Chapter 241 Charlotte

Charlotte is a war thorn, with a flash as an assassin.If it is a double lineup, Charlotte must be able to use it, right?The operation of this hero is very simple, as long as you don't have empty skills and one layer of imprints, you don't need to operate, but it's too late to detail, and you need patience, unlike most fighters

The core of Charlotte is to do everything possible to stay passive. In the early stage, you must develop steadily and install the CD as soon as possible. This hero cannot afford to lose points in the early stage. Waiting for other players to play comfortably in the early stage of the battle, it is probably the reason why they are rarely seen.

Charlotte's ability to start a group is not bad, the group can start a group in seconds, but the crispy skin is sold inside, or 123a can be 2 out after a set, but the crispy skin is not killed, so Charlotte should be cautious when starting a group to kill the target , which also takes patience. 12 dodge 3A12 long-distance strong shooter will die, shooter hand flash is useless to kill, of course, the economy must be enough, in the economy, you only need to eat every wave of soldiers in the early stage and it will not be harmless, 4000 economy kills 5000 shooters enough

Unless you are the leader in the early stage and want to kill the opponent solo (this is a common problem of Charlotte's people who play well), even if Charlotte is crushed by the three opponents, as long as there are details, it is impossible to have the triangle sword and the seven-star sword Even soldiers can't make up
Charlotte is very strong, but she always loses her life because she is just a little short.Charlotte, as long as you don't hit the shooter with 123a12, then Charlotte can't beat the shooter, because Charlotte's flat a basically doesn't hurt, it's really scraping.

For example, in a team battle, I did not save the imprint 12 flash 3a to kill the mage for a second, and then turned 12 to the shooter immediately with residual blood. As a result, 2 layers of marks were stacked, and the archer A got out of the resurrection armor. . . .It’s all protruding to the face, and it’s not good to have the second skill of flashing. The cd of the big move is 6 seconds. It was very embarrassing at the time. I had to scrape the patient’s neck to wait for 12 cd. In the end, I waited for 4 seconds and couldn’t wait for the Seven Star Sword to be killed alive.

For example, there was a 12 dodge 3a, but the Seven Star Sword didn't come out. I was confused, and only played two layers of marks. The second skill counted down in 4 seconds. At that time, I knew that my starting hand 1 was empty.Then it was a tragedy. After rushing in, there was nothing to dodge, and I couldn't get out even if I walked.As long as you are not careful enough and leave a mark, this kind of mistake is often very fatal. It often means that the skill has been played, no damage is played, no displacement is withdrawn, and it is basically fatal.

For example, the second skill should be used carefully and not be wasted. If you can use the Seven Star Sword to get close, don't use 2 to get close.Once I stacked up three layers of passive, trying to kill Luban.Luban is within the range of my level a, I can definitely use a to get close to him, but I clicked a 2 skill to get close, and then I went to fight the Seven Star Sword, but Luban knocked me back with one shot, at this time It was very embarrassing, I handed in the second skill before, and I was repelled by Lu Ban just after I handed in the second skill. Lu Ban was not within the range of my Seven Star Sword.If my 2 is still there, even if I am repelled by Luban, I will continue to keep up with a 2 and it will be fine.That wasted 2 skills, I always remember
The Charlotte I have seen played by my teammates, either the head iron in the early stage is always replaced by blood and can't make up soldiers, or it doesn't have a flash and a finisher? ? ? (Charlotte must bring flash. Without flash, it is not guaranteed to touch the shooter. If it is hard, it will definitely be crippled by the shooter. Adding support may not be able to kill the shooter.) Or in the mid-term, I always want to fight a team but don’t cut the shooter, so They ended up with a shitty record.

First of all, Charlotte is a typical warrior hero, that is, half-meat.This type of hero has a big problem. It is easy to die suddenly when starting a group, so it is generally necessary to match other heroes with the ability to start a group. There is a requirement for lineup adaptability, and the higher the level, the more obvious it is.Even pick the jungler.Because level 85 Charlotte can’t compete with any hero with a total appearance rate of 2%, wait for others to go against the jungle, you are still clearing the line, and Charlotte who has just reached level 4 is not very good, you have to wait for your CD shoes to be made Yes, you can slowly usher in an advantage period when you are on the side, and gain the right to speak. There will be the first strong period at level 0. Before that, you can only hope that the other two lanes will not collapse too much, especially the middle lane. The jungler doesn't have a 2-[-] start or the economy is in the fourth position.

Secondly, there are too few options for Charlotte's equipment, or in other words, there are only a few pieces of equipment that can be adapted to Charlotte. CD shoes, black cut, ice grip, anti-armor, eternal night or witch, resistance shoes, a piece of functional equipment.The only thing worth considering here is that you can’t produce resistance shoes. If you want to, you need to sell CD shoes later, so that your cooldown can’t be full, up to 35, of course, it’s enough.At present, I saw a new way of playing in Charlotte, a national server. Ice Grip is replaced by Sky, and Anti-Armor is replaced by Explosion.Of course, in the 25th season when the anti-armor is weakened, maybe the violent armor can really be the answer to the version, but I still think it is necessary to keep the ice grip, otherwise Charlotte has no ability to retain people, and the success rate of cutting C in the later stage will be lower.This also shows that Charlotte's equipment has not changed much and is not very adaptable.

In the end, Master Xia's biggest problem is that his wife is weak in the later stage. He can't lead the line to steal the tower against the wind, and he can't squat down to start a group with the wind.If you don't have a big advantage in the mid-term, or your teammates can't beat the opponent even if they get the economy, then just GG.You can watch a lot of live broadcasts of Charlotte in the national server. Basically, those who can win in the mid-term have very good records. If they are delayed in the later stage, no matter whether they win or lose, Charlotte’s death rate will increase significantly. It is difficult to obtain kills and assists. It keeps going up, after all, we are professional in Gua Sha.In other words, Charlotte does not have the ability to end the game in the late stage, does not have the key to start a team, and it is difficult to have a key kill. The only thing worth mentioning is that the pulling ability is not bad.

The main thing is that this hero is really weak at the first level. Basically, you will be stuck directly under the tower, so that you will not be able to gain experience. It is quite a limit to fill up a pawn with a skill. As a result, the first skill still has a forward swing, and those with low proficiency are advised directly. Return.The second level is small and strong, but it is difficult to play two passives to the opponent. At the same time, Xiahou and pigs are more powerful on the tank side, and they will be stuck on the tank side.

After reaching the fourth level, start stacking some cds, use the passive plus flash to have a chance to fly to the face of the opposite shooter to hit the face, and cut to the c position.But the requirements for bushes or flashes are very high. After all, no one wants to rush forward while watching a speeding Charlotte.But in fact, why don’t you play Mulan if you have dodge or grass, and the burst damage is even higher, so you don’t need to save it. Passive, basically combo one skill plus level A silent second hit, add heavy sword push and heavy sword one skill to make up for damage.

In addition, because this hero's outbreak is not so cool, so simple, and has relatively high requirements for pulling and manipulation, many people are beaten when they try it out, and they are persuaded to quit, resulting in relatively low popularity.

But in fact, it’s okay. Players who like it also really like it. They can continuously release skills to stack their own passives. When you stand out from the crowd, control several big moves and then play a few times to strengthen the level a, you will also experience it. To the explosion damage of this hero.Online use of the accelerated dodging skill after the skill is released, and the use of the second skill to restore blood volume, the strength is still there, and it can also be suppressed very well against Ma Chao and the old master.It is also recommended that you can practice this hero, not only to expand your own hero pool, but also to have more operational details. When exchanging blood with others, it will be more refined, which is very helpful to improve your operational level on the confrontation road .

I feel that this hero is very strong, with long-range consumption, blood recovery, and control.I really like this hero very much. I used to be Wannian AD. Occasionally, when there is no position, I just mess around. I play Zhao Yun as a jungler. Just play big fish and you're done.After Charlotte came out, I was able to play according to the normal top lane logic, and I was able to deal good damage in team battles.So I still like this hero very much.

But it is true that many people don't like this hero. My personal guess is that this hero is too fragile, and the output is not brutal enough.But in my opinion, this hero is taking the light way.It’s true that you can’t beat many people due to heads-up in the early stage, but that’s a situation of no brains. In fact, I think the way to play Charlotte’s heads-up should be to use Q to consume before level 4, and at the same time accumulate passives, stack 2 layers of passives and rush over The 2 skills are then passively played for a set and then quickly retreated (the 2 skills can be used when running).Waiting for the next fight.Because Charlotte's passivity has a control effect, such a blood exchange is generally not a loss.Even if you suffer a loss, you can fight soldiers with 2 skills to recover blood.Wait until the blood line of the opposite side goes down, and then you can fight your life with the opposite side.It's even easier after level 4. Directly use 1 skill to accelerate, 2 skills to protrude face, 3 skills to control, then take a passive and then retreat quickly.Charlotte's skill cd is very short.As long as you don't want to kill the opponent with one set, you can generally take advantage of it.

Take Li Bai to fight Charlotte. As long as you dodge one skill in the early and mid-term, Charlotte will directly force the hero, but it will be difficult to fight after Charlotte becomes fleshy.

Needless to say about Diao Chan, it’s 10.0-[-] in the early stage, and it’s impossible to play in the [-] meeting in the later stage. It may be better to have a line of soldiers

Here we have to talk about the only true god who restrains Charlotte——Mozi, every time I play the peak match, I get a headache when I see the opponent taking Mozi, and it is impossible to kill solo in the lane. Charlotte is as uncomfortable as eating shit, and Charlotte can't come out to resist shoes in the early and mid-term, unless the pair of shoes will drag a wave of economics, it will have to wait until the black-cut ice veins are all sold out.
There is also an early stage that is particularly good at Charlotte is Tangerine. It is too difficult to fight in the early stage, with a lot of recovery, huge consumption, huge damage, and a very handsome appearance.
Charlotte is estimated to hit Brother Yuan at 37, but if the opposite Yuan Ge has a clearer mind, it is 19, and the thief is difficult to fight. The only chance is to hit the puppet [-] and flash it on the face to strengthen the flat A. Fight a set and then chase and kill
The general can actually be killed. Use the first skill to press the blood line. The second skill is best to move to the point on the general. See if the opposite side changes positions. Small moves can hide a, but it’s not very good to be honest. .

When the white bar is read, the skill indicator that the finger has pressed will disappear, and it is easy to cause the skill to be unable to release and stand in place.It is unclear whether it is a bug of the new hero or a balance consideration.Players who have been in the habit of throwing out the indicator early and waiting for the moment to let go of their fingers need to get rid of this habit when playing Charlotte.

2. When the passively strengthened general attack Seven Star Sword comes out, any operation will be interrupted, resulting in the inability to get the final and most core beheading damage.Seeing that the enemy is far away, you don't need to move to chase, the damage will still hit him automatically.When Charlotte starts to swing the passive sword, let go in time, similar to Mark's ultimate move.

1. Like the remaining 3 SNK heroes, they are very particular about pulling.Fast forward and fast rewind.

2. Backhand, backhand, backhand.The latter enters the field to harvest.But one skill can be discarded if there is nothing to do.It is OK to consume, throw wild monsters, save passive + speed up to approach the enemy.

3. This kind of hero who can't get in and out is very economical, and there is nothing wrong with using the economy if there is nothing to do.Therefore, I personally think that Charlotte is more suitable for the jungle position.

Finally, let’s talk about the strength of this hero.Last night on Huya, I watched a lot of big anchors at the level of God of War on the sidelines play Charlotte. The economy is a lot ahead, but the contribution of the team is extremely limited, and the record is not very good.I personally think that the strength of the new hero is not high, and it must be half flesh.

Yesterday, I was 3k ahead in a single piece of defensive equipment and had full health to cut a Huang Zhong. The operation was flawless, and the famous sword came out after almost no rush in... The damage was full, and finally I used the famous sword's invincibility time to forcefully replace him.There is no one for a crispy warrior to get into this job.

To sum up, Charlotte is another hero with fancy special effects and simple and crude mechanism.Due to the extremely simple and crude skill mechanism, the gap between the upper limit and the lower limit is extremely small, so her strength depends entirely on the value given to her by the official.If it is strong, it is a numerical monster; if it is weak, it is a sewer.It's really delicious to play pictures, cool pictures and fun. If you really practice the art of high-level operations, you still have to go back to Guan Yu and Ma Chao.

Why did Charlotte restrain Ma Chao?
First of all, we must understand the two hero skill mechanisms. Ma Chao will calculate the damage through the movement speed (this is the key point) and physical attack power. At the same time, his enhanced basic attack depends on the attack speed (this is the key point). If it becomes negative, then you can experience the feeling of poking a gun and getting stuck for a second.

So what about Charlotte's skills?

Charlotte's CD is extremely fast (after black cut + ice vein of course), and at the same time, the ice pulse gauntlet is equipped with a reduction in movement speed, and it's fine if the movement speed is reduced. Charlotte's thing hits you and you still have less attack speed. . .

After Ma Chao's attack speed is reduced, no one has experienced the feeling of diarrhea, right?

Ma Chao, who knows how to play again, will not go up to fight when he encounters a Charlotte who has stacked 5 layers of seven-star light swords, and will use his own enhanced basic attack to avoid the final beheading damage.

Obviously, the Ma Chao mechanism is basically completely contoured by Charlotte, and it is unlikely that it will be able to beat it when the skills in the duel are average.

(Of course you can try solo kills at level 2 and level 4)
Why do you say that KPL Charlotte took it out or was poked by the opposite side?
Because of the economy and operations.

Charlotte's turn is cumbersome, and she is not a flexible fighter, at least it will not have the mobile support effect of Ma Chao and Guan Yu.

KPL Ma Chao basically brings a Sun Bin when he takes it out. After Ma Chao’s pawn line is cleared + Sun Bin 2 quickly changes the line, you will start fighting in the middle of Longkeng.

There are fewer top laners and more top laners at the same time. Is it inappropriate for you to say that you can still win?

That's why you lost.

However, this style of play will require support to help Ma Chao clear the line, which will cause the support of the growth path to be much slower. Selecting Charlotte is a disguised restriction: if you do not come to help, Ma Chao will be gone.

Therefore, KPL's Ma Chao basically does not fight against the lane and people, but rubs back and forth between the mid lane pawn line and the counter lane pawn line, and can even eat a few wilds.

(End of this chapter)

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