Invincible Storage Ring

Chapter 168 Father and Son Cooperation

Chapter 168 Father and Son Cooperation
"Wow! Brother Dongzi, there is a group photo!" Ruan Xue finally found the group photo of Zhao Dong and Su Rina, and shouted excitedly.

Zhao Dong followed up with a smile, thinking to himself, seeing so many more in a while, I don't know if he will be so excited?

"Wow, this one too, you're hugging her, it's so enviable!"

"And this one... Su Rina is still hugging you... Wow!"

However, what worried Zhao Dong never happened. Whenever Ruan Xue saw a photo of Zhao Dong and Su Rina, she would scream excitedly, and the closer Zhao Dong and Su Rina were, the more excited she was.

This made Zhao Dong a little dumbfounded, but soon he wanted to understand why this happened. In Ruan Xue's eyes, Su Rina is a big star, and there is an insurmountable gap between him and ordinary people. Thinking of what will happen between Zhao Dong and Su Rina, he thinks that it is a great blessing that Zhao Dong can take so many photos with Su Rina.

After figuring out the problem, Zhao Dong also relaxed, and told Ruan Xue where each photo was taken in Japan, but Ruan Xue obviously only cared about the expression of Su Rina in the photo, which photo was taken The prettiest.

After finally flipping through it, Ruan Xue held the camera fondly, and suddenly said, "Brother Dongzi, where is your data cable?"


"I want to transfer the photo of you and Su Rina to my mobile phone as the background."

"No, no!" Zhao Dong said hastily, "Su Rina has already told me that this photo must not be circulated outside, otherwise it will easily cause trouble."

" talk about scandals, giggling..." Ruan Xue laughed out loud, and then fell on the bed laughing so hard that she fell down.

"What's so ridiculous?" Zhao Dong asked a little depressed.

"Haha...Brother Dongzi, you are so talented, and you are still having an affair with Su Rina? Su Rina can fall in love with you, she is a big star, and you are a high school student, so you just post all these photos If you go online, no one will believe it, they will only believe that you are PASS, if I didn’t see it in your camera, and knew that you knew Su Rina before, I wouldn’t believe it even if I was killed.”

Zhao Dong was stunned for a moment, Ruan Xue's words really reminded him that in fact this matter was far from that serious, it was just because he was with Su Rina that he felt that this matter was serious.

"Okay, you can get one if you want, but you must not show it off, and you must not pass it on to others."

"Got it, one is my favorite big star, and the other is my brother Dongzi, just so I can watch it every day." Ruan Xue immediately danced excitedly, and then asked Zhao Dong to find the data cable and pick out two favorite photos sent to your mobile phone.

And looking at Ruan Xue's innocent appearance that day, Zhao Dong still felt a little guilty in his heart. At this time, he no longer wanted to be frivolous to her, so he just had fun with Ruan Xue for a while, and then learned from her. After practicing for a while, Ruan Xue's stomach growled, and the two of them remembered that they hadn't eaten, so Ruan Xue went to order two bags of instant noodles, and the two of them ate very deliciously.

While eating, Su Yuxian came back and scolded Zhao Dong for letting Xiaoxue eat instant noodles. Ruan Xue hurriedly spoke for Zhao Dong, and Su Yuxian stopped talking with a smile.

Zhao Dong told Su Yuxian about letting Cheng Zhaolong and the others move in, and Su Yuxian also had the intention, but called Cheng Zhaolong, but Cheng Zhaolong didn't agree, Zhao Dong wanted to pass his mother's call at this time, and said: "Cheng Zhaolong uncle."

Cheng Zhaolong's hearty voice came from the phone: "Dongzi, thank you for your kindness, but for the time being, Uncle Cheng can't go. Uncle Cheng is a man, and it is my responsibility to support the family. If I go to your place, wouldn't that be a shame?" You have raised me and Keshu..."

Zhao Dong interrupted Cheng Zhaolong, saying: "Uncle Cheng, I also talked about this matter with Sister Keshu today, the difficulty is only temporary, and we will get over it, and since we want to become a family, we should help each other in the same boat Let’s get through this difficulty together, if you have to face difficulties alone, then don’t treat me and my mother as a family, but treat us as outsiders.”

"This... Dongzi, I really hope to become a family with you, but I was not down when your mother met me, and I was not with your mother when I was in good times, but now I am down, but I come to you Well, this is me bullying you, give Uncle Cheng some time, and I will definitely create a new family environment for you."

Hearing Cheng Zhaolong's insistence, Zhao Dong also liked Cheng Zhaolong's personality very much. If he were himself, he wouldn't want to go in front of his beloved girl when he was down and down. How about we start a company together, I still have some spare money."

"Starting a company..." Cheng Zhaolong said with a slight smile in his tone, Zhao Dongcai said that starting a company really made him feel a little ridiculous.

"Uncle Cheng, where are you now, I want to talk to you."

"I'm at home."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Zhao Dong immediately hung up the phone, not giving Cheng Zhaolong a chance to refuse.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Dong went to get dressed, and said while putting on his clothes, "Mom, I'm going to Uncle Cheng's house."

Su Yuxian followed and said, "What kind of company are you going to start?"

"Heh... I'll tell you after I finish talking to Uncle Cheng." Zhao Dong said something, then went to the door, put on his shoes and left quickly.

"This really getting more and more capable." Su Yuxian shook her head lightly, feeling that she couldn't see through her son, but it was obvious that what his son did was very comforting to her.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Dong arrived at Cheng Zhaolong's house, which was still the same villa, but after two days, it was no longer his home.

"Heh, what's the rush?" Cheng Zhaolong still looked optimistic, and let Zhao Dong into the living room with a smile.

Cheng Keshu wasn't downstairs, so Zhao Dong asked, "Where's Sister Keshu?"

"She's reading upstairs. I just said you're coming. I'm going to call her down now."

"No, no, no need to tell her about this in advance."

Cheng Zhaolong looked at Zhao Dong suspiciously, but still nodded, and said, "You said just now that you want to start a company. You can tell me that Uncle Cheng has been in business for so many years, so he can give you a consultant."

Zhao Dong nodded and said, "Uncle Cheng, I want to set up a logistics company."

"Logistics..." Cheng Zhaolong looked at Zhao Dong and said, "Tell me about your ideas." There was an encouraging look in his eyes, as if the elders appreciated the juniors' novel ideas.

Zhao Dong didn't see any doubts in Cheng Zhaolong's eyes, and he felt very comfortable. What he dislikes the most is when adults say this is not good and that is not good in an old-fashioned tone, saying: "My relationship with Huafeng Company Yes, the logistics cost of their company is not low every year. In the past two months, I got two deals from Ms. Yiru and made a small profit. If we have a logistics company in our hands, we will receive More contracts, more money."

Cheng Zhaolong nodded, and said: "It's really good that you have this network. If you can rely on Huafeng Group, it is indeed enough to do logistics alone. In addition, although you, Uncle Cheng, and I have no job, we are still in Qingfang. If you know a lot of people, it will definitely not be a problem to get some business, but... Dongzi, the most important thing to set up a logistics company is capital, we need to have our own fleet, this is not a small amount, I will not hide it You said, this time I have tossed everything out, and I only have a deposit of 6 yuan left in my hand, and I can't even buy a car."

"Then how much is it?" Zhao Dong looked at Cheng Zhaolong with a smile.

Zhao Dong's smile made Cheng Zhaolong's eyes narrow, and he smiled slightly, saying, "If there are 100 million that can be supported for free, if there are 300 million, then it will be a well-established company."

"Then if I can get the money together, Uncle Cheng, are you willing to do it yourself?"

"How much do you think is enough?" Cheng Zhaolong had already experienced a lot of wind and waves, but he was still incomparably surprised to hear Zhao Dong say this.

"300 million!" Zhao Dong said the number slowly.

"Dongzi, you...have so much money?" Cheng Zhaolong looked at Zhao Dong in even more surprise. The person in front of him was just a high school student, a classmate of his daughter.

"You don't have to worry about the money, I'm sure I can get it, you just have to say whether you want to do it or not, I'm just a student, it's okay to find some tricks to start a small business, but I'm sure I can't do this kind of company. "

"You asked me to manage the company for you." Cheng Zhaolong felt that this matter was so unreliable.

Zhao Dong chuckled, and said, "It's not that you manage it for me. We are a family. What you do is different from what I do. Besides, you will be the head of the household and the parent in the future. Of course, the company belongs to our family."

"Our family..." Cheng Zhaolong chewed on this sentence, and said, "Okay! Dongzi, since you treat Uncle Cheng as a family member, if Uncle Cheng says anything else, it will be coquettish."

Zhao Dong chuckled, took out a bank card from his pocket, and said, "Here is 50 US dollars."

The corner of Cheng Zhaolong's mouth twitched, and he laughed suddenly, and said, "Dongzi, you suddenly feel that you have failed in your life!"

"Heh... In the future, our family will have to rely on Uncle Cheng, but shouldn't our parents also live with us?"

"Okay!" Cheng Zhaolong laughed again, and said, "I'm so happy to have a son like you, what else can I say, I will move to your house tomorrow, and we will truly become a family!"

At this moment, Cheng Keshu came down from upstairs, and looked at her father in surprise. Although her father had been very calm in front of her during this time, she could still see his loneliness, but now she was so happy , and it's still the kind of joy that comes from the heart. I don't know what Zhao Dong said to his father to make him so happy...

 No thanks for the reward from Murloc [-], I won this, thanks to Kaede の God for the monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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