Chapter 112
This book was published on NO.14 in December, exactly two months now.

In the past two months, I have gained a lot of book friends from scratch. Although there are not many people in the book friend group, many friends have given valuable suggestions.

During the Chinese New Year period, because I went to my girlfriend’s house and there are many relatives in the family, the update is very unstable, but I said before that the owed chapters will be returned, so I will return them in the next month. Come back, there are about [-] chapters for what I owe plus the previous rewards, and I will count it as twenty chapters.

I will try my best to write tomorrow, and I will add one update for every 50 average subscriptions. Anyway, I estimate that it will be about [-] averages. I will reward [-] points plus one update, and [-] monthly tickets plus one update.

I also came from piracy for reading books, so everyone should try their best to support it. If you think it is good, just subscribe, and if it is not good, just skip it.

Finally, I would like to thank those book friends who insisted on voting during my unstable update period. This book is meaningful because of you.

(End of this chapter)

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