Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 295 Dead by Daylight

Chapter 295 Dead by Daylight
The villain lowered his head and did not speak. He somewhat understood what Mason said about the seven deadly sins. Obviously, the Sovereigns occupied one of them.


Mason sipped a glass of wine lightly, and continued to ask the villains around him: "The space pirate who left the port recently, have you investigated the route?"

"Yes, the investigation is clear, boss, there are a total of 43 of those people, one spaceship and two small spaceships, all of which are outdated Cree technology."

The villain took a cautious look at his boss. After so many years in the void, he certainly knew why he wanted to investigate a pirate ship leaving port.

Intercept, kill!
It's as simple as that.

It's just that these space pirates have survived in the universe for so many years, and they must have their own skills. Like their new boss, there will be several rising stars in the void every year.

Some of them survived and became the new bosses of this place, but more people died in obscurity and became the garbage of the universe.

Outside the void, there is a star ring, and above the star ring are all frozen corpses.

It's just that the villain feels that his boss is different from them.

This new boss is essentially a passer-by. He can tell that the new boss doesn't care about a small territory at all. His ambitions are more than that. Sometimes, his gaze at the collector's base makes him tremble with fear .

He felt that his boss might really be playing with collectors, but he dared not tell anyone about this idea.

Because this idea is really terrible. It's not that no one in the interstellar world has tried collectors' ideas, but they didn't end well.

Every year, The Collector gives a profound lesson to the villains and outcasts of the Void, sending the tortured immortals before them to take a good look.

What will happen to those who dare to disrespect collectors.

Mason has been here for a relatively short time, so he hasn't watched this repertoire!
"What time?"

Mason faced the villain around him, who was still in a daze. He hadn't heard it for the first time. After Mason asked a question, he realized it, and said with trepidation: "It's after two o'clock, boss. .”

"Good job."

After Mason was put away by the cup, he walked out of the dark room and returned to the frolicking void outside.

The villains continue to roam the planet, the casinos are lit all night, the night is as loud as the day on this planet, and for the desperadoes here, there has never been day and night in this world difference!
Mason came to the eye socket area of ​​the void, which is the port for entering and exiting the void, and only here can you meet the people in the void who collect taxes on behalf of collectors.

They are still the red-skinned race. In the void, they don't even need to carry weapons. Those lawless interstellar pirates are as well-behaved as harmless little sheep here.

Mason stood here, looking at the nothingness outside, at the interstellar pirates and slave ships that kept coming in and leaving outside.

"Kree people..."

Wandering in the interstellar space, the Cree is a topic that everyone cannot avoid. Many weapons here come from the planets of the Cree, and even many pirates and mercenaries are products of the Cree.

Until now, the Cree have been arresting various races in the universe for biochemical experiments, and want to create their own warriors, just like the aliens of the earth back then.

As for now, the experimental subjects of the Cree include Star-Lord's adoptive father Yondu, who is a biochemical experiment rescued by the predators.

Rocket Raccoon is even more obvious, he is the product of biochemical experiments, but he is lucky, he ran out of the laboratory and was not destroyed.

The Kree people are extremely prosperous in the military industry. They can collect a huge amount of resources just by disposing of a batch of outdated spaceships and weapons every year.

It's like Mason took a fancy to these spaceships, these interstellar pirates who robbed merchant ships in the universe, murdered and robbed their goods, the spaceships they drove were similar, and most of them were the technology of the Cree people.

Mason's eyes fell on a starship he was fancying.

It was a dilapidated starship, the entire outer shell was full of traces left by the battle, and the long shuttle-shaped spaceship was reprocessed and loaded with weapons from many different civilizations.

This undoubtedly slowed down the speed and fluency of the starship, but for these space pirates, they don't care about this fluency. For them, ordinary spaceships can't catch up with them at all.

Like the warships of other empires, they will not be stupid enough to provoke these people. In this case, fluency is tasteless to them.

Might as well splice some weapons up.

Mason was thoughtful. After two o'clock, he saw the spaceship start on time, and flew out of the void's eye socket lightly, preparing to fly away from here.

Yes, collectors will not allow others to use spaceships to migrate near the void. If they migrate near the void, it will be regarded as a contempt and provocation to the collector, and will be punished by the Difan Group. fire attack.

After Mason saw the spaceship leaving in the distance, he turned around and left. After arriving at an alley, he threw out several villains and victims who were blackmailing others, and he disappeared into the alley.

When he came to the Death Star, he saw that Frank had completely put on his magic-weave armor. The 2.0 magic-weave armor had already embedded the artificial sun on his chest, and it was properly preserved.

Behind him was the Crime and Punishment Squad wearing 2.0 magic pattern armor. They were fully armed, and against the backdrop of the armor, each of them was at least two meters tall.

It looks like a bunch of little giants.

"Let's go, this time we are in an annihilation battle, which means that in this battle, no one will be left in the face of threatening enemies!"

After another flicker, these murderous evil stars had already arrived on the shuttle. Before the pirates squatting there to play with the slaves could react, half of their body was blasted off by Frank's hand cannon!

Mason made a "hush" motion for the slave in the cage. He slapped his finger on his lips and let out a "hush".

Even if the captured slave didn't know what this gesture meant, subconsciously, he still covered his mouth and watched these terrifying steel warriors begin to kill.

Frank took the two team members and quickly spread out. The pirates didn't even draw their weapons, but these people used sharp knives, hand cannons, and lasers to stick into their necks.

Mason stood here without moving, and the surroundings were dead silent!
He should have come to the storage compartment of this starship, where there are densely packed slaves.

Mason looked at these various races and found that these people were all adults, children and women.

These interstellar pirates seem to have plundered a backward planet before setting off?

Mason is not surprised by this. Interstellar pirates do everything, and the slave catchers and interstellar pirates also overlap at certain times. After all, interstellar pirates only care about one thing.

That is to make money.

As long as they can make money, they will do anything, not to mention looting the population, even if it is killing the planet, they can still do it smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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