Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 278 The Generous Demon

Chapter 278 The Generous Demon

Obviously, not everyone can understand Mason's thoughts and painstaking efforts, but fortunately, not everyone in this world is not persuaded.

Like Tony Stark, one of his strengths is to listen to advice.

Especially in areas that you are not familiar with.

He knew he knew nothing about the wizarding world, and Mason might be an expert in this regard.

Regarding the matter of the wizarding world, he had better listen to Mason, but he felt that he could not accept that he should give up the wizarding world.

"There must be some way, Mason said about the dwarves who made weapons for Thor and the others, this is also a way.

But in order to contact the dwarves, I must first find Thor.

How should I contact him? "

Tony felt that his head was getting bigger, and Sol didn't tell others how to find him when he left.

Was it for him to shout to the sky, "Sol, I need you?"

If this is the case, then things are too embarrassing.

He definitely can't shout... well, it's not that he can't shout.

Tony thought of the name Saul would call when he left, Hamdall.

According to Thor, this name has magical powers. In the Nine Realms, as long as Heimdall's name is called out, Heimdall will definitely be noticed.

In this way, they opened the rainbow bridge home.

If this is the case, then he stood above the Stark Industrial Building and yelled twice, does it mean that the other party can also hear his voice?

It's just that if this is the case, he still feels too ashamed. Fortunately, Tony quickly found another way, which can not only find Sol, but also keep him out of it.

Jane, Sol's girlfriend on Earth, Jane Foster, hasn't she been looking for her boyfriend?

Then why can't she come here and shout?

After Tony thought of this idea, a smug smile appeared on his face, which frightened Pepper, who was next to him.

"Hey, Tony, what bad idea are you thinking again? Uh huh? You don't want to go out and find your old lovers again, do you?"

After she reacted, she asked unkindly.

Tony immediately realized that even if this playboy is a good man now, but the acquired skills such as sweet talk can be displayed without cooling down the CD at all.

Under the attack of his sweet words, Pepper quickly turned his anger into joy, and helped her husband find the trace of Jane Foster.

After Iron Man looked at the back of Pepper who left, his face darkened, and he entered the state of scientific research again. In this state, the collection of genius physicists and engineers, Tony Stark, is an emotionless , a vicious and harsh boss.

He connected to the signal over there, and said bluntly: "Are you ready for the analysis I need?

We are now starting the first round of armor experiments! "


The Black Heart Demon changed into a new body again, and the previous body remained in Hell's Kitchen forever. Obviously, the main body did not appear, and he was no match for Spider-Man.

This new body walked into the building, and he was led to see the fireworks man who appeared in Hell's Kitchen that day.

This man looked as strong as a bear. He was wearing a gray windbreaker and standing in front of the Black Heart Demon with a cane.

"Welcome to my country, Black Heart Demon."

He stretched out his hand and held it fiercely with the Black Heart Demon. The Black Heart Demon couldn't see anything under the human skin, and he said to this person: "You better tell me who you are, Otherwise, we would not have communicated."

"who am I?"

He took out two cigars from the cigar box and handed one to the black heart demon. After the black heart demon refused, he smiled and handed the cigars to the assistant next to him to concoct.

"Who am I? It doesn't matter who I am, Blackheart, you just need to know that I won't do you any harm. I know your name.

Your name is famous in hell, a rebellious child, huh? "

When the Black Heart Demon heard this, even though he had experienced setbacks, the words still pierced his heart and made him want to get angry.

Fortunately, he quickly realized that anger can't solve the problem, he looked at the other party coldly and said: "If you asked me to come here just to stimulate me, then there is no need, I don't have as much time as you.

It can be seen that you are doing well here. "

The demon in human skin on the opposite side smiled reservedly and said, "You don't have to get angry so easily, I didn't mean to humiliate you.

In fact, I can really help you, you know, some of my believers have started to shift targets, and they are not as religious as they said earlier.

My faith has been broken, do you understand, Son of Mephisto?My foundations are being destroyed, it's like an oak that has had its roots hollowed out by termites, and that's more than I can stand!
What I can't stand even more is the so-called superheroes, they made a mess of my business, they destroyed my pier, and my members were put in jail because of them.

So I need you to help me, help me kill these people.

Son of Mephisto, as a reward, I will also help you and help you get rid of your father's constraints. "

The Black Heart Demon observed the other party carefully, and he found that one of the other's eyes had begun to show a terrible crimson color, as if the capillaries in the eyes had ruptured.

This is a sign that his demon power is out of control and is about to get out of control!

The Black Heart Demon looked at him and said, "You know what I want to do?"

"The Book of Darkness."

The demon on the opposite side said slowly: "Besides the Book of Darkness, what else can make you father and son attach so much importance? Or do you need other artifacts?
For me, none of this is a problem.

As long as you help me, then I will definitely help you, how about it?Have you considered? "

The black heart demon didn't speak, he stood up and said: "I will come to you tonight, and I will give you the answer then.

Is it still here where we met? "

"No, you come to find me elsewhere tonight, and I will tell you the location in the afternoon."

The Black Heart Demon didn't ask him how he would find his traces, he knew that the Demon would always have his own way.

After he left, the well-dressed demon finally took a puff of his cigar and spat it out, summoning the second interviewer of the day.

"Aha, let's see who this is, isn't this our famous Dr. Killian? How could a busy man like you come to find a bad old man like me?"

He looked at Dr. Killian in front of him with a smile. Among his followers, Killian was not a very pious child, but luckily he was quite accomplished in scientific research.

This advantage offsets many of his shortcomings.

He seems to be researching a new kind of genetic drug recently, which he calls "the drug of hopelessness". The important thing is that this thing has not been successful so far. People who are injected with the virus will turn into a big monster at a certain moment. The bomb exploded with a bang.

Killian hadn't looked for him for a long time because of this experiment. Why did he come here this time?

(End of this chapter)

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