Chapter 105
Qiao Weiliang's reaction was a bit slow, and without getting her response, Ji Zhen kept grinding her lips, repeating a sentence: Qiao Weiliang, you are not sick.

The longer the repetition, the more urgent his voice became.

Qiao Weiliang could hear that he really wanted to get a response from her, as if she answered 'well, I'm not sick' and he would feel at ease.

Qiao Weiliang also wanted to respond to him like this, but as soon as she opened her mouth, her tongue hurt badly.

She forgot, she can't speak now.

Probably tired of talking, Ji Zhen stopped talking, but pressed her lips tightly against the tip of her nose, the distance was too close, Qiao Weiliang felt that she was almost cross-eyed.

Feeling uncomfortable, Qiao Weiliang frowned slightly, raised her right hand and pushed Ji Zhen's chest, Ji Zhen finally straightened her body, but she refused to take her eyes off her.

Her head was a little dizzy, her thinking seemed to be frozen, and Qiao Weiliang couldn't remember what happened before she got sick.

Xu Nuo came in from the outside after a while, his coat was stained with blood, fearing that Qiao Weiliang would irritate her if he saw it, he put on a white coat that Lin Huai changed.

"Do you feel a little slow in thinking?"

Xu Nuo asked and patted Qiao Weiliang's head twice, which was his habit as a doctor.

He did a survey when he just graduated from work, and this action can calm the emotions of most patients.

His hands are beautiful, because he is a doctor, his hands look whiter than ordinary people, the nails are kept very short, and they are light flesh-colored, giving people a very warm feeling.

Qiao Weiliang narrowed her eyes, and nodded after a while.

Xu Nuo was very patient and dragged a chair to sit beside the hospital bed.

Qiao Weiliang had made it clear before that she needed a strange doctor, and promised to know that she would not be able to trust herself without any worries, but now she just had an illness and took medicine, which is the time when her guard is the least.He can obtain more information, and when the time comes, organize and send it to his tutor, which can reduce the difficulty of treatment.

"Don't worry, this is a normal reaction after taking the medicine, and it will be fine in a while."

Well, Qiao Weiliang vaguely knew that he was telling the truth, but for a moment she didn't know what kind of medicine she was taking.

"Have you seen anyone or heard anything since I left?"

person or voice?
Qiao Weiliang blinked her eyes, feeling that her current state was a bit like being drunk, her head was empty, as if she had a temporary amnesia.

It took her a long time to shake her head slowly.

"Would you like to listen to some music?"

Qiao Weiliang wanted to shake his head, but Xu Nuo had already turned on the music, the melody was familiar to Qiao Weiliang, Guan Zhe's new song "Leisure"

I have to say that Xu Nuo is very good at choosing songs. Before, Qiao Weiliang felt that the melody of this song was brisk, which could give people the purest enjoyment. Listening to it now, it can make Qiao Weiliang more comfortable than those soothing and artistic light music relax.

Seeing that Qiao Weiliang liked this song quite a bit, Xu Nuo searched for a few more Guan Zhe's songs on the Internet and added them to the playlist.

Only Guan Zhe's singing echoed in the ward, making it rare and quiet.

"Have you thought about leaving Cloud City?"

Xu Nuo smiled and looked at Qiao Weiliang and asked, like an old friend who had known each other for a long time, without any purpose, just chatting casually.

Although he looks very young, Qiao Weiliang believes that he is a very good neurologist.

Leaving Cloud City?

It's not that Qiao Weiliang hasn't thought about it, but it's just an occasional thought.

In fact, she is a very nostalgic person. She is used to a living circle, so she doesn't want to move.

She doesn't have many friends, she can count them with a single slap.

So she doesn't yearn for poetry and distant places, but just wants to stay in a warm place.

After Xu Nuo asked this question, Ji Zhen threw a sharp glance at him, but Xu Nuo just smiled and didn't pay attention to him.

Ji Zhen didn't dare to get angry, but just looked at Qiao Weiliang rightly, and when he saw Qiao Weiliang shaking his head, he felt that he finally let go.

Although this does not mean that the relationship between him and Qiao Weiliang has eased, it still subconsciously has such a feeling.

"Do you feel tired? Do you want to take a break?"

Xu Nuo asked, Qiao Weiliang didn't think he didn't ask, but after asking, a deep sleepiness swept over him.

Qiao Weiliang couldn't even make a nod, and fell into a deep sleep.

In fact, it's not considered a deep sleep, it's because the body feels very tired, and the eyelids can't be opened, but the consciousness is awake in a daze.

Seeing Qiao Weiliang fall asleep with his own eyes, Ji Zhen grabbed Xu Nuo's collar and asked, "What did you do to her?"

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Qiao Weiliang to fall asleep so quickly.

Xu Nuo's answer is very simple, only four words: "drug effect."

Ji Zhen let go of his promise, feeling very irritable. This medicine does not relieve emotions at all, but more like anesthetizing people's nerves, making people unable to think.

As long as you don't think, you won't think of those unpleasant memories, and you won't get sick.

But this is simply treating the symptoms, not the root cause!
Xu Nuo walked to the door and signaled Ji Zhen to go out.

With the farce just now, this time Ji Zhen didn't walk away, but just stood outside the door, slightly covering the door, so that he could observe the situation in the ward at any time.

Seeing his actions, Xu Nuo explained: "After taking the medicine, she should be prone to sleepiness these two days, so you don't have to be so nervous."

Ji Zhen's brows did not loosen, but frowned even tighter: "What side effects does that medicine have?"

"There are basically no side effects if taken occasionally, but if taken in large quantities for a long time, it may cause memory loss."

"When can she stop taking this medicine?"

Ji Zhen asked, the irritability that had been suppressed just now came back to my heart.

Regarding this question, Xu Nuo didn't give Ji Zhen an answer right away. Needless to say, Ji Zhen also understood that as long as Qiao Weiliang didn't get better for a day, she couldn't do without this medicine.

"She was calm during the psychological test. When we left, only those reporters came, but just now she said she didn't hear any voice."

"What do you want to say?"

Ji Zhen asked impatiently, he didn't want to draw any conclusions from the promised inferences, he wanted a direct and accurate result.

"The cause of her illness should be the car accident those reporters just mentioned."

Do not!
Ji Zhen directly denies Xu Nuo's conclusion in her heart.

That car accident was not caused by Qiao Weiliang, that's not the reason.

The real reason should be to take the blame for Ji Shan and stay there for three months.

"It wasn't a car accident."

Ji Zhen opened his mouth, feeling that every word was barbed, scratching his throat: "She didn't cause the car accident, she stayed in there for three months instead of Ji Shan, and those three months were the real accident. s reason."

After speaking, Ji Zhen seemed to be able to taste the fishy sweetness in his mouth.

A flash of surprise flashed in Xu Nuo's eyes, and it took him more than ten seconds to digest the news.

"I'm going to call the teacher."

"it is good."

Ji Zhen replied, standing at the door without moving, only looking at Qiao Weiliang from a distance.

She seemed to be sleeping deeply, but she didn't want to lie there herself, but relied on the effect of drugs to make her so quiet.

Worried that she would hurt herself again, she did not infuse her with nutrient solution and instead gave her a nutrient injection.

During this period of time, she seemed to have been losing weight, no matter how much she ate, she didn't grow back.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, she has never been fat.

Seeing her lying there now, Ji Zhen has the urge to make her plump.

After three years of marriage, he kept saying that he couldn't be hard on her, but in fact, she would provoke her every time.

Sometimes when she finds out, she will smile like a sneaky kitten, licking her fleshy paws triumphantly.

At that time, Qiao Weiliang could smile with crooked eyebrows, and her eyes were full of light, playful and charming, and could easily seduce people's hearts.

The scene at that time emerged in my mind, and my throat was a little tight and dry.

Her Adam's apple rolled up and down, and she remembered that at the restaurant at the Christmas party, in the small bathroom, he held her around her waist and called her name over and over again. solve.


With a sigh, my heart throbbed.

What should he do with her?
Just as she was thinking, Xu Qingyou handed over a box of lunch: "Eat something to fill your belly, you haven't eaten much since you came here yesterday."

Ji Zhen didn't answer, he has no appetite now, he can't eat at all, he doesn't even feel hungry.

"Even if you don't have an appetite, you still have to eat a little. Do you want to accompany her to get a nutritional injection?"

In the end, Ji Zhen took the lunch box.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Xu Qingyou would never have believed that one day she would see Ji Zhen squatting at the door eating. Although the movements were graceful, this posture was really indescribable.

It only took 10 minutes for Ji Zhen to finish eating a box of lunch. Xu Qingyou handed him the box of milk in her pocket, for fear that he would choke on it.

"I'll watch here first, do you want to take a shower and change clothes?"

"Need not."

Ji Zhen refused without even thinking about it. Today, Qiao Weiliang's shock to him has not subsided, so he dare not leave.

"Then you want to wait for her to recover, and then deal with those terrible things by yourself? I just watched the news, and things seem to be getting worse and worse. Do you really care?"


Ji Zhen went to Lin Huai's lounge to take a shower, and then commandeered his computer.

After Zhou Han held a press conference, in the afternoon, Jin Mocheng issued a response as Qiao Weiliang's defense lawyer: he is willing to actively cooperate with the judicial authorities in the investigation.

As soon as the response was sent out, the public relations of the Holy Court followed up with the report. The reports were basically written by He Fan. They were still based on an objective point of view and rational analysis, and did not mean to guide public opinion.

At the same time, the official platform of the Holy Court issued a statement, trusting its employees.

The official statement is very concise, but the attitude is very clear. Qiao Weiliang is an employee of the Holy Court. Since she was hired at the beginning, it means that she is fine.

Because it was a positive response, most of the onlookers were just watching the fun at first.

Soon, the video of the reporter's visit to the hospital was published on the Internet. There was no part of Ji Zhen beating someone, but none of the reporter's questions were answered.

Those questions are inherently biased, because they did not give a negative answer, so there are more and more doubts on the Internet, coupled with some malicious guidance, and now it is basically showing a one-sided trend.

Everyone had already determined that Qiao Weiliang was at fault in this case, and some posts maliciously portrayed Qiao Weiliang as a bully, and there was already a lot of crusade on the Internet.

Without even thinking about it, Ji Zhen could guess who posted those malicious speculation posts.

The latest news is that someone spontaneously held a banner to protest downstairs in the Holy Court, demanding that Qiao Weiliang be fired and the deceased be given justice!
After closing the webpage, Ji Zhen logged into his social platform and sent a window shake to Jin Mocheng.

Jin Mocheng replied in seconds: What are you doing?I'm a lawyer and not a PR, I can't control these news!
Ji Zhen didn't reply to his message, and spent ten minutes writing a program, and then... took control of Jin Mocheng's computer.

This is Ji Zhen's graduation work. At that time, he used this program to hack into the school's educational administration system and scored himself.

At that time, Jin Mocheng, who was sitting at the other end of the computer, saw that his computer automatically opened the folder, and even packed the files and sent them to Ji Zhen, as if he had seen a ghost.

After being startled for a few seconds, he finally came back to his senses, picked up his cell phone and called Ji Zhen, and when he connected, he yelled at his head and face: "Are you looking for a hacker to get my computer? Those are top secret files, you take them do what?"

"I didn't take anyone else's, I only took what should be taken."


What is this called?This is a steal!

Jin Mocheng was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but his skills were not as good as others, so he could only take a step back: "These materials are not allowed to be passed on to the outside world. If you are a buddy, you'd better read it and then..." Permanently delete it.

Before he finished speaking, there was only a busy tone of 'beep' on the phone, and Jin Mocheng almost smashed the computer in anger.

After the transmission was over, Ji Zhen exited the program.

Open the compressed package, there are many contents inside. Fortunately, Jin Mocheng clearly classified the files.

Ji Zhen first read the materials of the entire case from the verification and evidence collection to the court debate.

The information is very detailed, the time and place of evidence collection, and the filing are very detailed, and the court discussions are all based on live recordings.

From the beginning to the end, there was no falsification in the trial of this case.

That person rushed out by himself.

This case was really just an accident.

After reading these, Ji Zhen clicked on Qiao Weiliang's file folder for medical parole.

After one click, a dozen photos appeared on the screen.

Ji Zhen's pupils shrank for a moment, but they still firmly opened and enlarged.

The photo was very clear, and there was a sharp contrast between the horrible and hideous wound and Qiao Weiliang's indifferent expression.

What surprised Ji Zhen the most was Qiao Weiliang's eyes, her eyes didn't have any light, even if she couldn't see it for a while, her eyes were not like this.

The photo was taken from all angles because she was covered in injuries.

Cigarette burns, bites, bruises, and even festering wounds.

No matter which angle you look at, her eyes are lifeless, hopeless, nothing.

Such eyes even made Ji Zhen feel that Qiao Weiliang in the photo was dead, it was just a body.

After reading the photos, there is also a scanned medical certificate.

Most of the medical certificates contained physical data, and the injuries on Qiao Weiliang's body were all classified as traumatic injuries. The final conclusion was that the digestive tract was bleeding repeatedly, and it did not get better after standard treatment.

Ji Zhen searched the Internet for the keyword gastrointestinal bleeding, and the answer she got was very general, as if all internal organs belong to the digestive system, there are many places where bleeding occurs, and there are many reasons for bleeding.

When seeing gastric cancer bleeding, Ji Zhen directly forked the webpage.

The chest was very stuffy, Lin Huai suddenly opened the door and came in, the computer screen was still on, Ji Zhen subconsciously reached out and flipped it, the computer was tumbling in the air for two and a half weeks, and finally fell to the ground with a 'snap', breaking into two halves.

Lin Huai: "..."

If he's not mistaken, it looks like his computer was dropped just now.

He still has a lot of experimental data in his computer! !

"What the hell are you doing?"

Lin Huai rushed over and picked up his computer to check it. He had worked on those experimental data for a long time. If it was gone now, he couldn't guarantee whether he would fight Ji Zhen desperately with a scalpel.

Ji Zhen took a look at the computer, and said flatly, "It can still be repaired."

"It's good if it can be repaired!" Lin Huai breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to Ji Zhen and began to jump: "If you can repair it, you can't just drop the computer! Although the things are not expensive, the information inside is very expensive. If you lose it, I will Believe it or not, I can turn against you!"

Lin Huai said a lot, but Ji Zhen didn't listen at all. When he stopped, he asked, "What do you mean by repeated bleeding from the digestive tract?"

"You first listen to what labor and management have to say!" Lin Huai roared, seeing that Ji Zhen's face was not right, he immediately reacted: "Who is bleeding from the digestive tract?"

"No one."


Who else can have a face that stinks like this?What about cheating ghosts?
"There are many reasons for gastrointestinal bleeding. Severe ones can be fatal. Mild ones will be fine in two days. After so many tests, she has nothing wrong with it except that she is a little overwhelmed. Don't be too nervous."

Lin Huai poked Ji Zhen's shoulder and said, Qiao Weiliang is the only one who can make Ji Zhen look bad now.

Ji Zhen didn't speak, his mind was full of Qiao Weiliang's injuries.

He didn't dare to think about how those injuries appeared on her body, and he didn't dare to think about how she overcame those fears by herself after figuring it out.

After going through so much, how could she still appear in front of him so calmly?How can you say you love him without hesitation?

After knowing everything, Ji Zhen even preferred that Qiao Weiliang would stab herself when they reunited.

"The current news is a bit noisy, what are you going to do?"

Lin Huai asked with some concern.

Because Lin Yucheng is there, his world is actually relatively simple. Apart from studying medical skills, he basically doesn't have to worry about other things, so he is not very good at dealing with these.

This is also the reason why he kept letting Qiao Weiliang leave Ji Zhen in the first place. He always felt that Qiao Weiliang had too many secrets, which were unpredictable.

"Watch what happens."

Ji Zhen dropped these four words and took Lin Huai's computer back to the ward.

The next day Mu Yuan brought him a toolbox.

The first time Qiao Weiliang woke up, Ji Zhen was dismantling the computer.

Sensing Qiao Weiliang's gaze, he showed Qiao Weiliang the disassembled parts, and at the same time helped explain its function.

Qiao Weiliang often fell asleep after listening to it.

Probably because he slept a lot, even with the effect of the medicine, Qiao Weiliang woke up after a short sleep, but after waking up, he felt a little groggy, stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, and then watched Ji Zhen reassemble the computer.

On the way, Lin Huai would also come in to have a look, and every time he exaggeratedly yelled at Ji Zhen that if the computer couldn't be repaired well, he would have to cut off his justice with Ji Zhen.

Sometimes Qiao Weiliang would be in a daze when he woke up, as if Ji Zhen was just a computer repairer, and Lin Huai was a hot-tempered and difficult customer.

This kind of life is probably the most ordinary.

But it caused Qiao Weiliang to develop a somewhat unreal greed.

In the morning of the third day, Qiao Weiliang woke up, and as usual saw Ji Zhen tinkering with the computer beside him, but the computer had been rebuilt and reassembled.

"woke up?"

Ji Zhen asked warmly, with a tender smile in his eyes, but he couldn't stop the blue and black under his eyes.

Qiao Weiliang didn't know if he had slept in the past three days, but he only knew that every time he opened his eyes, he was awake.

"how do you feel today?"

Ji Zhen got up and walked to the bed, and kissed Qiao Weiliang on the forehead.

"My face is very oily."

Trying to speak, the tongue is no longer so painful, but the voice of speaking is not very smooth, a bit like a little old lady after losing her teeth.

Ji Zhen directly ignored Qiao Weiliang's words, reached out and pinched her cheek, forcing her to open her mouth.

The bite marks could still be clearly seen on the tender tongue, Ji Zhen looked at it seriously: "Does it hurt anymore?"

Qiao Weiliang shook his head immediately.

It can be seen that her thinking reaction speed has also returned.

"From today onwards, you can eat some light liquid food. Later, I will go to the company to deal with some matters, and ask Ji Shan to bring Xiaohui to accompany you."

"When will Ji Shan go abroad?"

"After the Lantern Festival."

Qiao Weiliang nodded, and it took a while to remember to ask: "What day is today?"

"Today is the first day of the new year."


So she slept from last year to this year?
Qiao Weiliang was a little speechless, this was definitely the most bewildering year she had ever lived.

At this moment, Qiao Weiliang's expression became more vivid, as if the previous fragility no longer existed.

Ji Zhen reached out to rub her hair, took out a red envelope and stuffed it into her hand: "Qiao Weiliang, happy new year!"


Why is there a sense of déjà vu that the elders give lucky money to the younger generation?
What should she answer?
Qiao Weiliang thought for a while with a delicate expression, then raised her head and said seriously: "Thank you ex-husband."


Ji Zhen's hands froze, seeing the cunning hidden in the corner of the woman's eyes, a trace of warmth spread out.

Weiliang, that's it, let me see it vividly.

Your waywardness and your petty temper, all will be handed over to me.

As long as it's you, I don't mind.

After being frozen for two seconds, Ji Zhen continued to rub Qiao Weiliang's head twice. Just as he withdrew his hand, Lin Huai came in from the outside.

He was still wearing a white coat, but with a big red scarf around his neck, he seemed to be in good spirits.

As he approached, he bumped Ji Zhen with his shoulder, and smiled triumphantly: "How about it, the garden flower from our courtyard gave it to me just now, isn't it so handsome!"

Without waiting for Ji Zhen's answer, he continued to mutter: "As suave and handsome as I am, I'm naturally very popular, but unlike you, you're alone now, poor thing..."

As expected, Lin Huai got Ji Zhen's slash, but he was completely immune to his rough skin and thick flesh.

He lowered his head and observed Qiao Weiliang carefully for a while, seeing that she looked good, she pursed her lips in satisfaction, and also took out a red envelope from her pocket and stuffed it into Qiao Weiliang's hand: "Hey, employee benefits, just an extra one, it's cheaper for you .”

Just 'just so' an extra copy?
Qiao Weiliang didn't believe her luck would be so good, but she didn't expose it, she said 'thank you' and accepted the red envelope.

Lin Huai smiled unnaturally: "There is nothing to thank, and it's not just for you."

After speaking, his eyes fell on the repaired computer, and he changed the subject: "Fixed?"

"Well, I changed the keyboard and display."

Lin Huai walked over, looked left and right, and kept talking in amazement: "You really know how to repair. If the Ji family goes bankrupt in the future, you can still live by this craft."

Ha ha!

Ji Zhen looked at Lin Huai with a half-smile: "Don't worry, the Ji family will definitely go bankrupt after this hospital closes down."


Is this man trying to choke him to death on the first day of the new year?

After talking for a while, when Xu Qingyou brought breakfast, Ji Zhen fed Qiao Weiliang a bowl of millet porridge before leaving.

After getting out of the hospital and getting into the car, Mu Zhao handed over a thick bag.

"At that time, there were seven people locked up in the same room with my wife, two of them were thieves and habitual offenders, they were released after being detained for [-] days, and the other three were fraudsters, they were sentenced after being locked up for half a month. There are two remaining, one is a wild model who takes drugs, and the other is a woman whose husband cheated on her and was forced to have a miscarriage by her mistress, who hacked her mistress to death. After being sentenced, she was diagnosed with mental illness and is now locked up in a mental hospital."

Ji Zhen flexed his index finger and tapped the stack of documents a few times: "These seven, who did you find?"

"That wild model came out of the drug rehabilitation center a few days ago, and now lives in a rented basement in the north of the city."

"Go and see."

"Yes, sir."

There was silence in the car, and Ji Zhen continued to flip through the pages. He read every page of information carefully, and refused to let go of every possible detail.

Turning to Mo Jianzhou's personal profile, Ji Zhen's speed was even slower, his eyes moved down from his profile a little bit, and then stopped.

"He worked as an intern in Mutian for half a year after graduation?"


"What position do you do?"

"Financial Assistant."

"Why didn't you stay?"

"It is said that he was fired because he made a mistake."

Get fired?

Looking down, Ji Zhen narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Mo Jianzhou didn't look for a job within a year after he was fired by Mutian. Instead, he married Zhou Han and bought a three-bedroom apartment in the third ring road.

A college student who just graduated has such strong financial strength?

"How is his family's economic level?"

"Usually, his father had an accident when he was in his freshman year, and the university was completed only with his father's compensation."

"what happened?"

"Try to find a way to check his financial income during the period when he was fired by Mu Tian, ​​and the night of the car accident, the monitoring of various road sections, not only near the scene, but also near the homes of Mu Tian and Mo Jianzhou."

Mu Zhao didn't ask any more questions, and replied directly: "Okay."

Ji Zhen put down the document and had a vague premonition that this incident was indeed not an ordinary accident.

For example, why did Mo Jianzhou suddenly rush to the road?

He just got married, and his wife is pregnant again, so he has no motive to commit suicide, does he?

"Sir, there's been a lot of noise recently in the news, don't you really need to worry about it?"

"No need." Ji Zhen replied, looking at the receding scenery outside the window, his eyes were stern.

The car eventually drove into the old town that hadn't been completely remodeled, like a forgotten dark corner in a bustling city.

The street behind was blocked by collapsed buildings, and cars couldn't get in, so Ji Zhen got out of the car and walked over.

The basement that Muzhao was talking about, in Ji Zhen's view, was more like a simple room made of rotten boards on a pit.

If it wasn't for Mu Zhao's reminder, Ji Zhen would have stepped in.

Mu Zhao went up and stepped on the wooden board twice, and a messy head popped out. Before he could see his face clearly, he cursed: "What's wrong with you! Why are you stepping on my mother's roof? If you step on it, you will pay for it." Can you afford it?"

After the woman finished cursing, she turned her head, and when she saw Ji Zhen, her complexion suddenly changed, and even her tone of voice became distorted: "Hey, isn't this Young Master Ji? What kind of wind brought such a big man like you here? Is there a salt-alkali land?"

(End of this chapter)

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