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Chapter 181 Talking About Cooperation

Chapter 181 Talking About Cooperation (Part [-])
A carriage came out of Chang'an and slowly drove towards a small village on the outskirts of Beijing. When the people in the village saw the carriage coming in, they all stopped their work.

"We don't welcome outsiders in our village! Leave immediately!"

When Fang came to the entrance of the village, the carriage was stopped by a few farmers-like people. They were very unfriendly, holding various weapons such as heads, sickles, and hatchets.

The old coachman stopped the carriage with a veiled cap on his head.A hand stretched out from the carriage, opened the curtain, and handed out a token with the Immortal Grass logo.

Immediately, a group of farmers shrank their pupils and bowed to back away. They didn't even dare to speak, so they stepped out of the way.

"Drive!" The coachman drove the carriage and walked into the village. Under the guidance of the people in the carriage, he went directly to a small courtyard.

"Meng Feng (Hong Yangbo) welcomes you, Young Master." Two of Ye Cao's confidantes came to greet him. Ye Cao got out of the carriage first, followed by Shen Yue and the ninth master who was on crutches. (Although Jiuye can move his legs, he still can't walk.)
For the past few days, Meng Feng has been staying with Hong Yangbo in this small courtyard. Although the area of ​​the small courtyard is small, there is a hidden cave underground.

It used to be the place where the Chang'an branch trained apprentices. Ye Cao ordered Hong Yangbo to rebuild it, and now it has become a secret glass factory.

The employees in the factory are cheap slaves bought, and the villagers who blocked the way before are peripheral members of the death camp.

In order to protect intellectual property rights, it is impossible for slaves to leave the village in their lifetime, and the village does not allow any unrelated people to approach.

As soon as you enter the ground, you can see shirtless slaves and supervisors with whips. They each perform their duties, and the whole factory is in full swing.

"Young master, the factory is already operating normally. If it is fully fired, it can produce more than 100 pieces of glazed objects a day." Hong Yangbo introduced.

"Okay, take us to the warehouse."

A batch of things have been made in the warehouse, and they are placed on the shelves, before the dust has had time to settle from the drift.

"Wow, so beautiful." Shen Yue sighed.

Ever since she was a child, she had never seen so many colored glazes.No, to be precise, she has never even seen Liuli.I didn't expect to see so many for the first time, especially with so many candlelights, not to mention how romantic it is.

"Jiuye, what do you think?" Ye Cao asked Jiuye with a smile.

Only then did Master Jiu wake up from the shock, and said: "Sir, you are really a genius, you can actually make so many colored glazes in batches."

"I never lie." Ye Cao still said the same thing.

Leaning on crutches, Jiu Ye walked through the warehouse, looking at every glazed utensil one by one.

"Yue'er, get out of the way." Jiu Ye smiled and said to Shen Yue, Shen Yue did not doubt that he was there, so she took two steps back.

"Bang Dang! Bang Dang! Crack! Crack!"

But seeing Master Jiu lift up his crutch and sweep it left and right, up and down, all the glazed utensils on the row of shelves fell to the ground and turned into a pile of fragments.

"Master Jiu, what are you doing?"

Ye Cao, Shen Yue, Meng Feng, Hong Yangbo, and Shi Bo all looked puzzled. These are priceless treasures, so they were ruined like this?
"Kacha, Kacha..." Leaning on crutches, Master Jiu stepped over the shards of colored glass and came in front of Yecao.

"Do you believe me?" Master Jiu looked into Ye Cao's eyes with a smile.

"I believe." Ye Cao said so, her eyes were full of trust, but she said in her heart: "I believe you to a ghost, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I will kill you."

"The reason why He's Bi is invaluable is because it is only one piece. Although the glazed vessels are beautiful, if there are thousands of them, what is the value?" Jiu Ye said.

Ye Cao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slyly and said, "Master Jiu, you are really a profiteer."

"To each other, to each other." Jiu Ye and Ye Cao complimented each other, Meng Feng and Hong Yangbo dared not say more, Shi Bo also stayed aside, but Shen Yue didn't care.

"But why did you smash up the better quality ones and leave these poor quality ones?" Shen Yue pointed at the shelves.

The glazed wares on the shelves are differentiated, those that are crystal clear are placed on the right, those that are yellowish are placed on the left, and the ones that Jiu Ye smashed just now are the exquisite ones on the right.

"It is necessary to compare good and bad," Ye Cao explained on his behalf: "Luxury goods are a symbol of status. Everyone has poor-quality glassware, but the glassware in my hand is exquisite and clear, which shows my status."

"People in high positions regard money as dung, but regard face as life."

"Oh—" Shen Yue said, she probably understood, even if she didn't understand, she could ask Master Jiu after returning home.

"Young master, what is the future direction of our factory's production?" Hong Yangbo, as the factory manager, was a little confused about how the production line would work in the future.

"Operate as usual, sell large batches of poor quality, pick the best one to keep, the rest will be smashed."

"The glassware with the best quality is the 'Liu Li Kui', and one is selected every year. Whoever blows out the Liu Li Kui will be allowed to be a wife."

Ye Cao made a decision on the spot. In fact, if it was not for the lack of money in the camp, the poor quality would not need to be sold.

The luxury business is: do not open for a year, but open for a year.

"Sure." Master Jiu said yes, and then said: "Let's talk about the division of accounts."

"Master Jiu said first." It was the first time for Ye Cao to do business with others, so let's listen to what Master Jiu had to say.

"Four to six points, I am four and you are six."

"Sure." Ye Cao also replied with one word.

"Hahaha... Happy cooperation." The two smiled knowingly, Ye Cao felt like he had found a partner, Master Jiu was a good partner.

But even a partner can't help it.

"Come out." Following Ye Cao's deep voice, a middle-aged man in black robe came in from the door. He had been there for a long time, but no one noticed him from the beginning to the end.

"Young master." The middle-aged man only saluted Ye Cao.

His name is 'Wang Chuan', and he is the deputy head of the Death Camp. He was originally the head of the Yincheng branch. His strength has reached the peak of the eighth rank. Nine products.

Ye Cao also abided by the previous agreement and promoted him to be the deputy head of the battalion.Because the skill he practiced before was the assassination technique, he has a unique ability to hide his ability.

"Old Wang, you will be responsible for protecting Jiuye from now on, he is our money bag, there must be no mistakes." Ye Cao ordered.

"My subordinates obey." Wang Chuan took the order.

"Mr. Ye..." Uncle Shi immediately became unhappy.It's fine to question his inability to protect Master Jiu, but now that he has such a person here, it's obviously surveillance.

"Uncle Shi," Master Jiu stopped Shi Bo, and said to Ye Cao with a smile, "Mr. Ye, since the business has been concluded, we will take our leave."

"Okay, I'll see you off, this way please." Ye Cao smiled and sent Jiu Ye and the others away, and Jiu Ye's reaction also satisfied him.

Master Jiu is indeed a smart person, knowing that even if he did not send someone to watch him publicly, he would send someone to watch him secretly, so now he directly told Wang Chuan, which is already a great sincerity.

Master Jiu's evaluation of Ye Cao is: Although he has a villain's heart, he is also upright.

As he said: I never lie.

(End of this chapter)

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