Ode to joy

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Qiu Yingying opened her eyes when she heard this, but also drooped her eyes. "Didn't Dad force me to give up? Why did I still go to them? I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in Dad's gourd. He didn't let me ask, and he didn't let me contact Yingqin."

Qiu's mother said: "Oh, I know it's useless to ask you. Wait for your father to come back, your father will always have a solution. Come on, while there is no one in the toilet, you hurry to wash your face and brush your teeth. There are meat buns on the stove, your father bought them , wait for Xiao Fan and the others to eat together."

Qiu Yingying curled her lips, "They don't eat meat buns bought on the roadside. They don't like gutter oil, whitening flour, and meat. I don't eat them either."

"Hey, I'm still poor and fastidious. If you don't say hello, I'll say hello."

Fan Shengmei came up to wash up with her makeup bag, just in time to see Guan Juer floating out with her eyes narrowed.She was about to speak to Guan Juer, but Qiu's mother immediately grabbed two meat buns and handed them to Fan Shengmei, before she said: "Xiao Fan, eat the buns, they are still hot."

Fan Shengmei was caught off guard, and quickly reached out to grab two steamed buns, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Auntie, I'm really sorry that I let you go out to buy steamed stuffed buns so early."

Seeing Fan Shengmei winking at her in a daze, Guan Juer hurriedly followed, but was stopped by the steamed stuffed bun offered by Qiu's mother.She looked at the buns, but didn't pick them up, "Thank you, auntie, but I haven't washed my hands yet." She suddenly found that Qiu's mother hadn't washed her face yet, so she was holding the two buns... Fan Shengmei went into the room and put down her things, and took it for Guan Juer's steamed stuffed bun, said with a smile: "My hands are clean, I picked it up for you, thank you, auntie. Xiao Guan came over and told you something." When the two entered the room, Fan Shengmei closed the door and said, "Andy came to you yesterday, let I saw you tell me that I hope you will go to work with her in the morning, and she has something to ask you."

Guan Ju'er was startled when he saw the closed-door conversation, "What's important?"

"I don't know, but Andy seems to be very serious. He specifically asked about Xiao Xie's relationship with you now. I don't think she is a gossip. There must be a reason for asking so deliberately. If it is convenient for you, please take the initiative to find her Come on. Don't go now, Mr. Bao is still there."

Guan Juer's eyes straightened, "I... even if Andy asks me, I can't answer."

Fan Shengmei grabbed the bun and returned it to Guan Juer, "Take it with you when you go out anyway, don't throw it in the dormitory."

Guan Juer held the buns in both hands, hesitated, "Sister Fan, send a text message to Andy for me, saying that I will wait for her to go to work together. I don't want to turn on the phone right now."

"Okay. Go ahead, I'll put on makeup."

Guan Ju'er looked at Fan Shengmei's smiling face, and suddenly stuck it up, and buried his face on Fan Shengmei's shoulder. After a while, he raised his face and said, "I think, I'm not used to being in love. People describe how beautiful and wonderful love is." , but as soon as I fall in love, I think about marriage and life after marriage, how can it be better."

Fan Shengmei patted Guan Juer, "Don't jump to conclusions so quickly. Since you know the crux of the problem, don't think about getting married and just enjoy love."

"Impossible. I have always believed that people who have no long-term concerns must have near-term worries. How could I not think about it. Sister Fan, put on makeup, so don't make you late."

Fan Shengmei watched Guan Juer open the door holding two meat buns in both hands strangely, but was greeted by Qiu Yingying standing at the door mournfully. "You don't even let me participate in your talk now. It's only been a few days."

Guan Juer was speechless and didn't bother to answer, and walked past Qiu Yingying sideways.Fan Shengmei sat down, put on her makeup and combed her hair quickly, and said by the way: "You've also been struggling lately, after you've been busy for a while and have a perfect ending, let's sit down and drink tea and chat."

Qiu Yingying looked at the closed bathroom door after her mother entered, and whispered: "I'll talk to Ying Qin after my father leaves. Now, I can only hold back my arms and let my father play. There's no way, who let him It's my dad."

Fan Shengmei was speechless now.She quickly put on her makeup and hurried out with two buns.Qiu's mother saw it and proudly said to her daughter: "Look, who said she doesn't eat buns."

Qiu Yingying smiled and said, "Just wait and see, it must be thrown in the trash can at the door. If you don't believe me, let's go down and look through the trash can."

Guan Juer looked at the steamed stuffed bun on his desk, and was in a dilemma.After thinking about it, she asked Qiu Yingying loudly, "Aren't you going to work?"

As soon as the words fell, a roar came from the small black room: "You are so hard, don't know how to speak softly? It's not a chicken and duck stall in the vegetable market."

No one would have thought that Guan Juer, who has always been the most civilized, would be scolded.Guan Juer's face flushed with anger, but he was wrong again.Seeing this, Qiu Yingying trotted over and said softly, "Ying Qin was discharged from the hospital today, I want to see and talk about it later."

Guan Juer said: "No matter what your future is, don't lose your job. It's the foundation of your life. My cousin has no job and has always been looked down upon by her husband's family. When we found a job for her and started working, her husband's face suddenly changed."

"Ah!" Qiu Yingying was stabbed in the heart and stayed there.After being stunned for a while, she turned around without making a sound, rummaged through her luggage, and looked for her work bag.Her mother rushed over to ask why, and Qiu Yingying said anxiously: "Go to work. If you don't go to work, you will lose it. Finding a job is really terrible, and I don't want to do it again."

Guan Juer went downstairs to look for Andy's car after cleaning himself up, and waited beside him.Not long after, I saw Andy and Bao Yifan coming out together, their body language made it look like lovers in love.When they saw Guan Juer, they smiled and parted. Bao Yifan said, "I'll settle this matter today, don't worry. See you tonight." He kissed Andy's forehead and walked to another car .Guan Juer looked at it, and couldn't help thinking of himself.

Andy looked at Bao Yifan's back with a smile, walked towards his car, almost bumped into Guan Juer, and said, "He looks better in a suit."

Guan Juer suddenly realized that Andy was enjoying love.How can she be incapable of loving even a person like Andy who has exhausted all variables?Before Guan Juer was completely dazed, Andy had returned to normal, and said to Guan Juer seriously: "Xiaoguan, I have something serious to talk to you about. Let's get in the car and talk."

Guan Juer hurriedly got into the car, anxiously waiting for Andy to come in, "What's the matter?"

"Xie Bin followed me, yesterday." Andy said very simply and directly, "I will do it myself to stop the follow-up. But I must stop Xie Bin from having similar thoughts from the source, and I need your help. I think I know why he followed me. First, it is a business matter, but I think the probability is very low, so low that it is impossible; second, it is a private matter, which is related to you. Help me think about why he followed me. "

After Andy finished speaking, he followed the usual rhythm of answering, but did not wait for a reply.She had no choice but to slow down the car before getting out of the garage, and looked at Guan Juer, but she saw Guan Juer was stunned, and there was no possibility of answering at all.Andy had no choice but to pout his mouth in depression, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the garage.Unfortunately, I saw Xie Bin by the gate at a glance.She couldn't help bursting out, "Is Xie Bin waiting for you or me?"

Guan Juer, who was speechless by the word stalking, looked out the window, and sure enough, he saw Xie Bin watching their car by the door.But Xie Bin didn't reach out to stop him, Guan Juer didn't stop, and Andy squinted at Xie Bin, and the car passed by Xie Bin at a slow speed.

Guan Ju'er said to himself, "He won't, he won't follow up."

Andy completely ignored Guan Ju'er's negation, and resolutely said with his authoritarian attitude at work: "The question 'why is he following me', you can understand it as 'why does he have strong emotions towards me', so that he must use stalking to threaten me I have no contact with him, except to help you lie that you did not offend him that time in 2202, but this will not make him follow me. Please help me remember, have you ever mentioned me in front of him, what you mentioned How it will affect him."

"No, he won't do that." But Guan Juer could not help but follow Andy's firm prompt, and began to recall whether he had mentioned Andy in front of Xie Bin.

Andy didn't answer, and drove silently, without interrupting Guan Juer's memories.

Guan Juer's memories are very painful, and she didn't want to recall them at first, especially the conversation the day before yesterday.But Andy's reminder seemed to be compulsive, forcing her to remember clearly.She frowned and thought for a while, then said cautiously: "Usually I always talk about how talented you are and how much you take care of me."

"This one is not a threat to you, it's not a threat to him, it's not a threat to your relationship. Next one."

Guan Juer frowned and said lightly: "Andy, please believe that I have always liked and respected you, and there is absolutely no possibility of framing you."

"Eh? I didn't mean that, oh, I'm a little impatient, sorry, I'm not good at restraint, I'm sorry. But please make sure to follow the clue of posing a threat. Thank you. I'm annoying, I don't want to be followed, I am very worried about the condition of the eyes behind me, and I have to put an end to it. Please forgive me."

"I mentioned you one more time. Just the day before yesterday, he mentioned the address on his past ID card. I said that Xiao Qu also mentioned it, and you stopped Xiao Qu. This should not pose a threat."

"Just this one. Now that I have figured out the whole story, I will deal with it."

"This one is not serious."

"This one is fatal."

Guan Juer trusts Andy too much, and believes that Andy's judgment is correct, so she immediately thinks of Xie Bin's various tricks when he mentioned the address of the original ID card, and she also realized at the time that the explanation was anticlimactic.However, Qu Xiaoxiao's desire to talk in front of her became very clear. "Andy, please tell me why it's fatal."

"Do not."

Guan Juer looked at Andy and was speechless.There were countless doubts in her mind, all the things that she didn't want to think about, deliberately avoided, and tried to ignore before the morning, all flooded in, and she began to have to analyze and think.

To be realistic, if you really have a high expectation of getting married, girls of the general level (within the range of 40% of the average value of the public), such as Qiu Qiu, Fan Fan and Guan Guan, start accumulating experience with different boys as soon as possible. harmless.Find out what type you like and are suitable for, and if you see it, take the initiative to fight for opportunities (does not mean chasing backwards). The probability of encountering the best is much lower than passively waiting for someone you love.

Please give Xiaoxie a little more time and wait patiently.

One of my experiences from the stories of the five sisters in Ode to Joy is that everyone has their own shackles.This circle is the cage that restricts the real self, which is the result of the combined effects of parents, surrounding environment, nature, and experience.Of course, everyone is more or less aware of the existence of this cage, and more or less willing to break free from the cage.If you can break free, it is really a rebirth, and it is also the result of the joint action of internal and external factors.Sister Fan is the only example among the five sisters in the story who escaped from the cage and lived again.The process of Fan struggling to get out of the cage took at least ten years (according to Fan’s 20-year-old job, until he met Andy and others at the age of 30), the process was heart-rending and mentally miserable.But in this process, if there is no help from Andy, Ququ and other MMs, then MM Fan's rebirth time may still be postponed indefinitely!Therefore, we must have patience and love for Xiao Xie, especially at such a critical moment: Xiao Xie has a heart that wants to change, and Guan Guan's love is the catalyst that stimulates this change to accelerate, but the catalyst's The quantity is still too small and the quality is unstable.


There are hotels under [-] yuan in the capital city and the capital city. Of course, don’t expect extravagant conditions, but living in it is better than laying a floor in the corridor, right?

▼Author's reply

Minced meat.Let’s turn to a reader’s comment at the back of a blog:

It's not that the Qiu family doesn't have the 3000 yuan at all, nor is it that they won't be able to spend it in the future, but that they can save it if they can.Poor people value money very much. If they don't value it in other places, they don't realize that it disturbs other people's lives. Moreover, they are used to mutual interruption and mutual help among friends and relatives.Dad Qiu probably felt that accepting other people's financial help, even if he paid it back in the future, would still be a favor to others, but the favor he owed for building a floor shop in someone else's house was far less than the debt he owed for borrowing money.

In the past, a relative in the countryside often went to the city and slept in the living room of my house at night. My mother thought it was troublesome to change the quilt every time, so she paid him to find a hotel to live in. He was very angry and said that my family looked down on him and would not take him. Be your own family.

Sometimes I can’t get rid of this concept. For example, if I want to stay in a certain city for one night, the first thing I think of is going to my aunt’s house instead of looking for a hotel, even if the value of the gift I bring exceeds the hotel fee.My aunt didn't welcome me very much that time, probably because she didn't need those gifts, but because of my stay, she needed to wash the quilt cover and bed sheets, and arrange meals.So later I also learned that I can solve it with my own money, so I don't bother others.

After all, the concept and the idea are not the same.Moreover, the Qiu family felt that Fan was Xiaoqiu's good friend, but in fact, the friendship between Fan and Qiu was not as good as that.


understand.The concept is different.

When I saw this paragraph yesterday: "Qiu's father said: It's okay, if parents don't meet them in the future, they will lose face if they lose face. You will get married soon, and you will have no time to play with them soon, don't worry too much about it. Let's go to the hotel, It's really black, there is really no need to spend that money."

Soon there will be no time to play with them~~~~~~ This tone is almost the same as that of Xiaoqiu.


Seeing Dad Guan's words reminded me of the discussion I had with my mother, and I took it very seriously at the time.My mother and I discussed a little more about the soft and hard conditions than Guan's father.My mother taught me that the first thing you look for in a man is whether he is sincere to you, whether he treats you sincerely.If not, no matter how good his condition is, he will not be considered.Don't be blinded by the so-called external conditions.This is a point of view in terms of personality.Then look at whether this person is self-motivated and has the ability to plan his life.If he has, then living with this person will not be a lifetime of suffering even if it is hard for a while.This is considered economically.Only when you pass these two points can you consider other things - the other most important point is to get along comfortably.In my mother's words, there is always something to say between two people, and there is nothing that cannot be said.When it comes to myself, I added one more point: I need someone with an optimistic and positive attitude towards life, who must be smart and humorous.As for other hardware, it all depends on personal preference.

Seeing sister Qiu happily sleeping on the floor with her parents, I really have mixed feelings.

As a person, whether it is a man or a woman, it is best to be as capable as Andy, to be a man on your own, even if you are talking to the king of heaven, you can still straighten your waist!If your abilities are mediocre, then you hope that you will have better luck in your reincarnation. If you are lucky enough to be reincarnated into a good family, you can still live your life with your head held high.However, there are still a lot of people like Sister Qiu who come from ordinary backgrounds and are stepped on by others wherever they go.Sister Qiu in this Ode to Joy has at least one big advantage, that is, she is very easy to be satisfied!It's just that sometimes when I read the text and read Qiu, just because I got a little bit, I am so satisfied that I can't find the north.As a reader, I have mixed feelings.The ordinary people in Naida this season have written very wonderfully!A bouquet of flowers! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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