my dream forest

Chapter 250 Open the door, let the dog go!

Chapter 250 Open the door, let the dog go!

Chapter 249 Open the door, let the dog go!

Perhaps a little tired, Feng Tiance slept very deeply at night.It wasn't until after four o'clock in the morning that he suddenly woke up and sat up.He listened carefully, but he didn't hear any movement, but there was a burst of heart palpitations in his heart for no reason.

If he continued to sleep, he couldn't fall asleep anymore, so he just got up.finish dressing.But before he could walk out of the bedroom, fierce dog barking came from around the stone castle.

"Wow woof woof woof woof."

Then, there were several crisp gunshots.Then, there was a loud gunshot, and he seemed to hear the wailing of the shepherd dog vaguely.

"Not good! They are going to storm the stone castle tonight."

Feng Tiance couldn't help frowning.In his thinking, as long as Link is not sure what he has to do with Puwang, he will not invade the stone castle with arms, and of course he will not use thermal weapons.After all, this area is not very far from the village, and the gunshots at night are likely to be heard.

Unexpectedly, they would have a showdown so soon.

In fact, his logic is not wrong, it's just that he doesn't understand Link's thinking.

After seeing the situation in Puwang camp, Link only suspected that Feng Tiance had something to do with it.But he doesn't need evidence, because Feng Tiance is the last hope.It's the best way to find out the whereabouts of the goods if you catch them right.If you make a mistake, just kill it, and never think about this batch of goods again.

This is called treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and Link is just gambling on luck.

"Made, at this juncture, you can only die and I will live! I can't care about anything else."

Hearing the wailing of the shepherd dog under the gunshots, Feng Tiance was terribly distressed.He was especially worried about the safety of the wolf one wolf seven.No way, I had to work hard.

Suddenly, Feng Tiance brought out hundreds of shepherd dogs from the space, and the entire open space of the stone castle was full.

"When the gate opens later, you have to rush out quickly! The people outside have guns, so be careful and look for opportunities to bite them."

Opening the door and letting the dog go was his first move to catch people by surprise.

The castle was quiet, and all the shepherd dogs stared at the gate of the castle motionless like soldiers before the expedition.

Feng Tiance walked over quickly, looked back at the countless pairs of eyes in the dark night, and then opened the door abruptly.
The shepherd dogs in the stone castle rushed out of the stone castle barking one by one, startling the fourteen people who were still fighting with the remaining dogs.

They are still several hundred meters away from the stone castle.Fourteen people, lying on the ground, covered each other and formed a small position, shooting into the darkness.

These shepherd dogs are more difficult than they imagined.In particular, there are a few large hounds, who are as cunning as humans, and know how to form troops and divide troops to outflank them.Made them miserable.

Although several collies were shot, three of them were bitten by dogs.For a while, they couldn't break through to the stone castle immediately.

Well, after a little delay, a dense crowd of shepherd dogs rushed out of the stone castle.As soon as they came out of the gate, they spread out quickly, attacking the small formation of fourteen people from all directions.

"Da-da. Da-da-da."

The guns in their hands also started firing intensively at the same time, and the shepherd immediately fell down.The rest of the shepherds had no choice but to weave past their small position, hiding in the shadows and preparing for the next attack.

"Aww. Aww"

At this time, Feng Tiance had arrived at the lookout point on the top of the stone castle.The roar of the leopard in the southwest direction became clearer and angrier.He knew that his first reinforcements had arrived.

"Mad. The hundred or so shepherd dogs who launched the attack just now did not know how much damage was done. I hope that the pythons and poisonous snakes everywhere in the northwest jungle will come quickly!"

Leopards, tigers, shepherds and other animals, he can drive them from a distance with just a whistle.But snakes can't, they need Feng Tiance to use a bamboo flute or bamboo whistle to make a sharp sound, so that they can perceive it.

Then blow the bamboo whistle!
At the observation window, Feng Tiance blew the bamboo whistle a few times, and then hurriedly changed places.The black light is blind, he is still afraid that he will encounter stray bullets.

Blowing the bamboo whistle a few times, and changing places, he has been paying attention to the changes in that small battlefield.

At this time, the gunfire gradually became rarer, and the barking of the dog gradually became inaudible.The roar of the leopard was getting closer and closer, as if it had reached the edge of the position.

Suddenly, the barks of wolf one and wolf seven sounded in the darkness, and the shepherd dog immediately launched another attack.

"Why are there so many wolfhounds? Mad, I'm almost out of bullets, what should I do?"

"No, I can't stand it anymore! Everyone cover alternately, retreat."

Fourteen people are really helpless, where have they seen such a formation?Hundreds of shepherd dogs rushed up like mad dogs, regardless of life and death. The death squad is not so brave, okay?

Besides, how much ammunition can each of them bring just to break into the stone castle and catch one person?There is always time to run out of bullets, fighting with bare hands, a dozen of them are not enough for this large pack of wolves.

After finally repelling the impact of the shepherd dog, the fourteen people were already terrified.So after a discussion, the wounded were set up and began to retreat alternately.

At this time, Lang Yi and Lang Qi did not let the shepherd dogs continue to attack, but slowly followed behind those people from a distance.


A spotted leopard finally got its chance. It jumped up from the grass, and its sharp claws scratched the right shoulder of one of them.Then he threw another person to the ground, bit that person's arm, and then rushed into the darkness without looking back.

"Da da."

The man whose shoulder was scratched howled and covered the wound with his left hand.The man whose arm was bitten was lying on the ground, but subconsciously fired.The bullets flew into the air, hitting nothing, and frightened the retreating people half to death.

"Be careful, don't shoot indiscriminately! Take the two of them and retreat quickly, it's actually a leopard!"

Facing wolfdogs, these people still have a psychological advantage, after all, they have weapons in their hands.But facing the leopard known as the jungle killer, these people were really terrified.

Nine people and five wounded fled in a panic. Fortunately, they did not receive a new round of attacks.At the edge of the jungle, they joined Link and Baron who were waiting anxiously.

"Link, hurry up and retreat! There are no less than a hundred wolfhounds here, and a leopard attacked us just now."

Link sighed, knowing that this operation might have failed completely.However, this really cannot be blamed on his subordinates, it can only be said that the opponent is too cruel.

"Did that kid keep a cheetah? Forget it, let's go quickly, this operation is cancelled."

(End of this chapter)

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