Chapter 619 Etiology
Zhu Min complained and pulled Jiang Yi back, "You child, you are stupid! How can you do something that hurts yourself?"

Jiang Yi knows it hurts, but this pain is insignificant compared to the pain in his heart, "I want to see her, I want to ask clearly, I should have asked clearly just now, instead of making my own conclusions. Mom, you said Xiaoyan is Didn't you faint because of this?"

"Maybe." Zhu Min was also praying in her heart, hoping that her daughter would be fine.Just like what she said just now, she and Xu Qingyuan have been married for more than 30 years, and they only have this one daughter. If something happens to the daughter, it will kill them as well!

The emergency time is not long, and for those waiting outside the door, seconds are like years.The separation of a door may mean life and death.

When the door was opened, Zhu Min and Jiang Yi rushed to the door, "Doctor, how is she?"

The doctor took off his mask with a calm expression, "Are you the family members of the patient?"

Zhu Min nodded: "I am her mother."

"Oh, that's good. Let me tell you in detail. You follow me to the office. Don't worry, it's not life-threatening."

Only then did Zhu Min feel relieved, and asked Jiang Yi to follow Xu Yan to the ward and wait.

When we arrived at the doctor's office, the doctor said: "Her condition is fairly stable, mainly due to stagnation of heart qi. She must not have eaten well for a long time, right?"

"Yes, it's been several months." Zhu Min burst into tears.Ever since that incident happened, Xu Yan has been very depressed. Although her daughter has always acted indifferent in front of them, she knows her daughter very well. Xu Yan, a child, cannot be more emotional.

Showing a smiling face in front of them, but behind their backs, how sad it may be!It is said to be depressed, and it is true.

The doctor filled out the medical records and said: "Many diseases in people are caused by mood. Long-term depression can lead to various diseases. As family members, you should enlighten her and let her have a comfortable mood.

I'll prescribe some medicine for your symptoms, and take it on time when you go home. This is traditional Chinese medicine. Go back and buy a jar of medicine to boil and drink.Remember, enlightenment is necessary, so that it can be cured fundamentally. "

"Yes, I understand." Zhu Min took the order, thanked the doctor, and then slowly walked back to the ward.

All the way, she was thinking about what to do with Jiang Yi.The reason for her daughter's illness couldn't be clearer, it was because of him, as the saying goes, a heart disease requires heart medicine, and if you want to cure your daughter, you have to start with him.

Xu Yan not only fainted, but also developed a high fever, talking nonsense, the nurse gave her a fever-reducing bottle, and Jiang Yi stayed by the bed, fearing that she would get hurt if she moved around.

Sometimes when I listened carefully, nine out of ten of what she said was just one sentence: "Get out, don't come back when you leave."

Jiang Yi was in so much pain that it wasn't until Zhu Min entered the room that he found Xu Yan's hand on one hand and her arm on the other, his face was covered with tears.

Seeing Zhu Min come in, Jiang Yi wiped his face carelessly and asked the doctor what to say.

Zhu Min told him exactly what the doctor said, and showed him the medical records and prescriptions.

Jiang Yi only felt a special pain in his heart, which was so painful that he wished to insert a knife into his heart and stir it a few times so that it would not hurt so much.

The two of them stood by the bed, guarding Xu Yan. After a while, the medicine took effect, and Xu Yan's fever subsided a little, and she became more stable.

After a bottle of intravenous drip was poured down, Lu Qingqing knocked on the door and came in.Zhu Min was still a little surprised, "Qingqing, how did you find this?"

(End of this chapter)

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