Let them all put down their swords."

Although these people may not be able to hurt the big man, but the big man is her savior, how could she turn swords against her savior!
Wang Shan was a little hesitant. Although the little princess promised, if something happened to the camp here, the damage to the Nether Realm would be immeasurable.

However, just as he was hesitating, Xiao Yunyue had already stepped on her little meaty legs and happily ran towards the place she felt.

"Big guy! Pull it!"

The little princess yelled loudly, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking whether to put the sword away or continue to hold it in their hands for self-defense.But this consideration was only for a moment, because when they saw the so-called big man in the mouth of the little princess, they were all surprised.

Can such a small cat be called a big guy?Princess, are you kidding me?
Xiao Yunyue didn't pay attention to the people around her, but hugged the big guy who jumped over into her arms, and said with a bright smile: "Big guy, I miss you so much." After finishing speaking, she kissed his furry head fiercely few times.

Immediately, the green eyes of the three-tailed cat changed slightly.


——Okay, don't kiss as soon as we meet!
The three-tailed cat let out a haughty cry, and then glanced at the ferocious beasts lying on the ground with its eyes.

Facing ferocious beasts, its eyes and breath are not as kind as when it was treating Xiao Yunyue. The reason why ferocious beasts can be called ferocious beasts is that they are extremely cruel, and it is almost impossible to tame them.

As for the two ferocious beasts, it squinted its eyes and sneered in its heart, which was interesting.

The two ferocious beasts on the field are much higher in level than other hunted prey, and it is even impossible for them to appear here.Others don't know these things, but it is very clear.

Looking at the two ferocious beasts on the field, they have been in a state of panic since they appeared. Even if their 'masters' reprimanded them, it still didn't have the slightest effect.

 Hey, the bad author is preparing a new book recently, so the update will be slow~~ Everyone forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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