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Chapter 421 This is the Territory of the Fengshen Empire

Chapter 421 This is the Territory of the Fengshen Empire

The Federation Fleet completely ignored the fleet of the Mira Civilization, but quickly turned around and rushed towards one of the two small fleets chasing the life-class spaceship.

The Mira Civilization Fleet responded quickly, and the fleet composed of 300 warships was quickly divided into 3 small fleets again, outflanking the Federation Fleet.

However, after all, the two fleets are still nearly 3 astronomical units apart. In such a vast space, it is not possible for the Mira civilization to outflank the Federation fleet in a short time.

It took nearly two months for Li Chunfeng to chase the 4th fleet of the Shenmu Empire in the solar system. In the end, relying on the ultra-high-speed performance of the Zefeng, he was able to catch up and destroy them one by one.

Although the top speed of the warships of the Federation Fleet is slower than that of the warships of the Mira civilization, if they try to escape, it will take a lot of time for the fleet of the Mira civilization to catch up.

The main reason is that it will take time for the follow-up fleet to arrive. By then, 400 warships will participate in the outflank, and it will be difficult for the federal fleet to escape.

However, if the federal fleet wants to prevent the fleet of the Mira civilization from chasing the life-class spaceship and protect the citizens of the Federation from escaping safely, it has to take the initiative to meet the warships of the Mira civilization.

Therefore, after constantly changing directions and chasing, in just two days, the Federation Fleet and one of the squadrons were within range of each other.

The small fleet of Mira Civilization discovered that the Federation Fleet was actually attacking them, so they stopped chasing the life-class spaceship and planned to destroy the Federation Fleet first.

After all, our own side has 100 warships, and the opponent has only 10 ships. The numerical advantage is too obvious.

But the Federation Fleet did not give the Mira Civilization such an opportunity at all. The first round was an ultra-long-range magnetic cannon attack. After the completion, the fleet turned to the lower right and moved away.

With this rapid turn, the particle beam artillery fire fired back by the Mira civilization was completely defeated.

The fleet of the Mira civilization failed to hit the Federation fleet, but the magnetic energy cannon of the Federation fleet hit 8 warships of the Mira civilization.

This kind of magnetic energy cannon has devastating destructive power for the third-level civilized warships. The electromagnetic shields of any warships that are hit are basically completely useless, and the warships are instantly turned into cosmic dust.

Therefore, the 8 warships of the Mira civilization were instantly hit by the magnetic energy cannon and disappeared.

The Mira civilization fought against the fleets of the Earth civilization. They were very clear about the power of this kind of magnetic energy cannon. However, due to the obvious advantage in the number of their own fleet, they didn't pay much attention to it. As a result, they suffered a small loss when they came up.

Immediately, the commander of this small fleet of Mira civilization was a little annoyed, and immediately commanded the fleet to turn to chase the federal fleet.

The two sides immediately became one fleeing and the other chasing, and the federal fleet led this squadron directly to another squadron.

Because of the fighting power displayed by the Federation Fleet just now, the commander of this small fleet did not dare to be careless, so he had to transfer the battleship to prepare for the attack.

However, after the federal fleet fired a round of magnetic energy cannons, it suddenly released thousands of Moonblade space fighters, but all the warships suddenly turned in another direction and accelerated away.

The commanders of these two small fleets didn't understand the intention of the Federation Fleet at this time, which was to hold themselves back from chasing the two spaceships that were getting farther and farther away.

With the understanding of the Earth Civilization Fleet, knowing that the two spaceships are living spaceships carrying people, as long as they are caught, basically this fleet will have no possibility of development.

In just two days, the two spaceships were already nearly 2 astronomical units away from planet No. 6. At this time, the five small fleets of our own side were still 5 astronomical units away from the two spaceships, and now they are being interfered by the Federation Fleet. This further increased the distance from the two spaceships.

The two small fleets dare not be careless in the face of thousands of space fighters. If these fighters get close, just one or two hydrogen bombs can send a battleship to the west.

Therefore, the two small fleets also quickly released their own space fighters to intercept the enemy planes. After such a movement, they were naturally dragged back from pursuing the two spaceships.

However, as time passed, another large fleet of the Mira civilization had crossed the Kuiper belt after being dispersed, and began to be clearly divided into two clusters. The Federation Fleet is here.

Although the distance is still far away, as time goes by, the situation for the Federation Fleet will only become more and more unfavorable.

After all, the Mira Civilization Fleet is far superior to the Federation Fleet in terms of quantity and speed, making the Federation Fleet's range of activities smaller and smaller.

After the Federal Fleet interfered with the small fleet of Mira civilization chasing life-class spacecraft several times within a month, the space fighters on board were exhausted.

At the same time, they were also approached by the fleet of the Mira civilization to a distance of 2000 million kilometers, and needed to avoid the opponent's artillery fire at any time, so they dared not take the initiative to intercept the opponent like this again.

At this time, the two small fleets of the Mira Civilization have completely thrown off the Federation Fleet, chasing after the two life-class spaceships, about less than 8 astronomical units, and the later four small fleets are coming from another direction. Chase, but the distance is relatively far.

General Fresnel saw the two life-class spacecraft that had left the star system in the detection system, and sighed: "We can only do this, and the next step is to try to entangle the remaining three small ships." Fleet, lest they find a way to go ahead and intercept our spaceship."

General Saul nodded and said, "Don't worry, we will try to hold them back for another month."

Fresnel looked at the screen. The encirclement of the Mira Fleet had formed after a month. A total of 7 small fleets were encircling them with a centripetal attack. The nearest one was only 1500 million kilometers away.

The Federation Fleet has been under enemy artillery fire all the time, but the Federation Fleet is also counterattacking all the time.

"Fortunately, this civilization doesn't have magnetic cannons, otherwise we might have been wiped out by them." General Fresnel said happily.

After more than a month of fighting, General Fresnel also discovered that the warships of the Mira civilization only had particle beam weapons and a range of 2000 million kilometers, but the opponent's interstellar missiles were fast, long-range, and numerous, which were their killer weapons.

Generally speaking, the actual technological level should be similar to that of Earth civilization, but with the help of Fengshen Empire, Earth civilization obtained the battleship technology of Xiantang Civilization and Shenmu Empire, which is still superior to Mira Civilization in some aspects.

However, one thing that stands out about the Mira civilization is that the speed of the warships has reached 5000 km/s, which is why they can round up the federal fleet.

As for the two improved federal life-class spaceships that have also reached this speed, they can only catch up all the way, perhaps using some pursuit strategies to catch up.

The 7 small fleets of the Mira Civilization have basically blocked the possibility of the Federation Fleet escaping. One of the small fleets is only 1500 million kilometers away from the Federation Fleet, and it can already attack the Federation Fleet wantonly.

The Mira civilization aimed 10 warships at one. This concentrated fire attack made particle beam weapons not as powerful as magnetic cannons, but as long as they hit, they could still destroy the warships of the Federation Fleet.

However, the warships of the Federal Fleet come from the Shenmu Empire, and its triangular warships have amazing maneuverability. Originally, the phantom maneuvers could only be used by the Shenmu people's special control method. Later, after being improved by the Fengshen Empire, they can be controlled by the brain to achieve Same effect.

However, when the Fengshen Empire gave these warships to the countries on the earth, it imposed some restrictions on artificial intelligence, basically only capable of strong artificial intelligence.As a result, this special function of manipulating warships cannot be achieved.

Over the years, the Federal Fleet tried their best, but failed to restore such control. In desperation, they switched to some fixed-mode controls to improve the corresponding maneuverability as much as possible.

Therefore, although the Federation Fleet can't perform the phantom maneuver like the Shenmu Empire at this time, it can still achieve five or six points. Since the distance is still far away, it also achieved good results, making the battleship attacks of the Mira Civilization fail. .

This is the reason why the Federation Fleet can continue to circle around, but as the encirclement of the Mira Civilization Fleet continues to shrink, and more and more Mira Civilization warships enter the range, this maneuver of the Federation Fleet wants to escape more and more warships. Focus fire attack, the difficulty is getting bigger and bigger.

When the warships of the Federation Fleet were destroyed in several sections by the concentrated fire attack, the battle was coming to an end.

At this moment in the void, there were only the last two battleships left in the Federation fleet, one of which was General Fresnel's flagship, but at this time the battleship had been hit by artillery fire a few times and suffered some damage.

The particle beam attack of the Mira civilization, with the protection capabilities of the warships of the Shenmu Empire, even if there are sporadic hits, it will not cause fatal damage, unless it happens to hit the energy furnace, causing the energy furnace to explode.

At this moment, the seven small fleets of the Mira civilization are all within 7 million kilometers of the Federation warships, and the Mira civilization once again sent a message to persuade them to surrender.

Obviously, the Mira civilization hopes to capture these two battleships, and then obtain the technology of the magnetic energy cannon in the battleships.

After all, none of the warships acquired before were of this triangular shape. Their main guns were mainly electromagnetic guns, and their technical level was similar to that of Mira Civilization itself.

"Earth Civilization Fleet, you have nowhere to escape, you should surrender as soon as possible, Mira Civilization treats prisoners preferentially, and will give you decent treatment."

When General Sol saw this telegram, he felt a little amused, and said, "I really want to know which fleet they have captured, and they even know how to use this reason to persuade them to surrender!"

General Fresnel suddenly said: "Call them back, the Federation Fleet will never surrender! Send out at maximum power.

I hope that this radio wave can be received by the fleets of other earth countries one day, at least knowing that the Federation fleet has fought to the end. "

When the radio waves were sent out, the two warships were subjected to more intense artillery fire. Although the officers and soldiers of the two ships had performed exceptionally well, and their maneuvering and evasion actions reached [-]% of the phantom maneuvering level, one battleship was still hit by too many particle beams. , while bursting into multiple segments.

"The last moment has come, God will bless us!" General Fresnel tidied up his military appearance, looked at General Sol and said.

At this moment in the starry sky of the star system, hundreds of warships surround a triangular warship like a ball from multiple directions, and the distance to the nearest place is only 750 million kilometers.

However, the artillery fire of the warship of the Mira civilization has weakened at this moment. It seems that they want to get closer and find a way to disarm the warship.

Suddenly, a mutation happened!
Around the triangular battleship, a circle of giant battleships suddenly appeared!

These warships are all three-layer disc-shaped, with a diameter estimated to be 20 kilometers. The particle beams that attacked the triangular warships disappeared without a sound when they hit the vicinity of these warships.

A short-distance space broadcast suddenly spread to all the warships, "Unknown Civilization Fleet, this is the territory of the Fengshen Empire. You have entered our territory and must be disarmed immediately!"

"The Fengshen Empire! My God, we are saved!" General Fresnel shouted in surprise when he heard the term.

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(End of this chapter)

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