Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 344 Discovery of the Cree

Chapter 344 Discovery of the Cree
When Mason got the news, he didn't say anything.He closed his eyes and picked up Eric's call.

"Boss, old Clausewitz got a call from the rest of Hydra's heads, and they're going to have a video conference."

Hearing this, Mason knew that the rest of the Hydra were scared,

What the crazy Malik will do, they know in their hearts, similarly, what they know more clearly is the bargaining chip in Malik's hand.

Those chips are enough to kill all the rest of Hydra.

Malik's strength surpassed that of the other Hydras by a large margin, but in the earliest days, his thoughts were all on his daughter and the gods who welcomed the Hydra back, and he was not very interested in other things.

Everyone was afraid, but with the attitude of not violating the water in the well, each did his own thing.

But now, he was angry, and he lost his mind.

The rest of the Hydra got scared.

Even in Hydra, the capital is divided according to [-] points, and Malik is one of them, and also one of the [-] points among the top ones.

In other words, he is the top of the top, the top of the top.

What he wants to do, the rest of the people can't stop it.

At least the rest of Hydra can't stop it.

They were completely flustered when they got the news that Malik's daughter died and they went crazy, and they began to tandem with the rest of Hydra to defend themselves.

After hearing the news, Mason sneered again.

Of course he knew what would happen if these stupid people got together.

Malik ambushed enough people in Hydra to kill all the remaining Hydra leaders.

Except Pierce.

Even Old Clausewitz was surrounded by Malik, fortunately he had been "influenced" by Mason.

But beside the rest of the people, Malik's people are still lurking, that is to say, if Malik wants them to die, then they may really die.

It's just that Mason didn't expect more than this. At this time, in Malik's manor, the executioner of the Cree had landed.

Holding some cumbersome "cold weapons" in their hands, they found those imprisoned and brainwashed aliens and started killing them.

It was only when the rest of the security personnel of the manor did their work that they discovered that these blue-skinned monsters were not barbarians who could only swing their axes foolishly.

Their technology is very high, the energy shields on their bodies block the bullets, and even the axes have blue energy beams.

The manor guards who were killed were thrown off their feet.

Malik sat in his office with a haggard face, his beloved daughter's body was still in his arms, and no one dared to touch him since last night.

No one dared to take Stephanie from his arms.

When he heard the noise outside, he just turned his head slightly, and saw the executioners of Kree raging in the manor. Regarding this, he just grinned emptyly, watching those executioners throw the The aliens were killed one by one.

It's just that when they were doing it, the communication device they carried on their bodies still transmitted what they were doing now, and automatically transmitted it to the spaceship.

These Kree executioners also don't want to stay in a boring spaceship. They have been on the outer spaceship outside the earth for long enough as the final bumper of the Inhumans.

Even good people are almost driven crazy, they desperately want to return to their hometown, even if they participate in the war, they will die on the battlefield.

It's just that they also know that they themselves are just abandoned children. As bumper devices, their existence is dispensable.Even the omniscient and omnipotent Supreme Wisdom within the Kerry Empire has forgotten their existence.

Fortunately, this time, they finally got the signal from the earth and saw the hope of returning home.

And in the capital of the Kree Empire, the Hara star in the Magellan galaxy, someone also received these signals.

"An alien from Earth."

These Cree nobles sat in the dark office, only the light on the console illuminated their faces.

Not all Cree members have blue skin, at least among these nobles, many skin colors are extremely normal.

They are all militants among the Cree, young and radical who benefited from the battle with the Scruws and the Nova Legion.

Like Ronan, they were extremely dissatisfied with the truce agreement between the Empire and the Nova Corps, and they were full of disappointment with the Empire's peace policy over the years.

They are also Ronan's supporters in the Kree Empire, and their influence in the Kree Empire should not be underestimated.

The Supreme Intelligence knew of their existence, but the supreme ruler of the Cree did nothing about their presence.

The involvement is too deep, and even the highest wisdom cannot make a decision in one word.

After they received this information, they showed great interest.

"Get through the communication, I want to see what the alien is like."

As we all know, the Cree's interest in biochemical transformation is far above the earth. They are keen to capture creatures from any planet to conduct experiments and create killing weapons.

The aliens of the earth are a failed experiment for the Kree people. They have evacuated the earth and destroyed the aliens.

The only problem is that their information is claimed to have been disposed of, but these people still found the information of Yiren. Yiren has been executed, but Yiren still exists.

"It looks interesting."

A Kerry military nobleman said, and then, the perspective of two Kerry executioners appeared in front of them, but one of them had already been killed and fell to the ground.

Blue blood flowed all over the place.

The other one was almost there, and the resisting alien finally seized the opportunity. A short-distance teleport came in front of him, riding on the neck of the tall executioner, and inserted a dagger into his eyes.

Those nobles watched the two executioners being beaten to death by aliens, with smiles on their faces.

"This looks really good, we haven't had a successful biochemical experiment in years.

They don't look like total failures worth saving. "

Someone said in the dark, and someone on the other side said lightly: "You don't know yet, do you? The Supreme Intelligence will issue a restriction order to limit the number of our biochemical laboratories in the near future. In its words, we will enter a period of time. period of peaceful development."

Hearing what the people here said, the nobles were silent, and it took a while before someone said: "This is absolutely impossible, what is the difference between a tiger that has lost its fangs and a cat?
The weakness of the Supreme Intelligence makes me sick!
I want to tell Ronan about the Yiren, and at the same time support him to continue the training of the Yiren. You have also seen their combat effectiveness.

With just a little training and equipment, they are our best fighters!

After my speech, which one of you agrees with it and who opposes it? "

(End of this chapter)

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