live on the computer

Chapter 224 I am the Creator

Chapter 224 I am the Creator

Soon, when a heart grew out of the nano-solution, Li Chunfeng began to inject the corresponding spin electrons carrying information into the microtubule structure of the nerve cells in the heart.

This spintronic technology was originally derived from a new generation of technology for manufacturing computer silicon chips, but with the maturity of quantum computers, the Fengshen Empire no longer researched silicon chip computers, so it was abandoned.

However, after this technology was found by Li Chunfeng, he felt that the electrons used to make microtubules would be very similar, because such spin electrons can carry information.

When the information-carrying electrons are aggregated in the microtubules, the information will control the nerves where the microtubules are located to perform corresponding operations.

This is the way Li Chunfeng uses to manipulate the organs formed by the aggregation of biological nanorobots. In fact, this is the way the human organs operate, that is, they are controlled by the nervous system of the organs themselves.

When all kinds of cardiac nerve cells have completed the corresponding spin electron injection, the whole heart has also completed the aggregation and manufacturing.

At this time, Li Chunfeng connected it to a cardiac pacemaker, wanting to see whether the operation of this heart is consistent with that of a human heart in an isolated state.

In fact, in the age of the earth, humans have successfully manufactured artificial hearts of various materials, which can help humans survive for several months or even longer.

This time, what Li Chunfeng completed was an artificial heart that was almost the same as a natural human, using bio-nano-robot technology and operating according to the operating mechanism of human beings.

"Okay, let me see, is it successful?"

After the pacemaker was activated, the heart in it started to beat after being silent for 0.5 seconds!

"Arterial blood flow is normal!"

"Ventricular closure is normal!"

"Heart rate... normal!"


The functioning of each item was recorded in detail by the brain, and soon, the heart ran for more than 10 minutes, one hour, two hours, one day, three days...

With the normal functioning of the heart, it basically proved that Li Chunfeng's research idea was correct, and then he made liver, kidney, lung, stomach, spleen, nose, ear, mouth...

All the organs of the human body are manufactured one by one.

Finally, the most difficult moment came, the manufacture of the human brain.

Li Chunfeng had failed tens of thousands of times in brain manufacturing before.

This time, Li Chunfeng still failed 131 times.

The human brain is too precise, and every failure is due to a very small place that has not been dealt with in place, resulting in failure.

Fortunately, with the help of the mind field, every point of failure will be faithfully recorded by the supercomputer, so that it will not appear again in the next experiment.

This is the benefit of the combination of powerful mind observation ability and computing ability.

When Li Chunfeng completed a brain for the 132nd time, the experiment seemed to be successful.

This brain can function normally, but it is not conscious yet, it is only operating according to an artificial intelligence simulated in a supercomputer.

At present, it is only to test whether the brain can function normally.

At this time, all the parts of the human body manufactured with Li Chunfeng's human body template have been successfully manufactured independently and are functioning normally, and these successful data have been recorded.

The exciting time is coming soon.

Li Chunfeng controls an individual body organ, as if performing a performance of assembly and combination. In a huge transparent container, a miracle is happening.

In just one hour, a perfect human body appeared in the container. Every cell, every drop of blood, and every strand of hair were aggregated by nano-biological robots.

After its aggregation is completed, if it works normally, it is equivalent to rebuilding a human body of Li Chunfeng from the atomic level. If the soul consciousness body can also be successfully completed, it means that the creation of man is truly successful.

The most important thing is that, unlike the failed aggregation last time, all organs in its body can function normally this time, and the functions of all organs are completely consistent with natural human organs.

Now, it is time to test whether its brain can perfectly control the whole body, temporarily a brain simulated by a supercomputer will replace the conscious soul in the microtubules of the brain to control the body.

Although this conscious soul has also been shaped, the amount of information it carries is very small, just like a baby, but now this body is a mature human body, so its weak conscious soul cannot control this body.

Therefore, the corresponding linkage control is now carried out by the simulated intellectual brain, and the way is through the consciousness connection mode, and the intellectual brain can carry out the consciousness writing operation at any time.

When the intellectual brain began to control, the body suddenly moved slightly, and then the eyes opened, and the black eyeballs rolled. At first, they seemed a little curious.

Then some basic human movement awareness in the intellectual brain was gradually written into the brain of this body, and began to control the body's activities.

At first, these movements seemed to be very blunt, raising hands, raising legs, and walking slowly.

As the intellectual brain manipulated this body, Li Chunfeng suddenly discovered that he could use the mode of thought descending to invade the brain consciousness of this body!
Almost at this moment, the body suddenly stopped there, and then some surprises appeared in his eyes, and then he turned around, lowered his head, and looked up and down his body.

He raised his hands and legs again, and then a smile appeared on his face. Obviously, it was Li Chunfeng's thoughts that came to control his body.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling deeply, Li Chunfeng once again felt the breath of life.

Then, a shy expression appeared on his face, because the body was completely naked. He opened his mouth, and his vocal cords resonated and made a sound.


It may be the first time I speak, and my voice is a bit intermittent. Under the monitoring of the entire mind field, various reaction data of the body are recorded in the supercomputer.

As the body's various sports, language, hearing, and other tests have been verified one by one, the coordination of this body is getting better and better.

Li Chunfeng didn't expect that what he dreamed of would actually come true!
A living human body, each cell has its own DNA imprint, the only difference from natural human beings is that at the molecular level, it is composed of biological nanorobots, unlike natural human beings composed of carbon-based organic molecules .

However, he fully possesses all the functions of the human body.He even has some functions beyond the human body.

For example, if his hand is broken, as long as the cut is placed in the bio-nano solution, he will soon grow a new hand by himself.

Such a body is almost immortal, and when combined with one's own consciousness, a brand new race may be born.

Hmm, maybe we could call ourselves Protoss?
Thinking of this, Li Chunfeng asked the robot assistant to bring the clothes, and after the nano clone was dressed, his whole temperament changed.

After Li Chunfeng's thoughts descended on it, all the long-lost feelings came to his mind. Yes, at this moment, Li Chunfeng felt all the feelings of the human body again.

Even if his conscious body didn't migrate in, just the idea came, it almost meant that Li Chunfeng had complete control over this body.

This is not the same as a robot doppelgänger, which is a fully human, uh... superhuman.He has all the sensory functions of the human body.

This time, I was finally truly reborn!

Now, Mom and Dad, Mengmeng, they should be satisfied!

Li Chunfeng couldn't help but looked up to the sky and smiled, but tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Since I was reborn in the computer, although I started from the Internet, made continuous progress and built an interstellar empire, this feeling did not make me very happy.

Just like those successful and famous people who miss the bowl of Yangchun noodles when they were down and down in the past, it will make ordinary people think it is too pretentious to say it.

However, this is a kind of feeling, a feeling that although no longer ordinary people, but yearns for the life of ordinary people.

Because it has been lost, so cherish it!

Or, it is another kind of greed in human bones!
In any case, through continuous scientific and technological progress, Li Chunfeng finally has the feeling of "I can do what I want, I can do what I want, and I can have both".

At this moment, Li Chunfeng's long-standing obsession was let go.

Li Chunfeng didn't leave the laboratory right away, and returned to the flagship's head of state mansion to tell his family members about his major breakthrough.

Because all-round tests of the body are still needed, Li Chunfeng does not allow things to fall short, and must test the operation of all organs and tissues.

Including tests in various environments, confirming that the human body is exactly the same as a natural person, or better in some respects.

First of all, Li Chunfeng added a device to monitor, that is the life magnetic field monitor, through this device, the life magnetic field of a living body can be detected.

The so-called human body in which bio-nano-robots were aggregated in Li Chunfeng's early experiments has no life magnetic field at all.

Li Chunfeng manipulated his body to come to the life magnetic field detector. In order to avoid detection errors, Li Chunfeng withdrew from the idea of ​​coming.

Then the detection was turned on, and on the display screen of the instrument, a moving magnetic field of life was displayed.

In Li Chunfeng's computer, a large amount of magnetic field image data of living bodies is stored. Compared with other ordinary humans, Li Chunfeng found that, except for the lack of clear display of the magnetic field image of the brain, everything else is much brighter than ordinary people.

If the brightness of the life magnetic field is used to represent the strength of a person's breath of life, then it is obvious that the nano-humans completed by Li Chunfeng are more full of vitality.

As for the brain part, it is obviously because it has not been endowed with enough consciousness, and its energy level is only equivalent to that of a baby.

When Li Chunfeng's thought descended again, the life magnetic field map on that head suddenly became as bright as the sun.

At this moment, Li Chunfeng knew that he was the creator!
I actually cracked most of the secrets of the human body, and successfully created a person, a person with a living life.

The life magnetic field is a sign of life, especially higher organisms, such as animals, have a life magnetic field, which is produced by electrons in the microtubules of nerve cells throughout the body of a life.

From Li Chunfeng's understanding of the soul consciousness body, the consciousness body is the spiritual energy in the brain nerves of the living body, and the life magnetic field is the physical energy.

So, when the death ray destroys the basic spin electrons that these two kinds of energies depend on, it is the time when the life of the living body ends.

After Li Chunfeng confirmed that the life magnetic field of the nano body was normal, he conducted a comprehensive test, which is equivalent to conducting a comprehensive physical examination on this body.

Height, weight, blood routine, urine routine, detection of substances in various blood and body fluids, trace element detection, nuclear magnetic resonance, etc.

The final conclusion is that the indicators are very healthy.

Next, Li Chunfeng conducted various sports tests to test the body's motor functions, such as running, high jump, long jump...

During the whole process of exercise, the brain follows the test, and the results are still quite satisfactory. These data can exceed five times that of ordinary people.

This is still under the condition that Li Chunfeng has some control and reservations. It seems that the definition of Protoss is more in line with it.

This can casually be better than those well-trained athletes or special soldiers, what is this not a Protoss?
Twelve rounds of this kind of test were carried out, and it took more than a month.

When Li Chunfeng walked out of the Tianzihao laboratory with a smile on his face, some scientific researchers were still guessing when they saw it, what kind of happy event did the head of state have?

As for some female researchers, they were so fascinated by the handsome head of state with black hair that they forgot to think. There were only two words in their minds: "So handsome!".

Back at home in the backyard of the flagship Headquarters, it was already the night when the ecosystem inside the battleship was set.

At this moment, my father and father-in-law are playing chess in the chess room.It is said that the mother worked overtime in the human cloning research group to do experiments, but did not come back.

Mother-in-law didn't work overtime, she was talking with Wu Yumeng while watching TV.

"Hey, Chunfeng is back? What are you busy with? You haven't come to our research group for guidance recently." Gu Xue said.

"Oh, I've been busy with an important research and just got a success." Li Chunfeng replied to his mother-in-law.

When Wu Yumeng saw Li Chunfeng, she always felt a little different, she stood up involuntarily, and looked at Li Chunfeng.

Li Chunfeng was very excited and didn't say much, he suddenly took Wu Yumeng's hand, said "Come with me!", and dragged Wu Yumeng to their room in the backyard.

That night, Li Chunfeng told Wu Yumeng, "I am really reborn!"

 The second update today.Li Chunfeng is an adult, book friends, subscribe, vote for recommendations/monthly tickets, and give rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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