Chapter 728

Sun Zhitao waited very gracefully, and only after all the girls had almost robbed each other, he stepped into the door.

Under the guidance of the matchmaker, the two took a red Ruyi knot silk satin together, and bid farewell to the high hall at the wedding hall.

Liu Bocheng looked happy, but the content of the lecture was strict: "When you come to your husband's house, you should obey women's virtues, women's appearance, women's work, and women's words, and don't be jealous or gossip. Go!"

Mrs. Liu will be more emotional, "When you go to your husband's house, you should serve your in-laws wholeheartedly and spread the branches and leaves for the Sun family. You are well..." At the end, her voice couldn't help but choke.

Liu Nan's figure swayed slightly, and she called out in a low voice: "Mother!" All the reluctance to give up, all turned into this emotional call.

Looking out from under her red veil, she could only see the hem of her mother's dress.Sadness came from it for a while, and my frail body couldn't bear the pain of parting, and trembled slightly.

At this moment, Sun Zhitao stretched out his hand to hold her arm, and said in a low voice, "In three days, I will accompany you back to see mother."

Feeling the power coming from his hand, Liu Nan calmed down, blushing and whispering in response.

Supported by Dr. Tu, Tu Shanchang stood among the crowd watching the ceremony, looking at Sun Zhitao with a smile on his face.

This student, with a calm mind and a well-organized chest, is someone he is optimistic about.Given time, it will become a great weapon.It's a pity that the great-granddaughter has nothing to do with him.

Seeing that he can forge a good relationship at this time, Tu Shanchang is also happy for him.

This time I went down the mountain, in addition to looking at the past of the disciple, I also wanted to see if this child was lucky.

Sun Zhitao can take care of Liu Nan's feelings, but in Tu Shanchang's opinion, it is good.It's hard for a young man to think clearly, Tu Shanchang nodded slightly and smiled.

Sun Zhitao felt the eyes falling on him, followed his gaze, and saw Tu Shan's loving eyes and smile.

It turns out that even if he can't be the great-grandson-in-law of the mountain leader, does the old man still pay attention to him silently?Sun Zhitao was moved and nodded his thanks.


The Sun family in Zeshanfang is also decorated with lanterns and festoons today.The servants all put on new clothes, and everyone was busy and happy.

It's just that although Sun Zhitao is the number one scholar, Sun Renjian is just a local county magistrate with little reputation in Beijing, and the guests who come are far inferior to Shangshu's mansion.

In addition to the neighbors in the neighborhood, members of the Sun family, disciples, and old friends congratulated him, as well as Sun Zhitao's connections: the same year, classmates, and the same subject.

At a glance, it is full of scholars in straight suits, it can be said that there are a lot of young talents.

Looking at the room full of scholars, Sun Renjian's mind became active again.Don't look at the status of these people is not obvious now, it's because they just entered the official career.Given time, who said there wouldn't be a few important court officials among them?

If he could deepen his friendship with them at this time, it would surely be of some help to his future official career.However, the news of his resignation while taking advantage of the danger of the Xu family has already spread. Although he was eager to talk, he was always left alone by everyone.

After going back and forth, he finally understood.These people came for Sun Zhitao, and he couldn't get any benefit from it.

After thinking about it, his face darkened.This son was raised for nothing!I can't rely on it at all, and I still have to rely on myself in the end.

"Master, don't show your displeasure on your face." Mrs. Sun said sarcastically, "Your daughter-in-law is Liu Shangshu's daughter-in-law. If you are like this, do you mean you are dissatisfied with this marriage?"

Ever since the husband and wife had a big fight last time, Mrs. Sun looked down on him even more.At this time, the reminder was only for the sake of my son's face.

Sun Renjian is an official fan, and Mrs. Sun's words are tantamount to pinching him seven inches.

He hurriedly laughed and said: "Madam is right. I was just thinking about other things and lost my mind for a moment. How could I be dissatisfied with such a good marriage?"

That's right, my son married Liu Shangshu's legitimate daughter.No matter how much he thinks he is not pleasing to the eye, for the sake of my uncle's face, he will promote himself one or two times.

Sun Renjian had run into a wall with Liu Shangshu, and thought that after getting married, he would be able to find a real job in Beijing no matter what.Unexpectedly, Liu Shangshu didn't want to see him at all, and now he has adjusted his goal to become a magistrate in a wealthy state.

The boisterous sound of chui chui da da was getting closer and closer, and the servants came to report the good news one by one.

"The young master shot at the sedan chair door, and the bride is getting off the sedan chair!"

"Step over the brazier and come inside!"


Sun Renjian and Mrs. Sun corrected their expressions and sat upright in the Xitang.No matter what is going on between husband and wife in private, the moment is always one.

The daughter-in-law has just entered the door. At this time, she must not lose face as a father-in-law.

Sun Zhitao held the bright red Ruyi knot satin in his hand, and after just two steps, he was the tall and slender bride.She was covered with a red hijab, but everyone could still guess what a beautiful woman she was through this touching demeanor.

Good son and good daughter-in-law!Sun Renjian nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the pair of Bi people in front of her, Mrs. Sun felt a little bitter in her heart while she was happy.Her son really has deep affection for Xu Wan, and she knows it all too well.

The two met when they were young, but they broke off their engagement after the Xu family was changed.But even so, Sun Zhitao never gave up.Back then he specially went to Beijing to study in middle school, Mrs. Sun knew it well, it was also because Xu Wanzhen was in the capital.

What happened in the capital, Sun Zhitao kept silent, and it was inconvenient for Mrs. Sun to ask.All I know is that after he returned to Suzhou, he was unusually taciturn.Apart from studying day and night, he hardly left the house, and there was no smile on his face.

Until the number one scholar in high school married the daughter of the Liu family's concubine, Mrs. Sun did not experience any great surprise from him.It seems that these hard-to-find happy events are not on his mind.

I hope that after this daughter-in-law enters the door, he can really let go of the past and have children with Miss Liu's family.

"One bow to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall, and husband and wife bow to each other!"

Mrs. Sun came to her senses, looking at the two people bowing in front of her, a flash of relief flashed in her heart.After getting married and starting a business, the son now has both.The days to come should be even better.

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

Liu Nan sat in the new house, waiting shyly in her heart.Before she was made to wait any longer, she saw a slender and steady hand holding on to the scale to lift off her red hijab.

There was a burst of praise in the room: "What a handsome bride!" "Blessed is the groom." These are the young daughters-in-law from the Sun family who came to accompany the bride.

Everywhere she could see was festive red, she was too ashamed to look up.The matchmaker spoke auspicious words, tied hair for them, and the two drank the wine together. The masculine breath so close at hand made Liu Nan forget the pain of leaving home.

Sun Zhitao spoke softly, and said: "You rest first, let the servant girl bring you some cakes to cushion your stomach."

Liu Nan nodded submissively. At this time, the groom naturally wanted to go out to greet the guests.

(End of this chapter)

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