Red makeup against the world

Chapter 734 The Sturdy Lady Luo

Chapter 734 The Sturdy Lady Luo
The local ruffian known as the fourth master heard what Mrs. Luo said, pushed aside the crowd and came to the counter, stroked his chin with his hands, and turned around Mrs. Luo's body with his thieves' eyes.

"You're pretty! If you're willing to spend the night with me, how about letting you go?" The rascals laughed lewdly.

Mrs. Luo's husband hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Fourth Master, what does she know as a woman, don't argue with her. Just give me two days, and I will send the money to the master's house."

"It was possible just now, but now, you have to give four taels of silver." He grasped an excuse and didn't let it go, and used it to make use of it.

The common people dare not speak out their anger. This local ruffian called Si Ye is surnamed Chen. In the past, he was just a bastard who could be bullied by anyone on the street. He was completely bad.

In the past two months, Chen Si joined a gang and was reused for his extortion skills, which made him tremble.All day long, he led a group of subordinates to run amok in the neighborhood.

There was the cowardly one who was afraid of getting into trouble, and took advantage of the loophole to sneak away.Although sweet-scented osmanthus cake is delicious, it is not as important as your own life.

Yinping supported Tu Manfen, his legs were trembling.Although she is loyal, when has she had such close contact with such hooligans?It was so close that the body odor and sweat on the other party's body could be clearly heard.

Tu Manfen's pretty face was also slightly pale.Covering it with his sleeve, he quietly pulled out a gold hairpin on his head, and held it tightly in his hand.

Only Mr. Ning is not afraid. This kind of low-level ruffian is only looking for money and doesn't want to cause trouble.

The way she and Tu Manfen dress are not something they can afford.This is also the reason why Zhao Siming clearly saw the two of them, but just pretended not to see them, and only cared about blackmailing Mrs. Luo and his wife.

Mr. Ning quickly thought about how to help Mrs. Luo escape this catastrophe.

However, gangs have a long history of collecting protection fees.Even if there is no Chen Si, there are Zhang Si and Li Si.

Besides, Mr. Ning knows that these gangs are loyal in their work, as long as they pay the fee, they will never disturb them again, and will help these small businesses deal with some bad customers.

However, the protection fee is always collected in the middle of the month.Collecting twice a month is really beyond the normal range.It happened again that Chen Si took the opportunity to reap benefits, which led to the current situation.

Mr. Ning's thoughts turned quickly, and the time passed only a few breaths.

Mrs. Luo's husband was so worried that he almost cried.Although his pastry shop has a good business, it only earns four or five taels of silver a month after deducting the shop rent and labor.If we pay another four taels, this month will not only be done in vain, but also lose money.

"Fourth Master, look at my small business. If you pay two taels, you won't have money to eat. If you pay four taels, it will kill us. I hope you have a lot of money, fourth master, so you can forgive us."

"Okay," Chen Si smiled maliciously, and pointed to Mrs. Luo behind him: "As long as you are willing to accompany me for a night, I don't want these two taels."

There was hatred in Lady Luo's eyes. This person repeatedly provoked her and teased her with vicious words. I really couldn't bear it!

She picked up a tray of freshly steamed sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, and covered Chen Si's head with her pocket.

The sweet-scented osmanthus cake was just out of the pan, and it was steaming very hot.Chen Si didn't expect her to have such courage, so he was caught off guard and covered his face.

"Ah! Ah, it's hot!" Chen Si yelled while covering his face.The subordinates who followed him also shook their hands and feet, and hurried forward to check.

Lady Luo picked up a rolling pin, rushed out from the counter, and beat Chen Si and the others violently.

When her husband saw it, he knew the situation was irreversible, and rushed out with a poker in his hand.He has endured Chen Si's nonsense to Mrs. Luo for a long time.May I ask which man can endure such humiliation?
At this time, his blood was surging, and he didn't care about the consequences of offending Chen Si's gang behind him, so he beat him first.

The sudden change of the situation made Tu Manfen dumbfounded.She never thought that Mrs. Ning, who was talking to Mr. Ning with a smile just now, would be so tough.

Mr. Ning sighed in his heart.Mrs. Luo still has the fiery temper of the past, trying to have fun for a while, not wanting to have endless troubles in the future.

All the people watched the excitement, and kicked a few times to vent their anger from time to time.These are all neighbors nearby, who hasn't been bullied by these hooligans?Anyway, there are so many people here, who knows that I have also made a trip.

Just as the crowd was beating the dog in the water, a group of black-clothed catchers, with water and fire sticks in their hands, parted the crowd and asked, "What's the matter?"

When everyone saw the uniform waist tags on their bodies, they all shuddered.

There are many yamen in Beijing, but only a few have the power to arrest them.One Jingzhao Mansion, one Xiaoqiwei, one Criminal Department, and one Dali Temple.

Dali Temple seldom cares about ordinary people's affairs, and the yamen servants in Jingzhao Mansion are all children who grew up in Beijing, so the common people are not very afraid.

The Xiaoqiwei acted resolutely and sternly. I heard that everyone who was sent to prison would not come out whole.Even if the case is solidly proved, the common people will naturally feel more fearful due to the brutal methods.

And the arrest of the criminal department was just a decoration in the past.Until he was transferred to Wang Leyu's subordinates, his style suddenly became fierce.

And what appeared in front of them at this time was the arresting officer who belonged to the Ministry of Punishment.

The chilling black-clothed policeman appeared in front of everyone, and the atmosphere was condensed.Everyone stopped their hands together, Lady Luo gave Chen Si a few more sticks unwillingly, then threw away the rolling pin in her hand, tied her hands and said: "The woman told the official that this person has come to blackmail the door repeatedly and uttered evil words. The woman is angry. However, a moment of anger came out."

Chen Si and the few scoundrels he brought were beaten to the ground and screamed.Among them, Chen Si was the worst, his head and face were scalded by the freshly baked sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and he looked bloody and bloody.

The leading policeman in black couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, he had never seen a ruffian beaten up like this.The proprietress is too tough!

Looking around, he asked, "Is there anyone to testify for you?"

Wherever his eyes made contact, everyone's gazes were avoided.It's one thing to beat a dog in the water, but to confront him on the spot, he can't help but think about his own life.

Mrs. Luo's husband sighed inwardly, and knelt down covering his face.It's over!
In a moment of joy, he was caught by the police of the Criminal Department.And no one is willing to testify, how can such a humble man like him go to court with a powerful gang?

Mrs. Luo poked her neck, put her hands forward, and said with emotion: "I did this, sir, just arrest me and go back!"

"My lady!" Her husband protected her behind him, bowed to the policeman and said, "My lord, she is a woman, how can she beat these people? It was all done by grass-roots people, you arrest me and go back."

He had an ordinary and dull face, before Tu Manfen was still muttering in his heart, thinking that Mrs. Luo was a flower stuck in cow dung.

(End of this chapter)

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