Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 325 Snake Shadow First Appears [Thanks for coming to see your reward]

Chapter 325 Snake Shadow First Appears [Thanks for coming to see your reward]

Mason did not expect the arrival of Ronan the Accuser, possibly simply because of Malik's uneasiness.

He is now negotiating business with Professor Eric, and he handed a check to Professor Eric in front of him.

When Professor Eric saw the number on the check in front of him, the smile on his face was really like a blooming flower. He patted his chest confidently and said that he would definitely produce some research results.

Mason gave him a polite smirk.

These people are all talents, but Mason doesn't need what they have researched now, what he needs is Jane Foster to find the ether particle, that is, the gem of reality.

Mason politely sent these scientists away, put the introduction to the mysticism in front of his eyes, and continued to read.

He needs to settle down recently. The ocean of mysticism is too vast, and he needs to splash around in it.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has to digest the power he has gained during these times.

Otherwise, the rapid expansion will only lead to one thing, and that is the rebirth of the ghost in your own organization, and the confidant you think is also the confidant of others.

Yes, there is no hint of dark rubbing here, let's make it clear.

Mason was talking about Snake and Shield.


Nick Fury was sitting in his safe house, with a data disk in his hand, and he was checking the text and data on it. These text data were vast and refreshed quickly.

Outsiders look at it, and they will only feel that their brains are big, but in Nick Fury's eyes, he sees more things than other people.


Half an hour later, he closed the laptop in front of him, and fell down on the sofa exhaustedly. Even if he was extremely energetic, half an hour of concentrated data analysis was enough for him to eat a pot.

"There are loopholes everywhere."

He went on to say that even at this moment, he didn't know who to believe, but fortunately, such a thought was in his mind for just a second, and he calmed down again.

Because he doesn't believe anyone, and he doesn't have to believe it.

Regardless of whether it was Coulson or Hill, he held a certain degree of skepticism, but at this time, he really needed to do something.

"There is definitely a problem with the administration department. The logistics and administration have been infiltrated, but the problem is..."

He thought of the most important point.

"What about the Operations Department? How about the Operations Department?"

He stood up and called out the Special Operations guys, and his eyes fell on everyone's faces, and finally on Brock Rumlow's face, if Special Operations actually showed up question, then there is no doubt that the Brock Rumlow in front of him is absolutely inseparable from the relationship.

After all, many actions have to be done through his captain, and many things are done through the hands of Brownlow.

Nick Fury lowered his head and began to think, but at this time, his emergency communication device rang again. After he connected, he saw the disgraced Captain America and Black Widow.

"Director, we seem to have encountered an opponent, and these people are really too strong."

While the black widow was talking, a beautiful tumbling disappeared in front of the camera, and she disappeared. After a while, she came back again.

It's just that her body is now covered with sticky blood, and it seems that her enemy has been killed by her.

Behind her is Captain America. Compared with the black widow, he is more busy. His shield is constantly being thrown out and taken back by him. The black widow said quickly: "It's like this, we found a base here , yes, in Siberia.

But we got spotted too, and they don't look like Russians, damn it. "

In the middle of speaking, she rushed out again, and came back after killing several opponents.

"Well, it's like this, we have been stuck by these people now, and it will take a while before we want to go back, but I think there is a situation that needs to be reported first.

The information we got is good. There are quite a few abandoned lumberyards in the Siberian forest area. We found houses and abnormalities in them.

Those places are indeed forged lumberyards. In fact, they are all research rooms used to manufacture biological and chemical weapons.

And we got a little sample of it, which you might not believe. "

Halfway through her speech, she punched a strong man unconscious again and said, "It really hurts, by the way, where did I end?"

"You got the samples."

Nick Fury said that the Black Widow said "Oh" and said: "Yes, we found the samples and are going to send them over now, but according to our observations of those test items, they look like they are from the Green Goblin Project of the Ministry of Defense. Green Goblin Warrior.


Having said that, she put the camera behind her and asked Nick Fury to see what was going on.

Behind the black widow, there are half-finished green goblins everywhere, and of course, there are some half-finished lizards. Nick Fury watched with an ugly face as the climbed-up lizard man was knocked off the neck by Captain America with a shield.

"And this one looks like the lizardman that appeared in New York at that time."

"This matter really has something to do with Osborne Industries."

Nick Fury came to this conclusion because he wanted to investigate the cause of this matter because they found some clues in the military and Osborne Industries.
These clues point to Siberia and to the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In order to investigate this matter clearly, he dispatched Black Widow and Captain America to Siberia quietly.

Nick Fury didn't ask Black Widow if he needed backup, and in fact, Black Widow and Captain America knew this was a fight without backup before the operation even started.

Black Widow hung up the phone after telling him all this, and Nick Fury continued to sit on the sofa and made another encrypted communication call.

"Start Plan F, the time is now!"

There was no sound from there, as if there was no one there, but it was obvious that there would be no one there.After Nick Fury hung up the phone, he began to think.

No one knows what he is thinking. The king of secret agents has always had extreme and mysterious thoughts. Even Coulson, who has followed him since he was young, doesn't know what Nick Fury is thinking.

This gap was as if Harry Osborn didn't know what his father was thinking.

He was having a video call with his father, Norman Osborn. Mr. Norman Osborn had a good time in the Mason Nursing Home. As long as he wanted, he could have a video conference here anytime, anywhere.

Only this time, Harry Osborn felt that his father was very unhappy. He originally obeyed his father's request to conduct a third-party audit, but who knew that the information he got was horrifying.

"Where are you?"

Norman Osborn looked at his son in the video and said, "Come to me, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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