Through the seventy warm marriage

Chapter 364 He's Angry

Chapter 364 He's Angry
Seeing that his expression was not right, Su Ruoyun didn't dare to ask more questions.The memory of the previous life is unforgettable.

For Yang Haoran, she has deep hatred, and at the same time, she also has the same deep fear.Only there is no love.

It can't be said that there is no love, it's just that those loves, along with his evil towards her, all turned into hatred.Only by caring can there be hatred, and only by hatred can there be fear.

If she could let go of all that, she would no longer love him, hate him, or fear him.But she can't, she can't let go.

In this life, only Qiao Yu is her salvation. She wants to be with that radiant man. Only he can bring herself out of this darkness.

He is the only light in his life.

When Su Ruoyun came to her senses, she found that two people were already standing at the door of Yang Haoran's house.

His house is a one-story house, not too far from the newspaper office. It is a small courtyard with a single family. When the two were dating before, she often came here without knowing it.

Yang Haoran's parents died in an accident in his early years, and he has no siblings, so he lives alone now.This house is still the only property left to him by his parents.

Standing at the familiar yet unfamiliar door, Su Ruoyun felt even more fear in her heart, feeling her whole heart was constricted.

She stopped, and before Yang Haoran took the key to open the door, she stepped back: "I won't go in, I have something to say here."

Yang Haoran turned to look at her, and said patiently: "It's not convenient here, go in, let's talk, I have something to ask you."

Having been married to him for several years, Su Ruoyun knew him very well.Although the tone was calm, there was a cold light in those eyes.

He is angry.

Su Ruoyun shook her head vigorously, "No, I won't go in, my mother is still waiting for me to come home from get off work! If I waste time here, my mother will come out to find me."

"Looking for you?" Yang Haoran's mouth was crooked, with disdain on his face, "Okay, don't talk nonsense with me. Don't I know the situation of your family yet? I can still believe your father came out to look for you.

Let me tell you, come in with me quickly, or we can talk here, and let others listen to what we have said and done. "

Su Ruoyun's heart trembled, and she couldn't exert any more strength.

Yang Haoran took out the key with his other hand and opened the door.He didn't dare to let go, he was afraid that if the girl ran away, he would have to chase after it, which would be too troublesome.

After the two entered the courtyard, Yang Haoran let go of his hand, locked the door from the inside with his backhand, and pointed to the door: "Everyone is here, let's go in and talk."

The three rooms stood in the small courtyard, and in front of the window of the West Room, there was a cherry tree, which was now bare and lifeless.

Su Ruoyun has eaten the cherries grown on this tree before, they are very juicy and delicious.It's a pity that it's winter now, everything is withered, and her heart, like this tree, is lifeless.

She always felt that the door of the main room in front of her was like a big black mouth, waiting to swallow her in.Once she goes in, she can't come out again.

Past life, present life, the pictures are intertwined in my mind.Su Ruoyun couldn't even tell where she was, whether she died or not.

Are those tragic memories a dream she had, or did they really happen?

This time she made a different choice, why did Yang Haoran change accordingly?It seems that everything has deviated from the original track. Can her fate be changed?
Seeing her standing at the door hesitating, Yang Haoran stretched out his hand and pushed her, "Go in, why are you standing there?"

 Thank you for your lovely vote, let’s see you tomorrow~~~
(End of this chapter)

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