Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 347 The Devil's Contract

Chapter 347 The Devil's Contract

In Tony Stark's dream, Pierce, Hydra, Captain America, and Nick Fury passed by.

By the time he woke up in a cold sweat, it was already late.

He grabbed the cup on the table and poured it into his mouth.


He asked Mason subconsciously. Mason didn't turn on the lights. Judging from the current sky, it should be almost evening.

Mason sat on the chair and said, "Of course it's Coke, do you still want to drink?"

Tony Stark didn't want to argue with Mason on this matter, he covered his head and moaned, "Is everything you told me true?
We worked so hard to bring down Nazi and now it's back? "

For this matter, he was somewhat difficult to accept, mainly because he defeated Nazi back then, and his father, Howard Stark, also contributed a lot. His admiration for his father made him unable to accept that his father's efforts back then were all in vain .

After Mason drank a bottle of Coke mouth to mouth, he said: "Since the paperclip project, you have been infiltrated into a sieve, do you think Hydra can be killed so easily?
Chop off one head and grow two, that's the creed of Hydra, my friend.

Perhaps there has never been a Hydra in this world.

Or in this world, everyone is a Hydra. "

Tony Stark didn't realize what he said, he just lowered his head, trying hard to think of a way to break the situation, but before he could find a clue, he heard Jia's voice coming from the steel armor next to him. Wes' voice.

"Sir, please come and have a look."

A photo was transmitted from the eyes of Iron Armor. Looking at this photo, Tony subconsciously glanced at Mason.


Mason stood up. This is a satellite photo processed by computer. It can be seen that this place should be in a certain manor, and the corpse of the Cree is lying on the ground.

After hearing the Kree people, Tony Stark turned to look at Mason and asked, "You know them?"

"The point is not this," Mason said solemnly: "Where is this?"

Tony turned his head and asked Jarvis again, and Jarvis replied, "This is the manor in Pennsylvania, and its owner is Gideon Malik."

Mason sat on the sofa and didn't speak. He didn't expect that there would be Kree people in Gideon's manor.

Malik has nothing to do with the Kree.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Mason thought of Reina's prophecy.

"Ronan the Accuser."

He stood up from the sofa and said, "Tony..."

Before he finished speaking, Tony Stark's communicator rang again. Tony took out the communicator and saw the contact person on it.


He hadn't received information from this agent with a worrying hairline for a long time, and after connecting the phone, Coulson over there said anxiously: "Tony, can you come out secretly.

We have something to discuss with you face to face. "

Although Tony still had a thousand words to say, he still managed to make up and leave here. It was obvious that Coulson's affairs were more urgent.

Mason didn't keep them either, he stood where he was, watching Tony Stark disappear through the door.

"Kree people..."

He took a slight step back, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at Malik's manor, where there were originally many security personnel gathered, but none of them could see Mason.

Even if Mason is standing there.

This is not magic, this is the power of the Mind Stone. To be precise, it is the initial use of the Mind Stone, just like Mason only knew about teleportation when he got the Space Stone.

The most superficial use.

These people clearly saw Mason, but their brains told them, no, there is no one here.

So Mason could walk in the manor majesticly, squatted on the ground and saw the two Cree people.

The blood of these two Cree people is almost drained, but fortunately their blood still has some effect.

The vitality of the Cree people has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

It is worth mentioning that compared with ordinary people on earth, those super soldiers and earthlings who punched and exploded starships do not count.

He came to Malik's study and saw the billionaire holding his daughter, half of his hair was gray.

"If I were you, I wouldn't just hold my daughter in my arms and cry here."

Mason squatted in front of Stephanie's body. Obviously, for this brave girl, she could still maintain this state after being dead for more than ten hours.

Then it was obvious that the father who had lost everything must have concocted the corpse to keep her from decomposing.

Malik heard someone talking, raised his head lifelessly, and looked at Mason. His eyes were like the eyes of a puppet, and there was no life at all.

He was also slow to react until Mason snatched his daughter out of his hands!
"What are you doing!"

He roared angrily, wanting to get up from the ground to snatch back his precious daughter, but what he didn't expect was that no matter how he ran forward, he was still far away from the man in front of him.

The distance between them has not shortened at all.

Even more than that, after someone stood up, the assassin who finally got his chance fired another shot, trying to kill Malik.

It's just that the bullet seemed to be frozen in the air, motionless.

Mason glanced at the black widow outside the window. The black widow missed a single blow and fled thousands of miles away. Mason ignored her.

Instead, he continued to look at the corpse in his arms and said, "She is your daughter, Mr. Malik, look, she sleeps so beautifully.

Just like the legendary Sleeping Beauty, you must love her very much. "

Mason's words were like the whispers of the devil. Malik sat on the ground without a drop of water. After strenuous exercise, he knelt down on the ground weakly, covered his face, and wailed loudly.

Completely lost control over emotions.

Only Mason stood in front of him, holding his daughter's body.

"Mr. Malik," Mason said softly, "If I were you, I would not cry so painfully, after all, your daughter is not really dead.

He can still be saved, can't he, sir?
Sorrow is useless, only action can save the poor child, can't it? "

Malik was crying sadly, but when he heard Mason's words, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Mason in disbelief, his lips kept opening and closing, and finally said: "You can really do it?"

Mason stroked Stephanie's hair and said, "What do you think, Mr. Malik? People can be saved, but the question is, how much are you willing to pay for it?"

(End of this chapter)

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