This uncle is a little cold

Chapter 495 Being Caught Now

Chapter 495 Being Caught Now ([-])

The doorman fell to the ground, bleeding all over the room, and soon other disciples came in to clean up the lost doorman.

But in the time of a cup of tea, the room returned to its previous appearance, without the slightest smell of blood.

The head of Yan still had anger on his face, he worked so hard to gather this group of people, not for Xuanguanlou to take advantage of.

"Master." Jiang Le ran in immediately after knowing the movement. He was not like a doorman who couldn't tell the important from the unimportant. It must be a big deal to make Xuanguanlou fall into the night so urgently.

"What happened outside?"

"Returning to Master, I don't know the specifics. The head of the Xuanguan Building will not say anything until he has summoned everyone." Speaking of this, Jiang Le felt a little trembling in his heart, and was a little scared for a while. As for being discovered so soon.

Head Yan didn't pay attention to the apprentice's expression, just frowned and said with a sneer: "Since everyone has to be summoned, then the teacher should also go and have a look, otherwise if I don't talk about it, it would be embarrassing for Xuanguanlou. "After finishing speaking, he walked out with a flick of his sleeves.

But Sect Leader Yan overestimated himself, because when he walked to the place where Xuanguanlou temporarily lived, Sect Leader Tianyan had already spoken, and he only glanced at him when he came.

This contemptuous behavior made Sect Leader Yan furious, he walked forward, regardless of Sect Leader Tianyan was still talking, he interjected/mouthed coldly: "I don't know why Sect Leader Tianyan rushed to recruit us at night thing?"

The head of Tianyan has already said almost everything. Seeing him coming, he still made a nasty voice. Thinking that he is Jiang Le's master, he smiled angrily, "Sect head Yan just came, and I have something to ask for advice. some."

"Please say."

"Jiang Le is your eldest disciple. I don't know if you know what he did."

Sect Leader Yan has always been proud, and Jiang Le is his great apprentice, so he nodded naturally and said: "Jiang Le is my closed-door apprentice, so I naturally know about him." I don't know what the big apprentice did, but he was able to invite the heroes who were summoned by the head of Xuanguan Tower to come here for a criticism meeting!"

Sect Leader Tianyan didn't get angry, but said quietly: "Since Sect Leader Yan also said so, it seems that you know about this matter."

"So what if I know..."

Before he could finish speaking, the head of Tianyan quickly interrupted, "Since I know, I will not be polite today!" After finishing speaking, his breath changed drastically in an instant.

Under such a strong aura, Sect Leader Yan actually felt that the other party's aura overwhelmed him. He was taken aback in vain, and immediately took a few steps back, holding back his anger and said: "Sect Leader Tianyan said you are not welcome, I don't know why At that time, even if you want to kill me, you have to give a reason, otherwise!" He paused, and said angrily: "Even if it's my life, I will never allow others to tell me what to do at the end of the night!"

In the confrontation between the two parties, someone jumped out to be a good person for a while.

"Elder Tianyan, why don't you just talk to Head Yan, if he really doesn't know, wouldn't he be burdened by villains."

Jiang Le knew something was wrong, and was afraid that what he did today would be discovered, but then he thought again, how could that mysterious person be discovered in just a few hours because he is so powerful.

Although Sect Leader Yan was angry, he knew that a fight would be bad for him, so he glanced at Jiang Le, but he was shocked immediately.

"Jiang Le, you rebellious son, what have you done!"

(End of this chapter)

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