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Chapter 108 The Sky-high Price Answer

Chapter 108 The Sky-high Price Answer
The reception envoy, that is, the young man in brown who received Yecao, soon came to the secret room.

"Who is this person, and what are their features?" asked the old Pavilion Master.

"This man is seven feet tall, with a mask covering his face, plain clothes, slender fingers, and a thick voice." The reception messenger reported.

"Mask? Draw it." The old pavilion master pointed to the table and asked him to draw the mask.

The reception envoy came in front of the table, and after closing his eyes to recall, he quickly drew the appearance of the golden mask on the paper.

"Golden masked general!" The old pavilion master immediately recognized the mask.

"You go down." The old pavilion master waved his hand and sent the reception envoy down.

"Pavilion Master, is this the Nihuang County Master?" the supervisor asked.

"To be precise, she came here instead of the princess. She must have discovered something, so she asked this question. It seems that we, the princess, should not be underestimated." The old pavilion master said.

"Nie Duo leaked the news?" the supervisor asked.

"It should be some leaks, but it won't leak the secret, otherwise there wouldn't be such a question." The old pavilion master is really unparalleled in wisdom.

"Then the answer?" the supervisor asked, they opened the door of Langya Pavilion to do business, not to mention knowing the correct answer, which is a bit embarrassing.

The old pavilion master thought for a while, wrote a few words on a piece of paper, dried the ink, and handed it to the supervisor: "Three days later, let this person come and go, the Mu Palace will really be a big help."

"Yes." The supervisor took the note and went down.

As for Lin Chen receiving a letter from Fei Ge from his hometown, he did not make the matter public, but directly burned the letter.

With Mei Changsu's character, naturally he would not hope that Nihuang knew that Lin Shu was still alive.But what Mei Changsu is doing now is too dangerous, the more help he has, the more chances he will win.

Whether it is from the perspective of personal feelings or the interests of Langya Pavilion, Lin Chen hopes that Mei Changsu can fulfill his wish.

The weakest prince succeeds in seizing the heir apparent, which sounds very passionate, but it also means that he is not strong enough and has no wings.

As long as there are still many powerful people, Langya Pavilion will continue to prosper.

The Red Flame Army back then was really invincible.

Three days later, Ye Cao also dressed up and came to Langya Mountain, took out a piece of paper from the same wooden grid, and saw the same four words "Phoenix One" written on it.

Ye Cao smiled knowingly and went down the mountain.

He couldn't pay the reward, but he already knew the answer: Lin Shu is still alive, and Mei Changsu is Lin Shu.

The phoenix only exists in myths and legends, and does not exist at all. The price of this answer can be described as sky-high, and no one in the world can afford it.

But since Langya Pavilion offered a price, it means that Lin Shu is still alive.Because everyone knows that Lin Shu, the Marshal of the Red Flame Army, died in Meiling.

If it was true that Lin Shu buried his bones in Meiling, then the price of this answer would be a copper coin, but Langya Pavilion offered a sky-high price, so it can be seen that Langya Pavilion knew that Lin Shu was still alive.

Since Lin Shu is alive, Mei Changsu who leads the Jiangzuo League formed by the remnants of the Red Flame Army is Lin Shu. (no problem ha)

So, why did the old pavilion master write about the price of 'a phoenix'?

Bright Wrist: I know you are sent by Prince Mu's Mansion, and I know you are Frost Cold Sword Leaf Grass.

Cut, if Yecao didn't let you know on purpose, you know a hammer.

In this regard, the two parties tacitly know each other.

Ye Cao was about to send a letter back to Yunnan to tell Nihuang that Lin Shu was Mei Changsu, but she received a letter from Nihuang first.

The letter said that Mu Qing was about to reach the age of sixteen, and Emperor Liang called him to Beijing to hold a coming-of-age ceremony for him, and second, to formally attack the king of Yunnan.

"Time flies so fast." Ye Cao sighed.

Unknowingly, ten years have passed, and the kid who snatched his clothes has grown up.

"Forget it, I'll also go to the capital and tell Nihuang the news in person."

Four days after Mei Changsu left for Jinling, Yecao also set off for Jinling. This trip was not only accompanied by Yiye, but also by Yotsuba.

Ten miles outside of Jinling, there is a town named 'Rhinoceros Town', Ye Cao and his party passed by this town.

"My lord, there are still ten miles to go. Let's go to the small shop ahead and have something to eat." Clover said.

"Yeah." It's past noon, and all the dry food and the like have been eaten, so it's time for something to eat.

This is a small town. Apart from a small tea shop selling snacks, there is only one small shop serving hot dishes and pasta. Clover walked in with Ye Cao.

There are three tables, a few benches, chopsticks tubes placed on the table, a few chopsticks inserted sparsely inside, and an inner courtyard, which is blocked from view by the door curtain.

"Is anyone there for dinner?" There was no one in the hall, so Clover called out, and Clover sat down on the stool that Yiye had wiped clean.

After waiting for about 1 minute, Yotsuba went into the inner courtyard to find someone before anyone came out.

"I'm sorry, I just washed in the yard, but I didn't hear it, and I didn't take care of it well." A woman came out of the inner courtyard with a smile on her face, holding a tray, a pot of water and three cups in her hand. .

After pouring three cups of tea, the woman asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Just what you are best at, for three people." Yotsuba didn't make things difficult, and she didn't order anything.

"Okay, I'll be here right away." The woman bowed slightly and walked into the inner courtyard.

"What a beautiful woman." Ye Cao commented on this woman, not because he likes her, but because this beautiful woman is extraordinary.

You must have been beautiful when you were young, that's why you still have the charm now.

The most important thing is that she has a graceful figure and a dignified manner, which is not like ordinary people, especially her hands are as white as jade.

"My lord, she is the fourth young lady from back then." Yiye actually recognized the identity of this woman.

The fourth girl may not be known to young people, but an 'aged' person like Ye Cao can be described as thunderous.

At that time, the fourth girl was born in a big brothel in Jinling, "Hongxiuzhao", and she was ranked third in Langya's list of beauties.

Unlike the list of masters that does not change all the year round, the list of beauties will be changed every two or three years. The fourth girl has also gradually faded out of people's sight.

The person who used to be the most gorgeous in the world did not expect to live in seclusion here and become the wife of a small shop owner.

In fact, the fourth girl had heard Clover's call for a long time, but she didn't want to show up, but Clover wanted to enter the inner courtyard, and the fourth girl had no choice but to come out with tea to entertain her.

Ye Cao recognized the fourth girl at a glance, and the fourth girl also recognized Ye Cao at a glance. In fact, Feng'er is so special that it is difficult to ignore it.

Although she lives here in seclusion, she still knows a little about the world, after all, she runs a restaurant.

"Guest officer, the food is here." Soon the food for Ye Cao and the others was delivered, not by the fourth girl, but by a middle-aged man.

The taste of the food was a bit unexpected, even more delicious than those in some big restaurants.

"Not bad." Ye Cao praised

"Just as long as you like my craftsmanship." The middle-aged man smiled, looking very simple and honest.

After the meal, Yecao continued on the road without disturbing the secluded life of the fourth girl.

Before he even arrived in Jinling, he received a message that "Princess Nihuang has a martial arts competition to recruit relatives".

"Sign up for me." Ye Cao said to Clover.

 And Chapter 3
(End of this chapter)

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