Through the seventy warm marriage

Chapter 247 Do You Want to Learn?

Chapter 247 Do You Want to Learn?

Lu Qingqing smiled and nodded, expressing her understanding.This kind of flower has a sense of the times. She remembered that there were such patterns in the room of her grandma and grandma.

The economic conditions at home are still good, but the older generation can’t change their previous habits, and the aesthetics seem to be fixed, and they always like that.

There are red clothes and green trousers, which look very earthy to young people, but old people like it.When Lu Qingqing was a child, her grandmother liked to dress her up in a very festive way, wearing brightly colored clothes, saying that such colors were bright and beautiful.

It wasn't until she went to middle school that grandma no longer cared about her food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and she regained her freedom.

There were not many things in the room. On the desk beside the bed, Lu Qingqing saw a simple bookshelf, which was made of several wooden boards, and it was filled with books.

After looking at it, there are some classics, and some professional books, some about iron and steel engineering, and some about electricity, which should be the common bookshelves of the two brothers.The most conspicuous thing is that there are four classics in traditional and simplified characters, and there are several foreign language books, which are very professional.

Lu Qingqing picked up an English book and looked at it. It was a professional textbook. The book was a bit worn out, with yellow edges, "Is this yours?"

Qiao Yu glanced at it, "No, my dad's. He graduated from college. This is the textbook he studied when he was studying. When I was studying, the school stopped teaching this, so I have nothing to do with my dad's book. Take a look, ask him what you don't understand, and he hasn't learned very well until now."

Qiao Yu said, feeling a little ashamed, so she laughed at herself.

"Oh, that's it." Lu Qingqing was thoughtful.This is the result of this era, and she can't do anything about it.

When it comes to English, of course she can, but her major is not English, and English is only one of the other two sub-courses she took in college.

But she wasn't going to tell Qiao Yu that she could speak English.It's not the time yet. There are some things that she can't just expose.

So, Lu Qingqing changed the subject: "I heard you play the harmonica just now! It's the first time I've heard someone play the harmonica. Is it difficult to learn?"

Qiao Yu never left her eyes, "It's not difficult, it's easy to understand the most basic things, do you want to learn? I can teach you."

"Okay, I want to learn!" Lu Qingqing was curious about all new things.

Qiao Yu brought the harmonica back, first told her how to hold it, how to use air, and taught her some simple knowledge of musical scales, "Is it difficult? Let's not learn if it's difficult, just play whatever you want!"

"How can I do whatever I want? I'm not a casual person. How about this? I won't be able to learn it in a while. If you brag, I'll learn it, okay?" Lu Qingqing really has the spirit of a foolish old man.

Of course Qiao Yu didn't care, since the two of them had nothing to do anyway, so he picked the simplest one, played a few notes first, and then handed the harmonica to Lu Qingqing.

Lu Qingqing took it and played it again. It was really decent. Qiao Yu praised her. She was just happy when she suddenly remembered something: "Who plays this harmonica in your family?"

"It's just me, they don't blow it."

"Oh, so have you taught anyone before?"

Qiao Yu didn't understand why she asked this all of a sudden, but she just thought of those fiancées again, so she answered truthfully: "Of course not, except you, I have never taught others, and I have never boasted in front of anyone other than my family. Pass."

"Well, okay, remember, don't teach others in the future, and don't let others play your harmonica."

"Okay." Qiao Yu agreed immediately.

Lu Qingqing happily learned it for a while. This song only has eight sentences. After practicing it over and over again, she was able to play it by herself, and it was quite decent.

(End of this chapter)

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