Chapter 399 Decoy
Mason looked at Agent Sitwell, smiled but said unquestionably: "I know what you want to say.

But the problem is, I didn't do anything in your dream. "

The bald agent wanted to say something, but suddenly felt drowsy.

This desire to sleep was so strong that he couldn't resist it.

He fell asleep on the table.

"What did you do to him?"

Daisy asked curiously, she didn't feel any trace of magic just now.

No ripple was felt either.

"When your spirit is strong enough, it will be like this."

Under Daisy's horrified eyes, she involuntarily gave birth to her own hand, and touched Mason's face "affectionately".

"You, what did you do to me?"

Daisy couldn't help asking, and then she felt that she had regained the right to use her body.

"Nothing, I controlled your body just now."

Mason said, "This is one of the ways to use mental power, and there are many other ways, which are very evil to say the least.

You will not like it. "

After Mason finished speaking, he said to Sitwell who was lying on the table: "Get up and leave, let go of your heart, and you will find that the nightmare will naturally disappear."

Although Agent Sitwell is asleep.

However, Mason's words would still enter his mind and sleep.

He will know all this.

Mason walked out of the house, and soon another Mason re-entered.

Daisy looked at the new Mason, not sure if he was the one in front.

The new Mason shrugged and said, "Relax girl, I'm gone.

You know, I have some insights recently.

Under this perception.

I think I should do something. "

Daisy frowned, she always felt that Mason was becoming dangerous again now.

In fact it is.

Next, Mason went to the Hand, to the various chaebols he was supposed to control.

More importantly, he made an extremely terrifying request.

Internal Audit.

For Mason, he actually didn't care much about internal picketing.

The emergence of moths is inevitable unless greed is completely eliminated.

Otherwise, what happens is normal.

But now he needs sin points, needs more sin points.

For this reason, it is also a good thing for him to find out these people.

Several days had passed after Mason had dealt with these matters.

The Avengers on Tony's side remained silent.

But Mason got the message.

Tony Stark's latest research report has been stolen.


Mason didn't expect that he was really a talent, and he was able to steal these materials from Stark Corporation, which is extremely security-heavy.

But Tony Stark's concerns are normal.

The first-hand information they obtained has been leaked.

Mason can get it, and the rest should too.

Just after he got the information, almost three hours later, Dr. Octopus called.

"Hey, maybe you want to come and see."

Mason came to Dr. Octopus's Hanmer Military Industry and saw Whiplock and Dr. Octopus.

Doctor Octopus is still so short, but now he looks more majestic.

Even the "octopus tentacles" behind him changed their shape.

"So, what can you do with me?"

Doctor Octopus retrieved the information with some joy.

Mason saw the message he saw three hours ago.

A short piece of information.

"You also got the information, take a closer look to see if there is any problem with it."

Hearing Mason's words, Doctor Octopus said in surprise, "Wait, you also got this thing?"

Mason handed him the information, and Doctor Octopus hesitated and said, "You think there is something wrong with it."


"Scott is an excellent security professional," Mason said.

Just don't underestimate Tony Stark and several excellent former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

They are all smart people.

When smart people suffer another loss, they always have different means.

For example, it's not like they can't do things like digging holes and burying soil.

Dear ones, never have a sense of moral expectation on some agents. "

Mason's words mean a lot.

"If that's the case, it's not like we can't tell the difference."

After he finished speaking, the two sat together again.

Mason looked at the whip and said, "How about it, didn't you go find Stark for revenge recently?"

"I'm going."

He pointed casually, and Mason saw a Mark-type battle armor appearing in front of him.

"That stupid bastard thinks his AI can do anything.

I took this armor and tried out my new whip lock design a little bit. "

Mason walked over and saw the scars on the armor.

They were all whipped out.

It can be seen that the whip behind the whip lock has been strengthened again.

Mason held out his hand.

He scratched it with his fingernail, making a scratch.

After about 3 minutes, the armor slowly healed.

"Something interesting."

Mason used his mental power a little bit, and quickly clenched a part of the armor into a ball.

"Both firmness and ductility have been greatly improved."

Mason said that he let go of his mental power and saw the armor returned to its original form.

"Have strong self-healing ability."

After all, Warframes have come a long way.

The problem is, it's still too fragile.

Whiplock's whip, which seems to prevent the frame from repairing itself, looks pretty good.

After Mason finished reading this, he turned his head and saw Doctor Octopus.

"With all due respect, I don't see a problem."

Dr. Octopus said, "I don't see a problem with the conjecture about cloaking technology.

If it has a trap, it will definitely appear after construction is complete.

If you are anxious about a model machine according to the above.

It costs a lot.

After a mistake, it will only lead to one thing, that is, all the preparations in the early stage will be wasted. "

Mason gave a "hmm", if this is really Tony's plan, it's normal to do so.

At this time, Mason received another call from another person.


The voice of the little spider came from over there, and he said with some embarrassment: "Sir, there are some things here that I can't understand.

I want to talk to you. "

Mason came to the building of Parker Industry again and saw the young president, Spiderman Parker.

Beside him is his girlfriend.

Gwen Stacy.

Mason glanced at her and said gently to her, "Gwen? Say hello to your father for me, the law and order in New York City is not good recently.

I think if he can be the mayor of New York City, then we good citizens will definitely be sheltered.

Is not it? "

Gwen didn't expect Mason to speak like this. She knew that the man in front of her was her boyfriend's life mentor. Sometimes, she even felt that Parker had a father-like feeling of dependence on the man in front of her.

This made her very curious about the people in front of her.

Regardless of whether Gwen understood him or not, Mason looked at Parker and said, "Okay, boy, tell me, what difficulties did you encounter?"

(End of this chapter)

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