King: You are invincible when you read the lines

Chapter 231 Infinite Tower Crossing Flow

Chapter 231 Infinite Tower Crossing Flow

Once Cheng Yaojin has a favorable wind, it will not only be uncomfortable in the confrontation, but also in the jungle.

After several version changes, Xiao Jinjin is not as happy as before, and her happiness value has decreased quite a lot.In the previous version, the top and bottom lane matchups, the shooter against the top laner, Jin Jin went down the lane and faced up to the top laner, with interference in the opening, 3 small cloth armors (3 small iron swords against Lu Bu) can basically take one Blood, the most important and the happiest thing is that it can cut three lanes. At that time, there was no setting of high economy for development lanes, and the damage of towers was not as high as it is now. Suppressed, 1v3 or 1v4 take away the opponent's output and still run away is very common, even if your teammate loses in a team battle, you can't push the tower if you break the 3rd lane, as long as you don't die, you will be happy and happy can win.

But in the current version, the development of the shooter is outrageous. The version requires you to fight around the shooter. Don't you see that in the previous KPL, except for Ma Kegongsunli, the shooter couldn't play.Against the position of Lu, wouldn't he like a hero like Lian Po who is fleshy, DPS-controlled and outrageous?Compared with Lian Po, Xiao Jinjin in the mid-to-late team battle must be more comfortable with Lian Po.In the confrontation path, I think this version needs a meat tank with control, the kind that can start a team and protect people.Many people use Xiao Jinjin as a tank to play, they are very wrong, Xiao Jinjin is a fighter and an assassin!

How to play this version?Xiao Jinjin is not a hero who protects people. Needless to say, if you are in a group, you have to cut c. The critical strike inscription adds 5 cooling, and the ice heart is added to the black cut. This is full of cd, and the phoenix will definitely be released. I recently bought shoes My experience is that armor shoes must be produced, at least you can beat Li Xin and Meng Tian. Mercury shoes depends on the lineup, it is no problem to produce two pairs of shoes, and a master, because you are cutting c, it must be 1 skill to jump c , the master has a 100% damage bonus after the skill is used, and also adds life value and critical strike, which is really fragrant.One last anti-armor.And the flesh damage is huge.

Before the skill, I used punishment to fight wild knives with meat, but I think this is very risky. The start is really weak. Being forced to kill by jumping over the tower, whoever uses it will know.

Cheng Yaojin had single-handedly killed Mulan several times, and Mulan would definitely not be able to beat him on the line. Lin Mu had to go to help him.

Although it is said to help the good and not the bad, it is really impossible for Cheng Yaojin to let it go.Lan just opened up the rhythm in the bottom lane, and the economy is similar to that of Cheng Yaojin.

So even if he meets Cheng Yaojin now, if there is no place to brush his passive, Lan really may not be able to beat Cheng Yaojin.

Therefore, Lin Mu first let Mulan go up to cheat skills.

After the fourth level, Mulan is still capable of fighting, even if she is a lot behind in economy.As long as Mulan can deceive Cheng Yaojin's skills, then this Cheng Yaojin is equivalent to losing his life-saving skills, and Lan will go up to harvest.

And this Cheng Yaojin has already killed Hua Mulan two or three times alone, so he will definitely relax his vigilance, this is a good breakthrough.

With one skill, Lan dived, and then squatted in the grass, waiting for Cheng Yaojin to take the bait.

Mulan directly went up to fight Cheng Yaojin, this Cheng Yaojin was also very bold, even if he was only half blood, he just fought Mulan directly, without giving any face at all.

After Mulan set up, Cheng Yaojin still had one bar of blood, but then Cheng Yaojin opened his big move, chasing after Mulan to slash, while recovering a large amount of blood.

As Mulan ran down the tower, she cursed in her heart, if Lan didn't go up, he would be gone!
Lin Mu seized the opportunity, scratched his second skill, and then immediately activated his big move to push Cheng Yaojin into the defense tower.

There is a mark, just scrape it directly.Cheng Yaojin was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of Lan, and knew that he was in trouble.

But he still didn't panic in his heart, it was all small problems, small scenes.

After finishing Cheng Yaojin, he finally stabilized the rhythm of confrontation road.

The battle situation on the development road is also very fierce.

A Li is a shooter in the early and mid-term. In the later stage, it doesn't mean that he is not strong, but because the opponent's damage has also increased.As we all know, Ali is one of the most fragile heroes in the whole valley. He often dies due to unknown AOE in team battles. Therefore, it is not a good choice to delay the late game. Try to snowball the game in the early and mid-term.

And a good Ah Li must learn to use displacement to hide skills, so he needs to understand the skills and CDs of various heroes, so that he knows what he knows.Of course, you also need to learn to dodge skills when playing other heroes, but this is more important for A Li, because she is too brittle and has short hands.

In the early stage, it is worthwhile to play against any shooter in the line, unless you encounter a hundred miles of keeping the contract with a hundred shots and a hundred hits.I don't know if someone will tell me about Yu Ji. If you fight Yu Ji, you should attack in two attacks. The first time you cheat out his second skill, and the second time you can just use it directly.In the early and mid-game of A Li, you must fight fiercely, and you must press the opponent to make a financial difference.

I want to emphasize again that when you play Ali, you must press down on the opponent in the early stage, and when you play Ali, you must ensure that you have an advantage in the lane, otherwise this hero will almost be useless.

Ah Li's second skill is very important. If you use it well, you can block key skills, and you can quickly move to another place by double-clicking. However, the starting point of this umbrella is random, so unless I have to, I usually don't second 2.

This hero is very flexible, so you must pay attention to pulling when fighting. After clearing the line on the line, you can provide more support in the middle.

The general style of play is to learn the second level of squatting grass, force the opponent's shooter to flash, clear the pawns, and fight the spirit of the river (note that at this time, leave a second skill, I usually use the second skill to make up for the last damage to prevent the opponent from The shooter grabs the river crab) The second wave of soldiers comes to suppress the blood line of the opposite shooter. If you are going down the road, clear the soldiers and take the bird. If you go up the road, go to the middle road for a circle. flashed out.

If the position is not good, if the river spirit in the middle lane is on the top, take it, and then go to the opposite red to go around (if the support does not give the enemy a wild movement) (be careful not to waste the experience of the mage, but generally Less than) When the third wave of minions arrives, the general jungler will come to catch them. Supports who can play will give vision in advance. If the support roams with the jungler or support, it must be wretched. This is not the time to start.

If your own jungler comes to catch, you can consider seducing a wave, but you must understand the movement of the opposing jungler to avoid being squatted back.Push the lower tower and push the middle tower, and push the middle tower to fight against the wild.In the early stage, I usually play like this, and it is very easy to get the advantage. Pay attention to the small map.

After completing Endless, do Day-by-Day, and then Daybreak. If the opponent is too fleshy, first make Cloud Piercing Bow, then make up Day-by-Day, and finally make Daybreak.

Personally, I feel that it’s almost time to play in a team if you can do it day by day. Ah Li’s hands are short, and compared to most shooters, team games are not very good, and you still need the range provided by day by day. , I think the outfits vary from person to person, as well as from the battlefield situation, and the most important thing is to use them smoothly.However, I personally suggest that if you want to practice this hero, you can play Sun Chaser when you first get started, and then decide when you can really play this hero well.

In fact, if you want to play this hero well, you need to accumulate a certain amount of games. In actual combat, you should summarize how to fight monkeys, how to fight Han Xin, Daji, Houyi, Mark, Missy, etc.

Ah Li is a hero with a very low limit and a very high limit, and she is one of the most supportive shooters in the whole canyon. Although it takes a lot of hard work to practice this hero, she can create unlimited possibilities. At least I can make up for it a little bit through manipulation. Sorry about the lack of teammates.

After stabilizing the rhythm of the confrontation road, Lin Mu got up and looked at the barrage.The most common one is the question of who is stronger, Lan or Jing.

Both Jing and Lan have been adjusted before, especially Lan has been adjusted many times, but you should find that these two heroes still maintain a high appearance rate and winning rate in the game, especially in the high-scoring rounds of the peak game. He Lan's appearance rate is still in the top few. It stands to reason that Jing and Lan should be very scrappy now. After all, the ability to cause damage has been shaved badly. When I first shaved, I thought these two heroes would become the next Xuan Ce Li Bai, but the result is that the game is still dominated by them, and I am still crushed by their sanctions.

Mirror is a hero who is loved because of his powerful stabbing ability and high damage in an instant. Mirror has high burst plus group control skills and team battle endurance. Clone to cause two disciplinary damage, the beheading line is high for river crabs, masters and tyrants. Although the damage is cut, it may hurt ordinary mirror players, but it does not affect those players who can fly Thor. Jing is still a nightmare in the opposite back row. His ability to collect disabled players may not be as good as Lan, but he is still very strong compared to other junglers.

Then there is Lan. After the card knife was cancelled, the upper limit of many Lan was limited, but the flat A effect of Lan was optimized. Now Lan can be used faster. Compared with the mirror, Lan has a stronger ability to collect disabilities. Although the lower limit is not as good as the mirror, the fault tolerance rate is much stronger than the mirror, and the map running ability and field clearing ability are still the upper reaches among the jungle heroes, and the hero Lan is really incomprehensible in the downwind situation. After a second skill, follow directly On the opposite side, Ping A is directly entangled to death, and it is unrealistic to run away from Lan's hands. Lan, a hero, is also favored by professional games.

And these two heroes have one thing in common, that is, they don’t need support very much, and the game mechanism of the two heroes determines that these two heroes will not be too stretched, have a lot of displacement, strong operability, chasing ability, and can be directly given to the opponent’s back To relieve pressure, it can be said that the current Jing and Lan Datuan are still taken away by a set of skills when they meet the opposite back row, and because the skill cd is very short, they can still escape after killing a person. Jing has the art of flying thunder. , and Lan has a skill enhancement, and the ultimate moves of the two heroes are relatively strong ultimate moves in the jungle, which also makes these two heroes still popular heroes at high tiers.

As a jungler, the two heroes can still be practiced now, and these two heroes may have skins, especially Lan, there is only one original skin now, which is not proportional to his popularity, and when the two heroes are going to be released When the skins are released, the official will inevitably strengthen these two heroes to make the skins sell well, so if you have players who are interested in Jing and Lan, you can still practice, and you can still get points.

In the middle lane, Wan'er is facing Diao Chan. Wan'er is a hero with super high continuous burst damage. His focus is definitely not killing people, but doing his best to deal tons of damage.

So your Wan'er must not play like Luna flying around, but should play like Ahn'Qiraj with more hidden vision in team battles, using one or two skills to output crazy.

One of the key points is the combo of one and two skills.Many people like to start with the second skill and the second skill, so it is actually very difficult to get explosive damage.It should be correct that the first skill is used, and the second skill instantly lands and explodes.

Therefore, Wan'er wants to play like a grass bitch, and mostly deal damage in the back row.After getting used to this style of play at that time, your economy in the mid-term was enough to enter the field and kill randomly.

Be sure to ask the assistant to follow you after you are familiar with it. You must roam around at the first and second levels. If you can grab the pig, you can grab it. If you can’t grab the pig, go to the side lane where the pressure is high. Continue to clear the line.Relieve the pressure on teammates.

Also, remember to bring more auxiliary toss.Don't think that you can't roam without level 2. The opponent at level [-] also has [-] skills, and it will be too comfortable for teammates who can consume bloodline.But after finishing the first and second skills, you must immediately go back to the middle to clear the line.

To sum up, Wan'er is one of the rare heroes who is strong from the early stage to the late stage. She must move and not stay in the middle.

After the fourth level, Wan'er was at her strongest when she was just promoted to the fourth level. At this time, I will talk about Feitian.Talk about two taboos.

The most taboo is to start with 2 skills far away, and when you reach the enemy hero, you can only use the big move to deal damage.Another taboo is to only rush in a straight line, and it is easy to miss with a big move.

Then why not just kill the mage on the opposite side and choose to gank, because basically if you choose Wan'er, the opponent will choose against you, it is not easy to kill, and it is easy to be targeted by the opponent's jungler when landing, so mages are very taboo to place orders.

There is also the need to roam more to make up for the damage, and less thinking about eating the opponent's full blood in the middle.The style of play after level four is actually an enhanced version before level four.

However, although Wan'er restrained Diao Chan somewhat, and the time came after the fourth level, Wan'er was killed by Diao Chan instead.

This is quite unexpected for Lin Mu, but it is also normal.In solo queue, you never know what level your teammates are, whether you can create an advantage in laning, what you can control is to become stronger.

The wave of Diaochan just now finally killed Wan'er by jumping over the tower, and Lin Mulan dived down to harvest directly.

"Unlimited tower jumping flow, it's a bit fierce." Just now Diao Chan avoided the damage of several defensive towers, and then jumped to kill Wan'er, which made Lin Mu feel a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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