go create the world

Chapter 250 Technology Warrior

Chapter 250 Technology Warrior
"You...what are you talking about!" Fu Yao blushed from holding back, and turned to look at the other party viciously.

Probably because Wang Luo was right next to him, otherwise this passer-by would have been exiled directly into the void...

"Hey, young people nowadays, come out quickly, this is a warehouse, how can you come in casually." The cleaning uncle kept urging the two of them to come out, regardless of their identities.


"Hey, forget it." Wang Luo grabbed Fuyao's movement to go forward, no one knew his identity, so there was no need to target them, and the two of them really didn't know what this place was, they just found a random place where no one was around. landed down.

When the two of them walked out of the room, there was a corridor of a building on a certain floor, and behind them there was the sound of the old man sighing, but Wang Luo ignored it.

I and Fuyao just came to this world for a while and there is no need to listen to these remarks, but Fuyao's reaction was a bit extreme.

"This building is really deserted." Fu Yao who was beside him said.

"Even in a luxurious building, there are deserted places, which is normal."

Calculated, the time Fuyao has lived in human society is not too long, so he should have seen many things.It was only a few months when the four of them lived together, and even including the two years she spent on Earth collecting materials, it would be less than three years, which is still far behind her.

The two walked along the road to the elevator...

Probably only this floor is relatively deserted, or it has just moved out and no one else has settled in. In short, it took a long time for the elevator to get down.

It is the most common commercial office building. During the day, even seven or eight elevators are busy!

From this point of view, it is actually similar to the modern civilization of the earth. It may be that there are some differences in cutting-edge technology, and... that special ability.

"Where are we going now, my lord."

After walking out of the office building, Fuyao asked Wang Luo.

The purpose of the two of them entering this world is to see how the world in Fuyao is like, and it can be regarded as checking and accepting their studies for themselves.

"Just walk around, and by the way, tell me about the things you set up."

The two of them hadn't finished talking before, and Fuyao seemed to have some introductions about the setting of this world.

"Well, then let me talk about my setting... I set up another place at the top of the world, that is, above the sky, which is the kind of domain that only has the spiritual world, it can be regarded as the domain of gods." Fuyao looked at the sky.

Under the sunlight, her fair skin and charming appearance are particularly conspicuous in the crowd, and many eyes around her are attracted to her.

But this time, Fuyao didn't feel disgusted with other people like when she was living together. She looked more natural in the crowd, which should also be attributed to her living habits in the past two years of collecting materials.

"Come on, come here first, let's talk slowly."

Wang Luo took the other party's arm and walked to a place that looked a little quieter, that is, the leisure squares in the middle of the buildings, and the surrounding seats were very suitable for chatting.

"En." Fuyao nodded and followed Wang Luo.

She still doesn't seem to dare to walk side by side with her, or she is not used to it yet.

As you walk, you will slow down in a dingy manner, and this will become a tandem and a back pace.

"Go on." Wang Luo didn't care about this, after all, his status was still higher than them, so even if he said he didn't care about them, he might not listen.

"As I said just now... oh, the realm of the gods is actually the place where species that understand abilities live, but in my setting, gods don't have feelings. They don't feel hungry, tired, and don't need any life activities. s things."

Listening to Fuyao's talk, Wang Luo felt a bit like himself.

"But their activities are closely related to this world. For example, the sun in the sky is part of their activities, but they don't feel the light and heat, they just stand there and shine on the earth."

In Swinging's setting, the sun and the moon are part of this planet, so you don't need the stars in the universe to shine, you can go through the light cycle, and this cycle depends on the life support of the "God's Domain".

Such a setting is also reasonable.

"The human society and the realm of the gods are absolutely separate, but occasionally some places may be connected, especially in their believers! Gods also envy the lives of human beings, so they will give believers certain abilities, and even occasionally Go down to the mortal world in person... and human beings also want this part of the ability."

Listening to Fuyao's narration, Wang Luo felt that the more he listened, the more he missed the stories he had heard before.

"That, Yaoyao!"

"Huh?" She raised her head and looked at herself with watery eyes.

"During the time you lived on Earth, you watched Korean dramas and anime, didn't you?"

What kind of human-god setting feels like a romance drama!He even brought his own body down to earth.

"Uh..." Fuyao was so asked that he didn't speak, but stuck out his tongue.

"However, there are differences. I didn't know that the technology in this world would develop like this. It seems to be much more advanced than that on Earth." Fuyao said helplessly.

Heh~ I see.

She originally made it look like the world she expected, but the script didn't follow her way completely.

"This is normal. You have made the setting that the gods will possess power, which has improved human abilities, and their creative abilities have also been strengthened. Not all world lines will move in the direction set by the creator. Occasionally there will be discrepancies, which is also one of the charms of Creation."

If there is anything to look forward to from the Creator, it should be that these worlds will deviate from the setting.

"Oh, that's it." Fuyao nodded.

At this moment, the big screen on the square switched from various advertisements to a certain competition venue.

Many people in the square stopped, and even the aunt who was still dancing turned off the sound at this time!

Wang Luo stood up and looked towards the big screen...

That should be a popular competition in this world. In a glass space similar to a closed scene, if you look carefully, you will notice that the glass looks more like a special barrier, which should be made by high technology.

In the center, there are two groups of people opposing each other, standing on a field the size of a football field and facing each other.

The ring-shaped arena is almost full of people, and it can be seen that the audience of this competition is still very large.

"Is that a game?"

"It should be, probably a popular sport in this world."

As Wang Luo was talking, one of the people standing on the left raised his arm high, and suddenly a power grid-like thing gathered on his hand, and a weapon in the shape of a long sword appeared.

At the same time, the people on the other side showed a long-handled double-edged ax as a weapon.

Is this... a warrior?

It's so high-tech.

(End of this chapter)

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