Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 369 Dark Portal

Chapter 369 Dark Portal
Master Mordo knew that the young man in front of him was right. Mephisto was a famous liar and instigator.

Even Master Modu is afraid of the instigation and tongue of the demon monarch in front of him.

"I know he's Mephisto, and I want to know, who are you?

Whose arm is this? "

He said to Mason.

He didn't want to hear anything from Mephisto.

Because everything he said was a lie.

He didn't care about the few mortals inside, and these people obviously wouldn't cause any harm to him.

His danger always comes from these two people in front of him.

A very dangerous, but kind-faced Mephisto.

There was also a young man who looked dangerous.

He stared at the two people, Mason fell down on the sofa again, changed his posture and said, "Okay, I know what you want to say.

But I want to tell you.

I am not your enemy, this arm belongs to Thanos, Thanos you should know who it is!

I will protect it properly, I will not let him have problems.

Do you have any questions now?Are you going to look at Mephisto swaying in front of your eyes, and go to question an honest man like me? "

Master Modu looked at Mason, and summoned a whip with some uncertainty, and whipped it down the ground, tearing the carpet in half.

"Oh, young man, don't get excited."

Mephisto said immediately, and he said to Master Modu: "I'll go by myself, I just came up for a walk.

Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble.

But he is different, there are more than one dimensional door in his body, if it is really opened, I don't think you want to see this happen. "

After finishing speaking, Mephisto took a step towards the back, made a backward jumping motion, and immediately under his feet became an abyss.

He disappeared into the abyss.

The familiar smell of sandstorm and sulfur in hell filled the nostrils of everyone present.

Only Mason and Master Mordo remained here.

Master Modu still looked at Mason cautiously and said, "You are the only one who shouldn't appear here. Aren't you going back?"

Subconsciously, he felt that the man in front of him did not belong here.

To him, darkness is shameful.

He once proudly told Master Ancient One that in his future, Absolute and Dark will be irreconcilable.

Although for Mason, he felt that the child's thinking was too ideal. As an ideal child, after his ideals were shattered, his greatest possibility would be to blacken.

In fact, he was indeed blackened.

In the plot of Doctor Strange, the Master Mordo told the Ancient One confidently that he had subdued his inner demons.

His master, the wise Ancient One, said with a smile, no one can really subdue the demons.

He dismissed it.

So when he knew that his respected master, Mage Gu Yi, had accepted the power of the dark dimension without authorization to continue his life.

His mind fell apart.

After he and his junior brother Sturange confronted Dormammu, he saw his junior brother use the Eye of Agomodo unscrupulously.

He was completely blackened.

Became an enemy of Sturange.

It has to be said that whitewashing is three times weaker, and blackening is three times stronger.

At this time, like the old liar Mephisto said, there is no darkness in his eyes at all!
He looked at Mason, completely worried about this man.

Because a dark servant has already appeared beside the other party.

If it can be said that way, this servant of darkness looks very human. He appeared from the side of this person, and then stood upright, changing from a two-dimensional creature to a three-dimensional creature.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Master Modu felt that the two men and women behind were whispering.

Master Modu obviously didn't hear what they said, but he always felt that these people must have malicious intentions.

They want to kill him.

Even after killing him, they would use his body as an altar to sacrifice to those evil demon gods!
Even Master Modu subconsciously felt murderous, thinking that the people behind him were demons in human skin!
As for Daisy Lewis, Jane Foster, and Professor Eric, they all subconsciously felt that the person in front of them was unspeakably terrifying.

There was a ferocious smile on his face, and he looked at them with extremely fierce eyes, as if he was an addict who wanted to steal their money.

What the hell is going on with this man!

For a moment, Daisy also subconsciously moved her hand to her waist and found her own anti-wolf spray.

The same is true for Jane, except that behind her is a wonderful little device, a small lipstick-like device.

This thing comes from Parker Industries of Little Spider.

This kid found another way, the first bucket of gold was the female bodyguard, and then he aimed at all the women's wallets.

Many technologies for women's safety have been continuously input into the market through Parker Industries.

It's like this lipstick now.

This is the venom of the hornet, which may cause shock and death to others.

It's just that Parker is very smart to create an antidote on the other side.

If someone is allergic to Huizhou, just inject the serum from the other side of the lipstick into their body!
For Parker, this is not difficult.

When he puts all his thoughts on making money, making money is already a matter of course.

Especially since he has many friends.

What's even more rare is that these people are willing to help him!
What Jane is holding behind her back is the product of Parker Industries.

Professor Eric felt even more terrifying, he felt like he was about to suffocate.

The man in front of him definitely wanted to kill him.

Under such weird circumstances, the whole room turned into a stuffy powder keg, and it only needed a little spark to completely explode here.

What will happen at that time, no one will know.

Maybe they can't get out of here alone?
Maybe only Mason can get out of here alive?
Sweat dripped from Master Modu's head, and he could feel that the malice around him was getting worse and worse. In the end, it was about to attack him in substance.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and planned to do it!

Just when he abstracted the whip in his hand from someone else, another door opened beside him!

This time, all the fat kings came out.

These two people are not some extra characters, even in Kama Taj, the status of these two people is very high.

Especially Wang.

This chubby man is almost equivalent to the big housekeeper of the entire Karma Taj, many things and many people have to pass his hands.

His magic is also very solid, even in Karma Taj, it can be regarded as a minority.

When he came out, he looked anxious.

"Mo Du, stop your movements."

He said anxiously, Master Modu also stopped his movements and said, "King, why are you here?"

"If I don't come again, something big will happen."

Wang said that he was also unlucky. Originally, another demon escaped from hell above New York. After being discovered by Kama Taj, they dispatched people to deal with them.

But what they didn't expect was that Master Modu seemed to have sensed something, halfway out of the team, and came here.

After finally killing those demons, Wang found the obviously abnormal Master Modu.

Master Modu looked at Wang with an extremely strange look and said, "You took refuge in those bastards from the dark dimension?"

"What, when did I take refuge in the dark dimension?"

Wang felt a little confused. Everything Master Modu said seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He subconsciously looked at Mason.

He felt that the only person who could confuse Master Modu here was the young man in front of him.

Wang has been the butler of Karma Taj for so many years, and his strength is already very strong.

For the trinity Weishandi, even if Mason has completely polluted the world at this time, as long as they want to, they can also change the world.

They are so strong.

As long as they want, they can even take back their disciples from death or swallowing stars.

Master Modu attacked Wang angrily, but the angry Master Modu was no match for Wang at all. After subduing the hapless boy, he looked at Mason again!
Someone behind Mason seemed to open a door!

A door to darkness.

Inside the door, countless lights twisted and arranged in a way that the intelligent bodies in the banking system couldn't understand at all.

Even Wang felt a headache after seeing this thing and had to look away.

"Mason, what's the matter with you? If this is your trick, it can be over now!"

Mason didn't speak. Behind him, a black shadow like him crawled out of his body, looking greedily at the living souls in front of him.

Lord of the dead.

Wang glanced at this guy, and suddenly felt a chill.

What the hell is this.

Damn it!

Just when he was eager to do something, a person suddenly appeared here again.

She was covered in clothes from top to bottom, not even a little bit of skin was exposed. After seeing her, Wang took another step back.

He felt that he was still careless, and it seemed like a mistake to come here alone.

Just when he was thinking about calling someone directly, Alexstrasza, the red dragon queen who came, suddenly made a move, and a long and difficult dragon language appeared in her mouth.

The Lord of the Undead behind Mason still seemed to feel the danger, although he was extremely unwilling.

But he stepped back and became part of the shadow.

The Red Dragon Queen did so, and a heart appeared in her hand, and she stuffed the heart into Mason's chest cavity.

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom."

A group of three times is like beating a drum.

"The bumper worked."

Mason coughed a little, stood up and said.

For a moment just now, Mason thought that if he was here, especially at the end, he felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes behind him looking mercilessly at everything in front of him!
These eyes are extremely dangerous, but what makes Mason completely helpless is that there is no way for him to block the eyes behind him.

Perhaps the only good news is the arrival of his adopted daughter.

"That's a really good thing."

He got up from the ground and said with a long breath: "Thank you very much for coming here to help me clean up the mess, Wang.

I'm very grateful.

It's just that the trouble is over now, can you give me a little private time?Of course, welcome to visit me next time, Wang. "

Wang didn't speak. He knew that there was something wrong with the other party, but he knew that he really had no way to deal with this person!

He may not be Mason's opponent, and he knows that the ancient one knows something.

He knew the existence of the other party, and had his own consideration of Mason's existence.

As a disciple of Gu Yi, Wang is not the most enlightened.

As a disciple, the future Supreme Mage Sturange's understanding is higher than that of everyone else. After he has experienced countless times of time gems, his actual combat skills have also improved a lot.

The king is not the most understanding of magic.

Even, he wasn't the most honest Master Gu Yi had ever met, but he was definitely the most obedient and well-behaved.

For the Ancient One mage, this is enough.

He knew that Master Gu Yi had his own opinion on Mason, so he turned around and opened here, and didn't bother with this matter anymore.

Mason watched them leave, heaved a long sigh, and saw Thanos' arm in front of him.

"Actually, it's not a very troublesome business, I even have an illusion.

This time I am not ashamed at all.

Even earned it. "

His eyes fell on this arm again, as if thinking of the scene of their fight at that time.

Under the full power of the explosive version of the power gem, even Thanos' carefully crafted weapon began to shatter continuously, and finally turned into a butterfly.

One, two, three!
This silent purple man slashed, slashed, slashed without saying a word!It was as if he wanted to kill all his anger.

It never occurred to him that Mason could break free from his magic.

So after Mason broke free from his magic, the overlord of the universe was completely annoyed. What Mason didn't expect was that even without Cytorak's magic, his movement was seriously hindered!

He can only move within 300 meters of Thanos, beyond this distance, he feels as if he has hit an invisible barrier.

It is death that limits him!
Death really regarded him and Thanos trapped in the nothingness, like a lady watching slaves in the Colosseum.

Watching Thanos and Mason fight to the death.

Mason swears a dirty word, even though he knows that Thanos will not have a problem with it, and Thanos after being obsessed with ghosts doesn't care about the humiliation of death at all.

In order to die, he can do anything.

Just like now, he is regarded as a beast in the Colosseum, and he is willing to do so.

But Mason didn't want to do this, he was not a licking dog of death, even if he was treated as a fighting beast, he would not be reconciled!

Death is indeed terrible.

But so what?

Mason closed his eyes, reached out and crushed all the offensive potions he could find!
In an instant, Mason exploded an extremely gorgeous firework in the void.

Thanos rushed over from the fireworks, and the armor all over his body was turned into tatters. He tore off the tatters on his body, and continued to hold the power gem with bloody hands. He felt like he was going to die!

It wasn't until this time that Mason opened his bleeding mouth, showing his blood-stained teeth, and said, "Now you look like a man, Thanos.

It's just a pity that in my eyes, you are still a licking dog. "

(End of this chapter)

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