Chapter 302 Mottled Blue

As mentioned earlier, Yasuo also attended his own state funeral.Therefore, the news that Yasuo was still alive was not told to the general public, and all the students in the school were taken to sign the non-disclosure agreement.

This is also why the country wants to hide its trump card. Since it has already told the outside world that Yasuo has died, then let Yasuo be a transparent person.

However, later everyone learned that there was a secret message, and that the news that Yasuo was still alive could not be concealed.Regarding Yasuo's news, he maintained a weird attitude of not declaring or prohibiting it.Therefore, those who know do not take the initiative to speak.People who don't know don't take the initiative to ask.

"Daughter-in-law, who were you talking to just now? It doesn't sound like Hua Ye. You have to give her the position of King Apocalypse."

At this time, Ge Xiaolun and Zhi Xin had already left, and because of his current special situation, naturally he did not go to the Super Seminary again.After all, apart from the tacit fact that she was alive so that she rarely appeared in public, there was also the fact that Reina was in school, and it was too embarrassing to go.

"Who said it, I never said it." He Xi looked at Yasuo in surprise, but said no, but the smile hidden in the corner of his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Yes, yes, my wife is right." Yasuo smiled and nodded, grabbing one of her hands and looking at the palm prints.

But Hexi ignored Yasuo and continued to look at Dream of the Red Chamber.Don't ask whether Cao Xueqin completed the Dream of Red Mansions alone, but ask yourself to see the dark message of the Dream of Red Mansions.I remember it all.

About time passed... 10 minutes?

"It's so boring!!!" After sitting for a while, Yasuo let go of Hexi's hand, stepped back, grabbed the pillow and rolled into Hexi's arms, looking at Hexi from bottom to top.

He Xi glanced at Yasuozuo calmly, then turned his eyes to the book.Not to mention, since she came to the earth, she likes to read quietly.

"Daughter-in-law! Let's go out and play!"

"In response to the national call, you must stay at home."

"Daughter-in-law! You don't love me anymore. After you get my man, you will change!" Yasuo looked like a third-rate heroine after being abandoned, with a resentful expression on her face.

Hexi doesn't know what Yasuo wants to do, she is not the kind of open person, she is very reserved: "I said it all, you should stay at home and avoid going out, isn't this the order you Huaxia gave you? ?”

"Let's go out and eat."

Speaking of eating, Hexi suddenly became interested, closed the book, looked at Yasuo: "Let's go to Sichuan."

Hearing that Hexi was going to Sichuan, Yasuo felt his ass tighten.But for future plans, Yasuo had no choice but to grit his teeth and agree: "Okay, let's go to Sichuan."

After Yasuo changed his clothes, the two set off and ate from dawn to dusk.

Looking at the moon hanging high in the sky, Yasuo rubbed his hands and looked at Hexi: "Daughter-in-law, let's..."

Another night passed, and the two resumed the trip that was interrupted three years ago, from Sichuan to Yunnan and Guizhou, until Yasuo lost a lot of weight.Only then did one of the two propose to end the itinerary.


While Yasuo and Hexi were traveling on Earth, Hua Ye and his fleet changed their course and set off towards the Angel Nebula.

Ruoning stood beside Hua Ye, watched the empty star field with him and said, "Just save yourself, without me leading the way, you will never even try to find the Angel Nebula in your life."

In the anime, Ge Xiaolun and others built a huge celestial project on the outskirts of the solar system to block the entire solar system.But the angels are even more amazing, the defense system of Melo's heavenly court covers the entire angel nebula.

"They moved?" In memory, this is the location of Angel Star.

Ruoning looked at Hua Ye disdainfully, and said, "The angel star was blown to pieces by you, so it shouldn't be difficult for them to move, right?"

"Then please." Hua Ye now knew that without Ruoning's help, they would not be able to find Melo Heaven.

"Remember, your promise! When we arrive in the City of Angels, the position of princess is mine!" Ruoning walked slowly to the console. If someone complained, they would say that Ruoning was putting on airs and acting like a villain. .

Hua Ye hugged his chest, grinned at Ruoning, then looked away, turned his head and asked Tian Zha behind him, "Why hasn't the mottled blue warrior come?"


Devil's Wings, in a room full of western aristocratic atmosphere, Liang Bing is sitting on a chair with a glass of red wine in front of the table.Since going to the earth, Liang Bing has fallen in love with this strange drink.

"451z233-4631w is a triangular civilization that is rapidly evolving. They discovered and marked the earth. The purpose of Hua Ye's trip to the earth may also have something to do with this."

The sword demon Atuo stood beside Liang Bing and reported the news about Mottled Blue to Liang Bing.

Liang Bing picked up the wine glass, took a sip slowly, leaned on the back of the chair and said: "Mottled blue, in the big clock left by Karl, it is recorded that the mottled blue has evolved at an amazing speed in the past 3000 years. Let it go for 3000 years, I am afraid that the main creature world will start the first battle with the ultimate fear."

Qiangwei also sat across from Liangbing, and when she heard that Mottled Blue had discovered the earth, she asked Liangbing, "They discovered the earth, what does Mottled Blue want to do?"

"Qiangwei, don't be nervous, the earth is now guarded by various gods, and there is also the great god Galewind Swordsman." Liangbing thought that Yasuo had appeared 3 years ago, and recalled that when he was on the earth, Yasuo's love for His own attitude made Liang Bing feel unbelievable, as if he had passed away.

It felt ridiculous again.Since he is so strong, why should he tolerate her everywhere?

"No, I don't worry, Liang Bing, can you put me back on the earth too? Listen to what you say, I, I'm afraid the earth won't be able to handle it." Qiangwei remembered the day that Liang Bing destroyed a planet in the universe simulation disk scene.

When Liang Bing heard that Qiangwei wanted to go back, she said, "That's no good. If you go to the earth and don't come back, I'm going to be sent away at a loss!"

"No, I have to go back!" When facing the earth, Qiangwei showed a rare determination.

Knowing that the earth is Qiangwei's heart, Liang Bing sighed and said, "Well, you can talk to Yasuo yourself and tell him about Mottled Blue, can we not go back?"

Qiangwei shook her head: "I don't believe in the communication system, I want to meet Yasuo in person."

In fact, Qiangwei's feelings for Huaxia have not changed, as long as it exists for a day, then she will guard it for a day.She will participate in the battle with Mottled Blue, if there is a battle.

After thinking about it for a while, Liang Bing said, "In this way, the original negotiation on the earth is not over yet. Let's reconvene the meeting of the gods. At the meeting, we will tell this matter. In this way, you should be satisfied, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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