Red makeup against the world

Chapter 1025 The Peak Showdown

Chapter 1025 The Peak Showdown
First, they used the news of the current emperor's death as bait to lure King Ruyang and Wei Mingchen to put all their cards into a desperate game.

Immediately afterwards, he used the Queen and the Crown Prince as bait to lure Concubine Zheng to make a move and Wei Mingchen to enter the palace.Just when he thought he was sure of winning, he gave a fatal blow.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes, and laughed wildly.

"I lost. I didn't expect that the two generations of us, father and son, could not be counted as you, and were defeated by the same hand." He suddenly widened his eyes and asked, "Then Wei Ming's rebellion, you also knew in advance? "

Wu Zhengxiang shook his head, and said, "Wei Ming's move was indeed beyond our expectations."

"Finally, there is still something unexpected for you." He let out a long breath.

"However, before that, the emperor has sent envoys to the armies in advance to carry the military talismans, and they are paying close attention to the movements of the capital."

Wu Zhengxiang smiled and said: "Wei Ming's rebellion is such a big event, the imperial envoys from all walks of life should have taken out the imperial edict soldier amulets long ago. Counting the days, at most the reinforcements will arrive tomorrow."

This is truly a no-brainer!
Although Emperor Qinglong didn't count Wei Ming's rebellion in advance, he laid the groundwork ahead of time, so he was calm at this time.

It was as if Wei Mingchen had been hit in the chest by a heavy hammer suddenly, and he spat out blood from his heart with a "poof".His expression suddenly became sluggish, and he could no longer find the slightest trace of his former demeanor.

After completely defeating him, Emperor Qinglong was extremely happy.

This feeling, this joy of victory, has not been felt for a long time.Thinking about it carefully, it must have been the day when he successfully ascended to the throne of God ten years ago that he had such extreme joy.

This sense of conquest is the bliss of the world.

"Take them down and take them to the prison. After King Ruyang is caught, we will be executed together." Emperor Qinglong ordered.

The prince watched the matter from him to the end.

Last night, when he was in despair, he was quietly rescued by the shadow guards, and then he took the antidote together with Empress Cao.After a short rest, he came to the Xuanzheng Hall and saw his father who was thought to have passed away.

At that time, he was no less shocked than Wei Mingchen.

He also had one more worry than Wei Mingchen, worried that his performance would not satisfy him during the period of his father's suspended animation.

Fortunately, Emperor Qinglong encouraged him to be calm in the face of danger, so he slowly stabilized his mind.

But after watching the battle of wits and courage in front of him, his palms were dripping with sweat.

With his sick and weak body, his father had laid such a huge net.As the prince of the country who watches the government every day and handles various government affairs, he didn't notice it at all.

Could there be such a big gap between myself and my father?
Even after watching this peak duel of high IQ, he still didn't understand something.And Wu Zhengxiang was able to cooperate so tacitly with his father.

Moreover, in Wu Zhengxiang's heart, there is no loyalty to him at all.Seeing Concubine Zheng attacking them, she had no intention of helping them at all.They had to wait until Wei Mingchen entered the hub before rescuing them.

Could it be that he never thought about what if Wei Mingchen wanted to kill him and his mother in advance to vent his anger?

Wu Zhengxiang is smart and skilled in martial arts, and he has no awe of him.Such a person made the crown prince's thoughts on him change from being jealous to someone who must be eliminated.

Emperor Qinglong coughed violently, pulling the prince back from his distant thoughts.

Empress Cao had already come to the emperor, and asked with concern: "Your Majesty, how do you feel?"

Emperor Qinglong laughed while coughing, beckoning Su Liangzhi to come forward.

Holding the silver needle in his hand, Su Liangzhi slowly twisted it into the two acupuncture points on his back to stabilize his cough.

"Huaying, in this life, I am sorry for you. In the next life, I will give it back to you." At this time, Emperor Qinglong no longer called himself I, but as the husband of Empress Cao.

Empress Cao looked at Su Liangzhi sternly, and asked sharply, "How is your majesty's condition?"

Su Liangzhi felt bitter in his mouth, and said: "My empress, the emperor is already exhausted. Taking the medicine of feigning death is just to suppress the illness. When I wake up this morning, this is the last day of my life."

Unlike other imperial physicians, he was taboo about the emperor's sick leave.His status as a son-in-law and the gold medal for avoiding death made him dare to speak out.

These words made it very clear that Emperor Qinglong would not survive today.

Empress Cao let out a mournful cry, and tightly held Emperor Qinglong's hand, all the moments from the past flooded into her mind.The man in front of him may never have loved her at all, but he is closely entangled with her fate.

Her tears flowed silently.

"Hua Ying don't cry, people are mortal." And he defeated the last great enemy, from then on, the government and the people are clear, the sea is clear and the river is clear, and he died well.

Emperor Qinglong stroked his shoulder comfortingly, raised his head, and restored the dignity of the emperor.

"Pass the decree to order Zhu Zihou, Fan Hanlin, and Nei Changshi to have an audience immediately after writing the Chinese book."

Zhu Zihou is the prime minister of the current dynasty, and he is also in charge of the largest power organization among the civil servants-Zhongshu Sheng.At this time, Emperor Qinglong did not mention the prime minister, but specifically called him Zhongshuling.

Fan Hanlin is a bachelor of Imperial Academy.The rank is not high, and those who enter the Imperial Academy are all talented and well-educated people.He walked in front of the imperial court, specializing in drafting imperial edicts.

Nei Changshi is the eunuch in charge of the Nei Changshi, who is in charge of conveying the imperial edict.

Wu Guangqi, Emperor Qinglong's most trusted confidant, also served as eunuch in charge of seals.

Seeing that his lifespan had come to an end, these four important figures gathered in the Xuanzheng Hall with only one purpose: to draft a will.

Seeing this situation, Wu Zhengxiang wanted to salute and leave.

Emperor Qinglong's remaining lifespan is not long, and after the arrival of the ministers, the emperor's family will have no chance to speak.Wu Zhengxiang wanted to leave this time to their family.

Emperor Qinglong saw what he meant, and said: "Yizhi just wait outside for a while, and come in together when they are all here."

The way he looked at Wu Zhengxiang was as kind as looking at his own nephew.In the battle that just passed, he fought side by side with Wu Zhengxiang, putting life and death in his hands.

As it turned out, he was right.

It's a pity, it's a pity that he is dying, and I can no longer protect him.

Wu Zhengxiang responded in a deep voice, and respectfully bid farewell to the empress and prince.

He stood in front of the hall, looking at the golden rays of the warm winter sun, all kinds of emotions stirred in his heart, and his thoughts became a mess.

Sometimes he thinks about Emperor Qinglong who trusts him in every possible way in the palace, feeling sad that his life has come to an end; sometimes he thinks about Xu Wanzhen in Songzhou, he knows Wei Mingchen's methods clearly, he wants Xu Wanzhen's life, she really Can you escape?
She is still pregnant with a child, although she does not have symptoms such as nausea, but after all, it is not as convenient as ordinary people.Even if she manages to escape this catastrophe, she will suffer.

He let out a long sigh in his heart, worried.He wished he could fly to her side and confirm her safety with his own eyes.

 Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the sachet, and thanks to "Zi Xiang Jun Zhe" for the valuable monthly ticket ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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