Through the seventy warm marriage

Chapter 595 New Factory

Chapter 595 New Factory
Jiang Yi hated his elder brother, just hated his despicableness, hated the feeling of being tricked and played by others.Thinking about it now, he seems to be very vague about his previous girlfriend.

He regretted it and didn't want to divorce. If this person didn't intervene halfway, maybe there was still a little chance to fight for. He knew Xu Yan, she was very kind, but also very stubborn.

After hearing Jiang Yilong's words today, Xu Yan probably really doesn't believe him anymore.I didn't expect that he couldn't beat this person for the first time, and it's still the same now, how can he not be angry?

Jiang Yi made a move, and Jiang Yilong couldn't sit still. The two quickly scuffled together, attracting some onlookers.

Such a big commotion was just at the door, and Lu Qingqing and Xu Yan in the room also knew about it. They followed the people out and saw that it was the two brothers who fought violently, which was a bit surprising.

Lu Qingqing asked: "What should I do? Do you want to help? It seems that Jiang Yi and his brother are really not together, otherwise they wouldn't fight."

Xu Yan curled her lips: "It's hard to say, maybe it's acting for us, so ignore them. It seems that we can't do it today, let's go back first, let them beat them, it's just right to kill them."

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Lu Qingqing also agreed, and the two of them took back their documents, ignored them, and left directly.


That afternoon, Jiang Yi came to Xu Yan to confess his mistake, but Xu Yan ignored him, and he waited downstairs until dark.

Lu Qingqing saw clearly that Jiang Yi really had a lot of injuries, "They really fought, it wasn't fake."

Xu Yan didn't look downstairs at all, "Never mind him, it's just fine if he dies."

Lu Qingqing knew that what she said was against her will, she still loved Jiang Yi, how could she just let go of her feelings for someone?It's just that she will never believe it easily again.

From that day on, Jiang Yi appeared in front of Xu Yan from time to time, sometimes going to school to look for her, sometimes going to restaurants to wait, and sometimes blocking people downstairs at home.Including Jiang Yi's parents came to the door many times to plead.

Xu Yan ignored them, and actively prepared for the new factory with Lu Qingqing. Maybe Jiang Yi had done something behind his back. When Lu Qingqing asked Mott to talk about this matter, Mott generously agreed and signed a contract. contract.

Lu Qingqing raised some funds again, and in July, the factory was officially put into operation.

This time, they made sanitary napkins, something Lu Qingqing had wanted to do for a long time.Since coming here, the few days of each month have been particularly difficult, and she is not used to the sanitary products here, and they have not made them in China, so she might as well take the lead.

After the first batch of products were produced, Lu Qingqing was elated and became the first batch of volunteers.In order to achieve a one-time success, she took care of every production link in person, and for this purpose, she went abroad to study.

The raw materials are healthy materials, try to be clean and pollution-free, the cost is high, and of course the selling price is not low.

As for the sale, she decided to hand it over to Xu Yan, and called Zhou Yunwen from the provincial capital.

Although Zhou Yunwen didn't have much culture, he was shrewd, had a good tongue, and had some knowledge in martial arts, so he would definitely not be at a disadvantage, and he could also protect Xu Yan to a certain extent.

As for Lu Qingqing, she didn't want to sell it at all.The products of that factory at the beginning were also because she didn't have any subordinates, so she took part in the battle in person. As a result, she was rejected a lot and tried her best. She didn't want to experience it again.

Anyway, Xu Yan was devoted to her career, so she just left it to her. With Zhou Yunwen by her side, Jiang Yi could be stimulated.As for Zhou Yunwen, he has already found a partner in the provincial capital, so he won't be interested in Xu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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