Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 225 Acting Dean

Chapter 225 Acting Dean
Coulson never imagined that one day he would be in a mental hospital, chatting with others and running programs around.

He thought that this kind of thing would only happen in the Pentagon.

But what can be done about this?

Unless they directly knock out the teeth of these hateful security personnel, otherwise, they will not be able to see the boss in the mental hospital.

Under such excuses, even Hunter became a little impatient.

"The defense is so strict, if you don't know, you may think there are federal felons here."

He muttered, and Barbara stood beside him. She seemed to be a little taller than her ex-husband.

That's right, after dealing with the New Mexico Hammers, they divorced.

It was Hunter who first brought it up. He felt that his wife was too multifaceted, which made him feel insecure.

This may be a common problem of being a good spy.

Barbara just raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

It's just that at this time, she heard her ex-husband's stupid words, and retorted in a low voice: "Shut up, idiot, federal felons are indeed detained here.

The Green Goblin, Norman Osborn is imprisoned here. "

Hunter glanced at Barbara in surprise, and continued to mutter, "I didn't talk to you again."

Barbara let out a sneer.

"Childish, boy who hasn't grown up."

"Who do you say is naive? Who do you say has not grown up?"

Just as Hunter was about to retort, he saw a bear-like woman walking in from outside the office.


She was wearing an oversized nurse uniform, looked at the three people in front of her, tilted her head and said, "Do you want to see our dean? Come with me."

Hunter swallowed unconsciously.

He knew how much he weighed, even though he was a well-trained agent, but facing such an opponent, unless he used a gun, he would definitely be pushed his head on the table by this woman.

Beat up so hard that even Barbara didn't recognize her.

This is really scary.

The same is true for Barbara, she feels a strong threat from Ksenia.

The most comfortable person here is Coulson. As an agent whose main business is "talking", he still has a grasp of this expression. After saying thank you, he followed her out.

They passed through the gates and high walls filled with security personnel, and finally met the owner in Area D.

Uh, no, it's the acting master.


He involuntarily called out the name of the bald one-eyed man who turned from the office chair in front of him.

Even if the veteran was wearing a suit, he couldn't hide his danger.

Hunter and Barbara became even more tense.

Barbara thought of an oriental idiom, which is very appropriate to describe this place.

"Longtan Tiger's Den".

Frank motioned for them to sit down, Coulson sat down, Barbara and Hunter stood.

It wasn't that Coulson didn't allow them to sit down, but that Barbara and Hunter didn't feel safe sitting down, which affected their reactions.

Coulson didn't expect Frank to be here. After Frank left the hospital, he was busy with other things. A senior agent would not waste time on such things.

After organizing his language a bit, he said, "Frank, I didn't expect that we would meet here this time after we met in the hospital last time."

Frank didn't like to talk nonsense, he asked the senior agent in front of him: "What attracted you busy people to come to my, uh, such a small nursing home?
We are not a safe place here. "

Barbara didn't know for a moment whether his talk of a safe place was a simple statement or a threat.

It is really that people like Frank are too dangerous and will affect others' judgment of him.

Coulson thought for a while and said: "That's right, we suspect that there are many dangerous people in your mental hospital.

They have all kinds of magical abilities, and sometimes, these people can't control their strength and cause danger, so we think..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Frank interrupted him.

"We don't have any here."

Coulson hit a nail, but he didn't show any displeasure. He continued to explain: "This matter is really dangerous, we..."

"If you don't believe me, I can take you to see it."

Frank blocked all of Coulson's next words with one sentence. He didn't expect things to be so simple.

Is this going to be taken over?

Hunter was a little uneasy. He felt that something was wrong about this matter from beginning to end, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Barbara was the same, she felt that entering here was like entering a heavily guarded fortress, rather than saying that this was a mental hospital, it was better to say that this was a military base.

But she quickly dismissed the idea.

She kept watching everything around her, full of defense.

When they came downstairs, they saw several children downstairs. They looked a little afraid of Frank who came out, but it was normal now. Who wouldn't be afraid of Frank?
"These children," Coulson asked redundantly looking at so many children, "Are they also patients here?"

Frank said coldly: "They're not, they're just here to play."

Coulson immediately felt that something was wrong. As a child of a physical education teacher, he certainly knew that so many children who should go to school should not come here.

"Aren't the primary and secondary schools in New York in class today?"

Nick Fury once said that his subordinate has several fatal weaknesses, one of which is about family, and the other is about children.

Seeing so many children, he couldn't help but want to ask, Frank continued to say concisely: "They are all sick.

Rest here. "

Barbara and Hunter felt that this fierce man didn't even care about lying. These children seemed to be very healthy. Fortunately, Frank had no intention of explaining this matter at all. He took everyone to a huge house in.

The lights are dark here, and there is a movie on the curtain. After Frank came in, he turned off the projector and turned on the light, so that Coulson could see the people inside.

Among these people, there are young men and some old people who look a little old. They all sat together harmoniously, watching the movie intently.

Frank looked at them and asked, "Among you, does anyone have special abilities?"

These people shook their heads in unison.

Frank turned to look at Coulson.

"They say they don't have any special abilities."

Coulson felt that his IQ had been insulted, and he still wanted to talk, but his phone rang. He glanced down and connected it. After hearing the voice over there, his expression changed drastically.

Frank just looked at him condescendingly, and he knew that the matter had already begun.

The cosmic Rubik's Cube channel in SHIELD was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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