Yue Ji

Chapter 155 Sword

Chapter 155 Sword

Yixinjun's concubine is not dead!
The reason why she faked her death was because the king of Chu sent envoys to ask Lord Yixin for money from her, and she was not prepared to pay a price for it.

She is to avoid disaster.

Almost overnight, the news spread in all directions at the fastest speed.

Lord Yixin, Wei Luo and the others didn't even need to discuss it, they understood after a while that this kind of thing must have been spread by the Jin envoy.After thinking for a while, Wei Luo knew that behind the envoy of Jin, there was the shadow of the young master Jingling.

The envoys of Jin spread this matter with only one purpose, which was to force Qi to participate in the war, and to join the war with all the strength of the whole country.

This is a conspiracy.

A righteous and trustworthy monarch, the son's rank is clearly clear, but he has to carry out a conspiracy based on this.

Because, the king of Chu is ready to use Suo Ji as an excuse to attack Qi.But now, as soon as the news of Ji's death spread to Chu State, it was tantamount to the Qi people teasing the King of Chu in the palm of their hands!
This kind of teasing, with Chu Wang's character of vengeance, will definitely remember revenge, as long as he slows down, he will deal with Qi State.

The battle between Qi and Chu is inevitable.

Therefore, the only thing Qi Guo can do is to prevent him from slowing down.It is to join the team of Jin people to fight Chu together while Chu and Jin are fighting.

Therefore, the people of Qi must devote all their strength to join forces with the people of Jin to defeat Chu and beat the king of Chu so badly that he can maintain peace for several years.

After several debates, Lord Yixin told the envoy of Jin five days later that Qi would devote all its strength to fight Chu.

The envoy of Jin left contentedly.

Of course, most of the rich and powerful in Qi State are corrupt, and they are greedy for life and afraid of death. If it weren't for the people of Jin who gave up a city, bought virgins with countless money and treasures, bribed everywhere, and sincerely asked for help, they would still dream of procrastinating day by day.After all, the king of Chu is old, maybe he will die after a few years.Besides, even if the king of Chu is not dead and insists on attacking Qi, they may not be in their positions at that time.What kind of war is this, is none of their business?

Young Master Jingling had expected this, so he reluctantly sent them off with three cities in order to be safe.After making Qi people determined to help each other, he then resorted to this conspiracy, forcing Qi people to change from helping each other without hurting their muscles and bones to fighting side by side with all the strength of the whole country.

Yixinjun Mansion.

Now Wei Luo has changed back into a woman's attire, still wearing the big red robe.

Basically, from the day Yixinjun publicly admitted that she was not dead, things became uncontrollable.

Now, the entire city of Linzi is boiling again because of her.

Because this matter is too legendary, and the changes are too unpredictable.Three months ago, people all over the city were in great grief for her, and finally everyone calmed down, and news spread that she was not dead at all.

This life and death made Wei Luo's fame even more widespread.At this moment, many rangers from other countries have rushed to Linzi, wanting to see her.

In the past few nights, the swordsmen of Lord Yixin's mansion have become very busy, they are busy throwing people away - a continuous stream of rangers sneaked into the mansion from every corner, wanting to meet her in advance.

This night, the full moon is in the sky again.That round of bright moonlight illuminated the ground silvery white.Under the moonlight, the shadows of trees dance, and people dance with the moon.

Standing under the maple tree, Wei Luo kept his eyes on his nose, his nose on his heart, and pushed the wooden sword slowly and hard into the air in front of him.

There was obviously nothing in front of her, but she seemed to be facing a huge wave and the sky. The wooden sword in her hand was distorted by the huge pressure as it approached bit by bit.The sword is obviously made of wood, but it is twisted into several pieces like a snake, extremely soft, and dances very naturally.

Under the moonlight, a faint silver light appeared on the tip of the wooden sword.The silver light was too faint, too dark, if it wasn't for this kind of night, Wei Luo wouldn't have noticed it at all.

This silver light was discovered by Wei Luo in the past few days.It was daytime at that time, she thought she had an illusion, but when she moved indoors, the silver light was clearly visible.At night, it is even more clear.

Wei Luo was overjoyed.

All along, no matter what kind of environment she is in, as long as she can practice swords, she will never be lazy and give up.Because, only when she was sweating profusely, could she feel completely quiet and completely at ease.

In such a troubled world, the greatest reliance is the sword in hand!

Under the moonlight, she thrust out the sword slowly and with difficulty, the silver light was like waves, and the sword body was like a snake, but there was no sound of wind.

The tip of the sword was advancing inch by inch against the empty air.

At this moment, her heart was extremely peaceful. The sounds of frogs, insects, snakes crawling, wind, and leaves rustling all sounded with some kind of mysterious rhythm at this moment.This sound, like her heartbeat, is already a part of nature.

Almost suddenly, Wei Luo felt that he seemed to have come into contact with the essence of certain things!
At this time, if someone is by your side, you can find that at this moment, Wei Luo disappeared.

She really disappeared. Although she clearly appeared in the moonlight, her breath, her heartbeat, and her breath had all turned into nothingness.

This is a very strange feeling.At this moment, Wei Luo, who stabbed out the wooden sword, felt that he was integrated with the wind and the leaves, and felt that he had become a part of this world and had become eternity.

After a long, long time, the sound of footsteps woke everything up.

she woke up.

In an instant, all the mystery was gone, and she appeared under the maple tree again, standing there alive, the silver light on the wooden sword in her hand gradually faded and disappeared.

The footsteps were getting closer.

After a while, Yixinjun Qingyue's voice came, "Luo?"

Wei Luo put the wooden sword in his arms, turned around and said, "Here."

Her soft and sluggish voice, just like the moonlight, is graceful and ambiguous, making people intoxicated.The corner of Yixin Jun's mouth curled up when he heard this, a smile naturally floated on his gorgeous face, and he strode up to her.

Facing her sweat-stained appearance, Yixin Jun was startled, and the smile in Taohua's eyes was rippling, "Are you practicing sword again?"


Lord Yixin glanced at her arms, saw those tiny slivers faintly, shook his head, and asked, "Why do you still use a wooden sword? Now you are strong enough to hit it with a copper sword. "

Wei Luo smiled and said, "I'm used to it."

Smiling lightly, she strode up to Mr. Yixin. She raised her head, and a smiling expression appeared on her sweat-dripping face, "The bright moon is quiet, the water and the sky are the same color, the beautiful scenery is really rare. You don't like it." Come with me on a flat boat at night, and swim in the green mountains and green waters?"

Yixin Jun lowered his head, looked at her little red face covered with sweat under the moonlight, and met those sly black jade eyes, looking at her, his heart was fascinated.At that moment, he stretched out his hand to caress her little face, and replied softly, "Good."

After getting his affirmation, Wei Luo was overjoyed.She jumped up and swished towards the garden, while running she hurriedly said, "Let me take a bath and change my clothes."

While running, she suddenly stopped and turned back hastily.Under the moonlight, her black jade eyes were shining brightly.She stared at Yixinjun, wrinkled her little nose, and said loudly: "If I don't see you when I return, I'll see you!" After she dropped this warning in a heavy tone, she shook her head while Yixinjun smiled wryly. , whizzed, and ran away in two or three swishes.

(End of this chapter)

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