This uncle is a little cold

Chapter 632 Assassination

Chapter 632 Assassination ([-])

Jun Jue did not leave Shen Wucheng, he found out that a killer had appeared in Xuangu City to assassinate Yun Li, and he didn't want to leave right away before finding out who was behind it.

It's a pity that he was one step too late after all. When he finally found out what organization it was, the other party had already been silenced, and all the evidence had been burned.

Junjue was furious about this!
Yunli and Junyan didn't know that they passed by Junjue, but because of the presence of Xiaojunyan, the original hiding in Tibet became a tour of mountains and rivers.

Xiao Junyan is a little like his mother, that is, he loves to eat, and he likes to find delicious food wherever he goes, but Yun Li followed him to eat and drink everywhere, and he actually fattened himself up a bit.

"Beautiful sister, I heard people say that the tofu nao here is very delicious, let's try it."

"it is good."

Yun Li admires him very much, that is, he has never failed to find delicious food every time.

Tofu Nao is not in a very luxurious restaurant, but on a very ordinary roadside, but the old man's business is very good, and the few seats are all filled.

Yun Li's belly got a little bigger, and the diners felt a bit of pity when they saw her with a big belly and a baby, so they gave up the seats to them.

"Madam, let me let you and your child." A middle-aged lady gave up her seat, she looked at Yunli with a kind smile, "Madam's son is so cute, how old is he? "

Yun Li was flattered to be given up his seat suddenly, but she was completely embarrassed after hearing the second half of her sentence. Fortunately, Jun Yan was quick-witted, and immediately said: "Five years old."

"Oh, this child is so good."

Xiao Junyan is very cute, especially when he pretends to be cute, he completely captured the hearts of the diners.

Seeing such cute children, the old man deliberately served them freshly baked tofu brains. No one complained about this point among the diners.

"I've been making tofu nao here for so long, but this is the first time I've seen such a good-looking child." The old man said, put down the tofu nao, and said with a smile: "Son, this bowl of tofu nao is just like the old man giving you something to eat." " Yun Li didn't want to be greedy for cheap, but the old man continued: "It's just a bowl of tofu nao, it's not easy for me to see my wife with a child alone."

Xiao Junyan was not polite, but when he smelled the delicious smell of tofu, his appetite suddenly increased.

However, when he picked up the spoon and put the tofu nao into his mouth, Yun Li suddenly stretched out his hand, impartially, and knocked the tofu nao over.

There is not much space for the table and chairs, Yun Li's actions are more like accidental, "Yan'er, is it hot?"

Xiao Junyan pouted his small mouth, and his big eyes were very aggrieved, "It's not hot, but it's a pity that this bowl of tofu is gone."

The old man continued to smile and said, "It's okay, the old man is giving you a bowl."

Hearing this, Xiaojun said sweetly, "You are so kind, old man."

The old man smiled and turned around to make another bowl, but the smile on Xiao Junyan's face disappeared immediately. He looked sideways at Yun Li, blinked, like a signal, and Yun Li nodded at him. Nodding, with a calm face.

The two talked silently for a while, and then saw the old man turn around again, "Little boy, don't throw away this bowl of tofu brain."

"I will definitely not spill it." Xiao Junyan took the tofu nao with a cute smile, but when his hand touched the bowl of tofu nao, the smile on his face suddenly changed, and then poured all the tofu nao into the old man's mouth.

His speed was too fast, and there was no warning at all. When someone reacted to stop him, the tofu brain had already been sent into the old man's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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