Marvel's strongest warden

Chapter 141 Mason's Game

Chapter 141 Mason's Game

Mason followed them, feeling that this matter was deliberate from beginning to end. As Nick Fury's deputy, Hill was not a vase who knew nothing.

Regarding what happened in the house just now, others might really be at a loss, but for Hill, these are commonplace, and she would not ask Mason about this kind of matter.

Agents have their own plans, and when they are carrying out their missions, no one is constantly guiding them by their headsets.

Hill has also guided many agents in operations, and in this case, she is a veteran.

Is she testing me?

Mason thought, he followed Tarbert to his office, sat down and saw Brigadier General Tarbert asked them, "Tell me, what happened up front?"

Hill began to explain that Mason was observing the environment in the office. There was a map, several desks, and several locked cabinets in Brigadier General Tarbert's office, which should contain some files.

The protection of these files is not very strict, and the files inside can be taken out by breaking the glass. There is also a safe embedded in the wall, but I don't know what is in the safe.

Cash, files, or secrets?

The more good news is that there seems to be no camera in this room.

After Mason finished reading these, Hill's report also stopped. Brigadier General Talbot knocked on the table and said, "Hill, you'd better pray that what you said is true, otherwise..."

In the middle of what he said, someone came in. After seeing the surveillance video at that time, he stopped talking and closed his eyes as if thinking.

During this period, Mason coughed a few times. It sounded like he had a cold. He covered his mouth. After coughing, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands clean.

"So," just when Mason thought the general had fallen asleep, he suddenly asked, "What's the name of that psychiatrist?

Forget it, never mind, if I give you that bastard, can you cure him? "

Brigadier General Tarbert suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Mason with burning eyes. Mason spread his hands and said, "If the price is in place, I think I can."

"Well, I'll give you three days, if three days..."

"As long as the money is in place, it doesn't need three days, three hours is enough.

Let's get started now, if you'd like, I'm already missing a rosemary lamb shank from a restaurant in Queens, so Commodore, I'm going to work right now.

what do you think? "

Tarbert took a deep look at Mason and said, "You are such a good boy. I just like your self-confidence. I hope you don't disappoint me!"

After he finished speaking, he asked someone to take him away. Agent Hill was about to return her gun and followed Mason.

"Are you going with me too?"

Mason glanced at her and asked, Agent Hill said, "Of course, I want to ensure your safety."

What she said was quite natural, and Mason thanked her, and then he stopped a passing soldier and said, "I'm sorry, but I suddenly remembered, can you tell the general, do I need some props?"

The soldier was obviously at a loss, obviously, not everyone can see the general freely, Agent Hill said: "Then what do you need?
I can help you. "

"A crystal ball, like the one used by the gypsy witch Zhanpu.

Of course, if it is not crystal, maybe we need some dark environment.

The environment has hints and influences on people's hearts, I thought you knew this, "

What Mason said is of course true, attracting the attention of others, and causing some people to have a hallucination through environmental hints and the assistance of some drugs.

This is a common method used by some medieval swindlers, but if this method is used to deal with people like Norman Osborn, this is a joke.

He believed that Hill also understood this matter, but Hill didn't ask further, she prepared these for him, and the two walked into the room where Norman Osborn was held again, and Mason took off the green goblin's hood , saw those scarlet eyes again.

"Mason, Mason Clausewitz."

The Green Goblin's voice seemed to be accompanied by a cold wind. Mason breathed out a little, and saw a white fog appearing in front of his eyes. What's more, window grilles had already begun to appear on the surrounding glass.

It seems that the Green Goblin also has an ability that he has never shown in battle, which seems to be a curse?
Unfortunately, this curse has absolutely no effect on Mason.

He felt the curse in the void behind him and started to fight back.

It seems that a few big eyes appeared, and Mason's forest of giant trees started to work.

These eyes looked like tree tumors, disgusting and terrifying.

Of course, Hill couldn't see these eyes. She only saw various situations where the surrounding temperature dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then, just when she thought there would be some strange phenomena.

Everything is gone.

Her sight was tightly blocked by Mason's body, and she couldn't see the green goblin's eyes at this time, and because of this, she didn't see the wooden lines on the green goblin's body at this time .

He is constantly turning into wood!

The Green Goblin opened his mouth to continue cursing, but he was forced to close his mouth under the watchful eyes of the Forest of Giant Trees—branches and vines grew out of the chair behind him, densely packed wrapped around his mouth.

There was even a strangled one on his neck. As long as Mason wanted to, he would start to strangle the Green Goblin's spine with these seemingly fragile vines.

This is not an incomprehensible operation.

"I can send you back to your latitude at any time, demon," Mason said close to the ear of the Green Goblin, "this place does not belong to you, I have told you many times.

Here, you have too many enemies, not just me, maybe some others?
Guess if this little vine of mine can draw out your soul without harming your body.

Sorry, I think it's ok.

Mr. Devil, how about we make a deal?
I'm not torturing you, I'm just sending you out, back to your dimension, but you have to give me something I want.

As for what I want, I have the right to interpret. What do you think?
Of course, if you don't want to, then we can play again, after all, we all know that there will always be some interesting things in this world.

For example, can I ask a truly pious priest to read the Bible and send you to heaven?
Just imagine, you, a dirty, evil guy who is incompatible with heaven, entered heaven, what kind of grand occasion would that be?

Let me think about it, it must be a scene that makes my blood boil, right?Of course, you can also take a bet with me, we can take a bet, during the time when God is not in this universe, His holy angels are also not there.

How about, honey, do you bet, or don't you bet?Give me an answer, otherwise, I think we can say goodbye by now, can't we? "

(End of this chapter)

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