Chapter 474

Jiang Le was very annoyed by the rumors, he never thought that one day such rumors would appear on him, even though he was evil, he was always covered up very well!

No wind, no waves, he quickly searched around in his mind, thinking about who would slander him so much!

Yan Rongliang, the leader of the Xiaomo Sect, questioned: "Jiang Le, you are a big disciple of the Xiaomo Sect, have you ever done those rumors outside!"

"Master head, although I am somewhat pedantic, I will not do such unconscionable things!" Speaking of this, Jiang Le's eyes were cold, "Someone must be slandering the disciple."

The Xiaomo Sect has always protected its weaknesses, even if it was really his fault, Yan Rongliang would not be able to do anything to him, because this eldest disciple is an outstanding rookie in the sect, and the rest are inferior to him, so for the future of the sect, the head of the sect also It is impossible to give up on him.

"I've already discussed with several elders. Since you didn't do it, then my Xiaomo faction will definitely find out who spread the rumors!" After finishing speaking, he slapped the table under his hand fiercely.Being able to be the head of a faction is naturally extraordinary. Yan Rongliang is now a seventh-level master, and his words and deeds are naturally extraordinary, and after he finished speaking, the table immediately turned into sawdust.

Jiang Le knelt aside, clasped his fists, "Disciple Xie, Master Master, is willing to believe me!"

"You are the big disciple of our sect, and if you spread rumors against you, you are making an enemy of my Xiaomo faction!" Yan Rongliang said angrily, "When will my Xiaomo faction get someone else to tell me what to do!"

"The head master finds out the person who spread the rumors, can you leave it to me!" Jiang Le replied, once someone catches the person who started the rumors, he will definitely tear him to pieces! !
Yan Rongliang glanced at the man with a stern face, instead of being angry, he nodded and said: "Since it is aimed at you, it will be handed over to you when caught."

Yan Rongliang admired this eldest disciple very much, because he and Jiang Le are the same kind of people, both of them must retaliate, and they are extremely narrow-minded.

Although the Xiaomo faction responded to this rumor, it was quickly covered by a batch of rumors. It was reported that Jiang Le had abandoned his wife and son, and then it was reported that the head of the Xiaomo faction was interested in other people's money and robbed it openly. The opponent couldn't beat him, but was killed by him.

All of a sudden, the reputation of the Xiaomo faction was extremely bad, and many people watched their jokes.

Among the famous families, there is no lack of competition. The Xiaomo faction is now stepping on the heads of many people, and naturally many people are waiting for them to fall, so the current situation is very interesting. The friendship with the Xiaomo faction is to protect them , but there are many people who have fallen into trouble competing with him.

Knowing this result, Yun Xi couldn't help sneering, "It's only a mediocre name for a decent family."

In order to fight for something, his face is really ugly.

Jun Mo has been fighting Zhengdao for so many years, and he is very familiar with their methods, and he is not ashamed of what they have done. Demons are all brave, but the famous family deliberately finds some beautiful excuses to block certain things. Shutting other people's mouths, in fact, is no different from the way of magic.

"Famous families are just some decent people."

Jinyu followed them, and replied weakly: "There are some people who are not sanctimonious." For example, his father.Don't overturn a boat of people with one palm!
Hearing this, Jun Mo coldly turned his gaze over, and Jin Yu immediately fell silent.

Well, the famous family they talked about should have nothing to do with his father.

(End of this chapter)

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