Nine zero space lucky wife

Chapter 194 Hesitation

Chapter 194 Hesitation
Xue Shengqing: ...

No, why did it blame him again?He didn't say a word.

Xue Mu held Rong Qiang's hand reassuringly: "Mom, I have something to discuss with you and Dad."

"Just discuss it with me, you don't need to tell him." Rong Qiang gave Xue Shengqing a glare.

Xue Shengqing was about to move to sit next to Rong Qiang's mother and daughter, but then he could barely sit back on his raised buttocks.

Xue Mu deliberately turned his head and said: "Dad, Mom, there are a few workers who probably won't be able to stay..."

She didn't talk too much, leaving room for it.

Li Chuang definitely couldn't stay. Whether the other three workers left or stayed depended on their next choices.

This is also a wake-up call for the workers nearby.

Of course, it also made them feel the boss's tolerance. As long as they are good workers and sincerely correct their mistakes, they will have the possibility of being accepted again.

After all, now is the time for employing people. If too many workers have left the garment factory at this time, even if there are cloths, there are too few people and it is very likely that the work will not be completed on time.

When it comes to the delivery date, there are likely to be the same consequences.

After listening to Xue Mu's words, Rong Qiang nodded in agreement: "Let your father take out the money in my passbook. If they really decide to leave, they will settle the salary directly."

She glanced at Xue Shengqing, and said to Xue Yun: "Xiaoyun should go, the passbook is at home, I will tell you where it is, you can take it to the bank now."

Xue Yun nodded, wrote down what Rong Qiang said, and walked out.

Xue Mu chased it out and stuffed five yuan into Xue Yun's hand: "What do you want to eat when you see something on the road, buy something to fill your belly first, and you have class in the afternoon."

"What about you and your parents? How do you eat?"

Xue Mu smiled and said, "Leave us alone, go get busy with this matter first, and go back to school after withdrawing the money."

He still has to deal with follow-up matters.Wait until the workers go to work normally before going back to school.

Fortunately, she told Li Qiao about asking for leave in advance, otherwise the teacher could not find anyone to call home and no one answered, and there would be a lot of trouble.

Xue Yun knew that Xue Mu would not change easily after making a decision, so he simply agreed and rode his bicycle home.

In the canteen, the workers sat and ate with familiar people.

They ate and talked about what had just happened.

And the three workers who were first pointed out by Wu Lan occupied a table.

There was no one sitting at the table next to them, and everyone tacitly distanced themselves from them.

"Well, do you think Miss Xue will drive them away later?"

When it comes to Xue Mu, no one treats her like a child.

There was respect in the workers' tone.

"I don't know. Didn't Ms. Xue say just now that she will have a group meeting after we finish eating? She should be able to talk about it."

"Actually, it's understandable for them to choose to leave. It's good that they can get their salary in advance." Someone said longingly.

"What about you? Are you going?"


In fact, many people are hesitant.

They also felt that the garment factory was out of business, and the cloth they finally got was soaked by water.It will take several days to be unable to start work, and it has been delayed for so long, can it be completed on time for the delivery time?
If the delivery cannot be made on time, won't you still have to pay a lot of money?
Does the garment factory still have money to pay them wages?
It's better to take the salary and leave in advance. If you have money, you can use this time to find another job.

(End of this chapter)

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