Chapter 655 Fresh
After about half an hour, Sang Zi heard the movement and stopped for a while.After waiting for a while, he took the medicine and knocked on the door.

Wu Zhengxiang's voice came from the room: "Come in."

Sang Zi took the medicine, walked in without looking sideways, and put the medicine for avoiding children on the table.Respectfully said: "I'll bring the hot water."

Wu Zhengxiang said: "Go."

After she retreated, Wu Zhengxiang stood up and took the soup, helped Xu Wanzhen who was limp and weak, and brought it himself to feed her.

Xu Wanzhen felt ashamed and embarrassed, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to pinch the tender flesh on his waist.Don't just hold back for a few days, just toss like this.Now that the maids know about it, how can she see people in the future?

Wu Zhengxiang frowned, and the bowl in his hand was held firmly without even a ripple.If she likes to pinch, let her pinch it, it's right to treat it as the little fun between husband and wife.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Xu Wanzhen had no choice but to let go, and obediently drank the medicine.

Sangzi and Qingluo had brought in hot water and poured it into the bathtub.Knowing Xu Wan's true temperament, she doesn't like to have others around at this time.The two closed the door and waited outside.

After hearing that Wu Zhengxiang carried her to clean the room, the two of them entered the room.With his hands and feet, he quickly removed the stained and sweaty bedding, took out the clean bedding from the cage and re-laid it, tidied it up again, and then quietly retreated out.

Xu Wanzhen snuggled into Wu Zhengxiang's arms weakly, allowing him to carry her into the bathtub, and took Solo to scrub herself.She was so tired that she didn't want to move a fingertip, and her eyelids were also clenched.

After cleaning up, she had already fallen asleep relying on Wu Zhengxiang's arm.

After wiping off the water stains, he took the large towel that was on the shelf, wrapped her up and carried her back to sleep.Lying on one side, holding her in his arms, smelling the cold fragrance from his nose, Wu Zhengxiang's eyes lit up without a trace of sleepiness.

He was thinking about the big event that had been agreed during the day.Maybe it was because he finally got the result he wanted, and his spirit was always in a state of excitement, so he couldn't hold back against Xu Wanzhen.

The Wu family has come under King Qi's command, this is only the first step.If you want King Baoqi to ascend the throne, there are still many things to do next.Combined with the information in his hands, he thought about a few more cases before falling into a deep sleep.


When Xu Wanzhen opened her eyes, Wu Zhengxiang had already left.

He must be planning some big event these few days, Xu Wanzhen thought lazily in her heart.After moving a little, I only felt that my legs were sore and my limbs lacked strength.Remembering his madness last night, his face burned like fire, and he had to bury his head in the brocade quilt.

Cai Si came in lightly and called out: "Young Madam, can the maid bring hot water to wash you?"

Xu Wanzhen answered in the quilt sullenly.Although I didn't watch it more, it must be getting late.If you don't get up again, it's really a big joke.

After grooming and washing, she only changed into a half-new crimson-colored uniform, and tied her hair loosely in a bun without hairpins. Xu Wanzhen lazily leaned on the chair and didn't want to get up.She tossed so hard last night that even the tip of her finger is weak now.

"Young Madam, why don't you just have breakfast in the room?" Cai Si saw that she didn't want to move, and asked thoughtfully.

Xu Wanzhen nodded, Wu Zhengxiang went out, and she didn't bother to move to Xici Room alone.

"Cousin, is breakfast ready?"

"Bai Yao just came to report the young lady's words. Miss Biao had breakfast and just took the medicine."

"I asked Bai Yao to take care of my cousin, do you think she can do her best?"

Caisi thought for a while and said, "She does things properly and has good rules. It's better than the silver screen next to Miss Biao." After all, Bai Yao came out of the palace. place?

Xu Wanzhen nodded and said: "When this period of time passes, let her come into the room to take care of my hairpins, rings, clothes and quilts." This is the person who was rewarded by the Empress Dowager, and she did not make a mistake, and it is enough to hang out these days .You can't always use her as a second-class maid, wouldn't it be a disappointment to the empress dowager's kindness.

After breakfast, I heard Tu Manzhen walking briskly into the yard.

"How is sister today? Did you take your medicine on time?" She came in with a series of questions.

"I just took the medicine. I was going to visit her. You are here." Xu Wanzhen chuckled.

"Cousin Wanzhen thinks I'm annoying? Even if you hate me, I have the cheek to rely on you to eat and drink for free." Tu Manzhen hugged her arm like a rogue.

Xu Wanzhen laughed, and said: "If you marry a rascal, then you become a rascal. When have I despised you?"

"Whether you don't like it or not, I'm relying on you!" The two of them came to the East Wing and talked with Tu Manfen while they were talking.

"I think my cousin is doing well, so I'll invite Imperial Physician Lu to come tomorrow. Maybe the fetal image is stable." Xu Wanzhen said, at this moment she missed Su Liangzhi: "If my little uncle was here, there would be no such trouble. "


Su Liangzhi, whom she was talking about, was riding a horse at this time, and beside her was Princess Chunhe, who was riding with her and dressed as a man.

The two of them drove lightly, and the luggage servants were placed in the inn.At this time, I only brought a few guards of Xiaoqiwei to a village not far away to buy a kind of medicinal material called Dendrobium candidum that is abundant there.

The route they travel is not aimless.Those who stopped along the way either had special medicinal materials or different scenery.After all, he was with Princess Chunhe, and Su Liangzhi didn't completely regard this trip as a medical practice tour, and had to take care of her mood.

This Cishui village is rich in Dendrobium officinale.The stem of Dendrobium can be used as medicine, which can benefit the stomach and promote body fluid, nourish yin and clear away heat, especially suitable for elderly women with weak spleen and stomach.In the whole world, the geographical environment of this Cishui village is the most suitable for its growth, and the medicinal materials it produces have the best medicinal properties.

Su Liangzhi planned to buy some more and go back to prepare them. If the Empress Dowager Xiao uses them well, she can designate them to buy them here in the future.

The two rode their horses and ran along the official road, full of vigor.

Although the official road is maintained by the people of the station all the year round, the loess is unavoidable where the horseshoes pass, and the mouths and noses of the two are covered with face towels to prevent dust.

But the eyes of the two were full of joyful smiles, and they didn't feel hard at all.For Princess Chunhe, those ten years of growing up inside the exquisite palace walls are like a fantasy dream, although beautiful, it has no meaning.

After marrying Su Liangzhi, she studied medicine, made medicine and prescribed prescriptions by herself.Seeing the sense of accomplishment of the patient when he took the medicine, and the gratitude after recovering from the illness.

Even though this kind of life is hard, there is no fixed place to live.Sometimes, they will sleep in the wild because they missed the head.But with his beloved by his side, what he does is to cure diseases and save lives, which makes Chunhe Princess full of energy.

Every day now is new to her and has new goals.

(End of this chapter)

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