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Chapter 272 The Clues of the Gold Swallowing Beast

Chapter 272 The Clues of the Gold Swallowing Beast
In the void, dozens of warships of different shapes gradually approached. First, a thick, flat cylindrical warship was assembled in the middle, with an overall diameter of 80 kilometers and a height of 50 kilometers, as if a chess piece had been magnified countless times. Times average.

However, this cylinder is composed of many battleships, which is irregular, and in one direction, it has an obvious feature of a tail opening, where the main engine of the battleship is obviously located.

At this time, another huge ring-shaped battleship slowly fell. The inner diameter of the entire ring is 100 kilometers, and the diameter of the ring itself is 10 kilometers. When it falls to the middle of the corresponding cylinder, it hovers. There is a space of 20 kilometers between them, and there is no connection.

Immediately afterwards, six triangular battleships with unique shapes fell from above. The long triangular tip pointed to the ring, and the other end was next to the column. When it fell between the ring-shaped battleship and the middle cylindrical battleship, the The space is already very small.

At this time, the six battleships seemed to be alive, the tip of the triangle grew forward, and the bottom end also grew, connecting the ring and the middle column together in the blink of an eye.

Looking down from above, a six-pointed star-like connection is formed between the ring and the middle cylinder.

After the battleships were merged, a huge battleship revealed its true appearance, with a cylindrical shape in the middle and a huge split ring connected to its waist.

Looking at it from another angle, you will find that the opening of the ring extends outward, and the corresponding cylinder part also extends outward, which does not look like a standard cylinder.

The extended tail of the cylindrical battleship seems to be caught by both ends of the ring, and its tail nozzle is completely on the same plane as the tail nozzle of the cylindrical part.

The entire synthesized battleship looks like a round wheel in general, but it has an obvious tail extending backwards.

"Drip! The combination of the new 'Fengshen-class' battleship is complete!"

"The detection space shield was successfully generated, and the folding space distance is 2 astronomical units!"

"The antimatter engine is working fine!"

"The space transmission engine starts!"


In the command center of the "Zhanshen", following a series of reports from the brain, Li Chunfeng looked at the projected screen and carefully scanned the new "Fengshen-class" warship with his mind field to confirm that all parts were operating normally. .

"Detected 100 kilometers in front of the new 'Fengshen-class' battleship, the space door opened!"

Zhuang Yun on the side excitedly gave instructions.

"Order 'Ma Chao' to go through the space gate!"

In the void, 10 kilometers away from the new "Fengshen-class" warship, a fleet of thousands of warships was hovering quietly in the void.

From the position near the front of the fleet, after receiving the order, a famous general class quickly started the engine, gradually accelerated, and drove towards the void in front of the new "Fengshen class" battleship ahead.

It was still Li Guang who commanded the "Ma Chao". Li Guang was a little excited and controlled the battleship to fly towards the space gate detected by the brain.

With the naked eye, there was nothing there.

But on the screen of the detection device, there is a huge circular hole with a diameter of at least 100 kilometers.

With the size of the famous general-class battleship, even 20 ships can pass by side by side.

With the acceleration of the "Ma Chao" battleship, it quickly got into this empty space door and disappeared.

Not long after, the command center of the "Zhanshen" had received the video from the battleship "Ma Chao" and Li Guang's report.

"Headquarters, this is 'Ma Chao'. Our ship has successfully passed through the space gate. After the detection of the battleship positioning system, it is 40 light-years away from the unnamed galaxy. It is in a void in the universe. The nearest star system is 12 light-years away. , the galaxy is 49 light-years away from the unnamed galaxy."

"Führer, the space transmission test of the new warship has been successful!" Zhuang Yun said excitedly to Li Chunfeng.

A smile appeared on Li Chunfeng's face.

This combined battleship, the diameter of the cylindrical part in the middle is only 80 kilometers. If the ring-shaped battleship is added, the overall diameter will reach 110 kilometers.

Such a huge battleship is comparable to an asteroid, basically reaching the level of the gold swallowing beast asteroid battle star.

After discovering the warship design genius Wei Xinghai from the battleship design competition, Li Chunfeng summoned him to the newly established warship design center.

Li Chunfeng established this center to give full play to human imagination and creativity and help him design the most powerful warship.

Perhaps Li Chunfeng built space warships based on the shape of flying saucers at the very beginning, and he is most familiar with the control of various flight attitudes of this shape.

However, after obtaining the space shield technology from Tunjin Beast, because theoretically it cannot be completely cracked and mastered for a while, it can only be imitated to manufacture the corresponding space shield generator device.

After various tests, it was found that the space shield generator of the swallowing beast is on the larger the battleship, the greater the protection range of the generated shield, and the stability of the shield is also the best.

The original famous general class and emperor class battleships, after installing the space shield generator, the generated shields are extremely unstable, which may be the reason for the insufficient energy supply on such size warships.

For this reason, as long as the new generation of warships has a space shield, it must be at least a little bit larger than the original "Fengshen class", reaching a diameter of 20 kilometers.

However, with the current shipbuilding technology of the Fengshen Empire, it is unlikely to directly build larger warships. Therefore, Li Chunfeng proposed the concept of combined warships.

Wei Xinghai was the first to come up with his own design work. He designed some special modules, which can assemble multiple original warships into the main body of the new warship. This is a cylinder-like body, and he also designed a proprietary energy source. engine module.

What attracts Li Chunfeng most in this design is that the battleships that make up the cylindrical part of the main battleship are all the existing famous general class or emperor class, or even Fengshen class. They are connected to form a whole.

Among them, a large number of metal nanotechnology is used, which makes many connections look seamless.

The most difficult thing to build in the entire battleship is the huge ring-shaped spaceship. This ring is the force field ring used by the giant battleship to travel faster than the speed of light.

With a flash of inspiration, Wei Xinghai built it into a ring-shaped spaceship with its own powerful energy. At the same time, the inner ring part was designed as a ring-shaped acceleration channel, and a super-long-range particle beam main gun was added.

Since the original battleship can be directly used for transformation and addition, the production cycle of such a combined warship is greatly shortened.

It took only one month to complete the manufacturing of the ring-shaped spaceship. During this period, a batch of original famous general-class warships and emperor-class warships were transformed, and some connecting spaceships were newly manufactured.

Today, the combined warship of the largest standard appeared in front of our eyes, in view of the fact that the combined battleship was very huge, and there was a huge gap between the ring and the cylinder.

Li Chunfeng simply put forward an additional request to equip the warship with a space transmission device.

For this reason, Wei Xinghai modified some connection modules in the main body, and arranged the components of the space transmission device together on them.

At the same time, the connection module connecting the ring and the cylinder has been newly modified to match the shape of the space transmission device. After the combination is completed, it will become a huge six-pointed star.

This space transmission device will be able to open a huge space door 100 kilometers in front of the battleship.

Therefore, in fact, two experiments are being carried out today, one is the combination warship experiment, and the first part is currently carried out, and the effect is very good.

The other is the space gate experiment, which has also been successful so far.

The coordinates of the space gate opened this time are calculated by Li Chunfeng based on the principle of coordinates, on the basis of unnamed galaxies, and based on the positions observed by ultra-long-range astronomical telescopes.

It appears that coordinates calculated this way are usable today.It means that from now on, the Fengshen Empire can open space doors wherever they can see in the Milky Way, and arrive instantly.

According to the current space gate, a certain number of battleships can pass through one place. If multiple such warships are built, several places can be opened at the same time, and the fleet can be sent to distant targets in a very short time.

This kind of technology will mean that the empire will not be troubled by its vast territory. It is indeed worthy of the sixth-level technology. Once it is owned, it will no longer worry about distance in the galaxy.

However, this technology comes from the gold swallowing beast, does it also mean that the gold swallowing beast can attack anywhere in the galaxy?

While Li Chunfeng was thinking, Li Guang suddenly sent a message.

The latest instrument to detect the gold swallowing beast has been launched to several surrounding star systems with the "Pathfinder". Will the request return?

During this period of time, Li Chunfeng organized scientific researchers to develop an instrument that can detect the gold-throwing beast. Since the body of the gold-throwing beast has not been captured, the corresponding detection standards can only be set according to the surrounding environment characteristics of the gold-throwing beast.

At present, the detector will confirm whether there is a gold swallowing beast in a star system according to the loss of metal resources in a galaxy and the fluctuation of local space energy.

Li Chunfeng originally planned to develop an instrument for detecting consciousness, so that it would be easier to find the gold swallowing beast.It turned out that the detector made by using his own consciousness fluctuations as a template could not detect the consciousness of human beings on Earth at all.

It seems that the human body has a protective measure to shield consciousness. Li Chunfeng also studied the Xiantang people, the Shenmu people, and the Buribal people and found that there seems to be a similar mechanism.

This made Li Chunfeng not sure whether this detector could detect the consciousness of the gold-swallowing beast, but he was able to directly take away the consciousness of the gold-swallowing beast in the giant battleship. Could it be that they did not have such shielding protection measures?
By the way, the tentacles of brown algae do not have such shielding measures, so their consciousness is easily defeated by themselves. It seems that the higher civilizations that made them really only use them as some kind of tool.

So what is the purpose of creating the advanced civilization of human beings on earth?

At this time, Zhuang Yun has ordered Li Guang's "Ma Chao" to return. After testing the space gate, a series of tests will be carried out on the new super giant ship, including conventional navigation, faster-than-light navigation, and so on.

Even a weapon attack test will be carried out, and various parameters of the corresponding space shield will be recorded, so that the protection simulation test can be carried out in the virtual world.

Li Chunfeng has already calculated that these basic tests can be completed in just one more week. If everything goes well, the Fengshen Empire will remodel the existing warships.

All warships will be regrouped according to three levels. The current one with a diameter of 110 kilometers will become the new Fengshen-class flagship, the next level will be a life-class spaceship with a diameter of 80 kilometers, and then the new Emperor-class with a diameter of 50 kilometers. , and a new star class with a diameter of 20 kilometers.

The original famous general class and emperor class are used as the modules of combined warships, and they will still be built in batches, which can be used in wars. When the combined battleships are partially damaged, they can be replaced by modules.

These two classes of warships will be directly referred to as school-class warships and lieutenant-class warships in the future, and those special-type modular warships used for combination and connection will be called soldier-class warships.

After redefining his own battleship system, Li Chunfeng ordered the No. [-] and No. [-] intelligences to prepare for the full production of soldier-class warships, and at the same time, remodeled the original school-class warships and lieutenant-class warships.

Once completed, the fleet of the Fengshen Empire is ready to leave at any time.

Through the space gate, Li Chunfeng sent the gold-throwing beast detector and "Pathfinder" to the star systems within a certain radius centered on the coordinates of the other two gold-throwing beasts.

At that time, we will wait for news from various places. Whether it is the news of the discovery of the gold swallowing beast or the discovery of the living planet, it is the time when the Fengshen Empire warships are dispatched.

However, Li Chunfeng did not expect that this time would come so quickly.

Just when the new Fengshen-class battleship test was completed and the corresponding production and modification work started, a message from the Gold-Tuning Beast detector and the "Pathfinder" detector came from a star system 70 light-years away from an unnamed galaxy.

Found information about a suspected gold-swallowing beast!

 Today, a book friend "brown glasses" gave a reward of one million coins, which made me very excited and touched. Only by working hard to write a good book can I repay the love of book friends!

  Today must be updated! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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