With you the sun is shining

Chapter 316 Life and Death 1 Thought

Chapter 316: Between Life and Death (7)

He reached out and hugged her down the railing, and put her on the ground safely. "Did you really plan to commit suicide just now?"


! ! ! (Sweating! The answer is so crisp.)
"It's fine if you don't have it." He had a feeling of being designed. Nuo said that when getting along with her, you can't communicate in the way of normal people's thinking. At that time, he listened to it as a joke, and it turned out that there was indeed such a thing.

"If one of you and I commits suicide, Nuo will be sad, and I don't want him to be sad. So what if life is short? It's fine to come here, but don't be so stupid that you end it yourself, that's what a fool would do."

"Didn't you say that you were sick last time?" Zou Tianjie casually picked on her once.

"Last time,...it doesn't count. Anyone will have it if they are sick."


"You're sick too, but you're not the only one in this world who gets sick."

"If it were you, what would you do?"

"For thousands of years, what everyone can't escape is death. Some people are later, some are earlier, and those who are later are not necessarily lucky, and those who are earlier are not necessarily unlucky."

Zou Tianjie breathed a sigh of relief, and said frankly, "I thought, from your mouth, I would hear, what?" In a short time, just think about what you want to do most. If you do it, you won't regret it in the future ’ Wait, what about the old sayings.”

"Want to hear? Want to hear what I have to say."

Hearing this, Zou Tianjie was taken aback, she is quite special, no wonder Nuo fell in love, looked into her questioning eyes, and said, "Okay."

"In a short time, just think about it - what to do, what... what's the next sentence?" I didn't pay attention to it just now.

"Haha!" Zou Tianjie laughed.

Although it was just a smile, it was because she laughed.As long as you can laugh, it more or less represents a little relief.

(End of this chapter)

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