Chapter 47 Three Heroes
When Yuwen proudly said this, he had already responded to the arrogance of the prince, his head was raised slightly, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed, with a sense of coldness and unruliness. When he looked at Dongfang Wenying, he had an indescribable complex emotion.

Dongfang Wenying looked at him with puffed cheeks because of his words, but insisted: "You go."

"You go."


Well, the two are back to arguing.

Bai Yunfei finally stopped them and said, "Practice hard, no one needs to go!"

This was very true, so the three of them really started to practice hard.

It turns out that this aerial cuju game is a display of modern football in the air. The ball cannot touch the ground. Once the kick-off game is played in the air, the ball has to run in the air all the time. Keep yourself flying in the air, complete the kick-off, pass and goal, as long as you can kick the ball into the gate hanging in the air and fall into the net, you will win.

Whoever scores the most goals wins.

According to the rules of the game, each team needs exactly three players, and Dongfang Wenying, Bai Yunfei and Yuwen Aoran formed the air Cuju team representing Sifang City this time.

On the other side is the fairy sister team.

The place where the fairy sister lives is a cave called the fairy cave.

Passing through the Immortal Cave, there is an open space surrounded by mountains, which is just right for aerial Cuju competitions.

Once all the players enter the playing field, they must fly in the air, which is why Sifangshui asked Birdman to play football.

As a member of the Sifang City team in the past, it was difficult for anyone to insist on flying and staying in the air to complete the Cuju kick pass process and score goals, so the only result was a loss.

It's different now, Dongfang Wenying and the three of them have extremely strong spiritual power and energy, and can handle such aerial Cuju competitions.

On the day of the official competition, Dongfang Wenying, Yuwen Aoran and Bai Yunfei wore uniform costumes, and surrounded by the common people of Sifang City, they were seated like heroes on a chariot carried by eight people. Escorted by the dispatched elite guards, they headed towards Qiuming Mountain where the Immortal Cave is located.

This Qiuming Mountain is really a fairy mountain like a fairyland.

The mountain is shrouded in smog all day long, and if you don't get close to it, you will never be able to see what the real face of the mountain is like.

As the large army moved towards the Immortal Cave of Qiuming Mountain, Dongfang Wenying marveled at the extraordinary appearance of this Immortal Mountain.

Zhenli saw animals everywhere, sharp-billed white cranes and spotted leopards looked at them from a distance across a valley, their eyes lazy and disdainful.

Towering ancient trees shade the sun, and there are lush green bamboos.

The birds chirped and the water flowed happily in the mountain stream, making a pleasant water sound.

Dongfang Wenying took a deep breath, feeling such a profound gift from nature, fresh air, and the ultimate beauty, which made people feel refreshed.

If there wasn't an aerial cuju match waiting for them, she thought, this would be a pleasant mountaineering trip.

However, when they came to the mountainside of Qiuming Mountain, not far from the Immortal Cave, the leading officer ordered someone to stop the chariot carrying three people, and bowed and clasped his fists to the three of them in salute: "Three heroes, I'm sorry that I can't send you all forward. Because of the great power of that fairy sister, we really can't parry her lion's roar. Please forgive me.

We are here waiting for the good news from everyone, if we win, we will send the three of you down the mountain, if we lose, I am afraid..."

The officer looked up at the three of them and paused.

(End of this chapter)

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