Ode to joy

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Seeing that Guan Juer hesitated to speak, Fan Shengmei guessed the eager heart behind Guan Juer's words, and shook her head slightly.Guan Juer stuck out his tongue quickly, as if silent.But Qu Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "Xiaoqiu? Just because she and Ying Qin didn't understand anything, they dared to join hands to rebel against their parents? Their parents didn't control them a little bit, and they almost lost their lives. You must have a conscience, Most parents are rare people in this world who are sincere to you. If you understand their painstaking efforts a little bit, you will not make any resistance. If your parents are wrong, please persuade them. Parents are not unreasonable villains I can't understand Xiaoqiu anyway, especially her parents who pull Yingqin and resist Yingqin."

Although Qu Xiaoxiao's words attracted the attention of the girls on the 22nd floor, they were right in Guan's mother's heart.So when Qu Xiaoxiao asked again, "Auntie, is she here to check the sanitation of Guan Guan?", Guan's mother immediately smiled very politely: "Hehe, no, I will accompany my daughter to change clothes." Then she immediately said to Guan Juer: "Go get your clothes and change yourself. I won't go in, lest I can't help but check your hygiene. Hehe."

"My aunt is reasonable. My mother often comes to check on my hygiene secretly and always criticizes me. But she doesn't want to think about it. We young people are under pressure and busy with work. Sometimes when we go home, we don't even have the energy to eat, and we still clean up? Can't sneak attack? Oh, I'm going to move the chair, why does my aunt always stand and talk."

As soon as Qu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Fan Shengmei moved the chair out of the bedroom.So Qu Xiaoxiao watched Fan Shengmei move the chair in front of Guan's mother with a smile, Guan's mother thanked Fan Shengmei, but smiled at Qu Xiaoxiao.Andy subconsciously felt that Qu Xiaoxiao was doing something, she was planning to go into 2201, but now she stopped and had to control Qu Xiaoxiao.

But Qu Xiaoxiao ignored Andy's attention prompt at all, she still made a naive grimace and said, "I guess, is my aunt arranging blind dates? Whispering my ears and forcing me to change into some colored clothes, hahaha, the world is as black as crows."

Mother Guan was amused, "Haha, no, not this time, you guys also know Xiao Xie, right?"

"Ah, see Xiao Xie?" Qu Xiaoxiao stopped the topic meaningfully.

When Guan Juer heard about Xie Bin outside, he immediately poked his head around.Hearing that Qu Xiaoxiao was so mysterious, my heart was confused again.She looked at her mother worriedly, and when she saw her mother asking her questions, she immediately turned a blind eye and retracted her head in a hurry.And Qu Xiaoxiao also turned a blind eye to all kinds of eyes from all directions, but she was calm and calm, and she could completely control the scene.With such two completely different expressions, Guan Mu finally let go of the reservedness of her elders and carefully asked for confirmation: "Have you met Xiao Xie?"

"I've met a few times, but I didn't say anything, it doesn't count. I heard that my aunt went to Xie's house to investigate?" Andy had already stared at Qu Xiaoxiao, but Qu Xiaoxiao still refused to give up.

"Which mother can rest assured, what can I do if I don't go and see." Guan's mother has put away all her defenses, talking, laughing and sighing with strangers.

"Yes, yes, if mothers don't worry about it, how can we grow up so safely and safely. There is no way, nature. Guan Guan is against it now, and it must be strongly against it, right? She will definitely understand in the future."

Guan's mother quickly defended her daughter: "Guan Guan is fine, she quickly understood our good intentions."

Guan Ju'er also felt that Qu Xiaoxiao was so well-behaved that she harbored malicious intentions, and was afraid of having long nights and dreams, so she quickly changed her clothes and ran out from inside, took her mother's arms and said, "I'm done, let's go."

"What's the rush?" Mother Guan took a look at everything, her hands fluttered to arrange Guan Ju'er's clothes and hair.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Xie's own car crashed, and she won't arrive so soon. Guan Guan, you haven't greeted the three of us yet." Qu Xiaoxiao's expression became more and more ghostly.

Guan Juer saw a lot of Qu Xiaoxiao's tricks, and had been waiting for Qu Xiaoxiao to intervene in his relationship with Xie Bin, but he never waited. Seeing Qu Xiaoxiao like this, he immediately had a conditioned reflex in his heart, feeling that Qu Xiaoxiao shot.She said seriously: "Xiao Qu, please stop in moderation."

Qu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, "You still believe that I will harm you?"

"No. Mom, we should go. Andy, happy wedding. Sister Fan, thank you."

Qu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, but asked Andy: "Andy, do I want to say it? If you don't say it, it will really hurt Guan Juer."

Everyone has noticed that "Guan Guan" in Qu Xiaoxiao's mouth has become "Guan Juer", so anyone who knows Qu Xiaoxiao knows that Qu Xiaoxiao is going to be lawless.Andy put his hand on Qu Xiaoxiao's shoulders, and she couldn't cover Qu Xiaoxiao's mouth in front of Guan's mother. She said seriously: "It's better to have the same standard of life. You are against parents interfering in private life, and you should not interfere in other people's too. private life."

"No, I just agreed that our parents should interfere with our private life for our own good. Andy, tell me, am I doing it for Guan Juer's good? You also have to set the same standards."

Only then did Andy realize that Qu Xiaoxiao had drawn a big trap.She was momentarily dumbfounded.

Encouraged by Qiu Yingying's text message, Guan Ju'er said solemnly: "Xiao Qu, thank you for your concern, but I don't welcome my parents' intervention, nor your intervention. Mom, if you don't leave, then I will leave first. "

Guan's mother let go of her daughter's hand, and returned to Qu Xiaoxiao, "Xiao Qu, you are a sensible child, and what you just said is very good and reasonable. You care about us, Guan Guan, and I am very grateful to you. Please help me Just talk to me."

Andy frowned, it turned out that Qu Xiaoxiao's trap not only trapped her, but also trapped Guan's mother, gaining Guan's trust.She had no choice but to say something unreasonable: "Xiao Qu, personally, I object to your meddling."

"But you agreed with me on the plane yesterday. You can't be timid, Andy."

Although Fan Shengmei knew that Qu Xiaoxiao must not be messed with, but at this time she bit the bullet and said, "Xiao Qu, you have more experience and insight than many of us, and you have unique ways of seeing problems, but many times we really can't bear you. Kindness to help. Especially since today's messed up enough, let's take a break, shall we?"

"But Sister Fan, what do you think I did wrong? My words are not rough."

Andy said: "Xiao Qu, you often stuff people's mouths with a piece of feces and tell them that feces are stinky. Who would accept it?"

Qu Xiaoxiao sneered and said, "Okay, I don't worry about it. If I worry about it any longer, I will just stuff shit into your mouths."

After Qu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she left in a huff.Mother Guan looked at the door of 2203 for a long time.Everyone else present felt that something bad was going to happen.

After the mother and daughter of the Guan family left, Fan Shengmei let out a breath.She and Andy both looked at the door of 2203 for a long time without saying a word.It took Andy a while to scratch his scalp, and said depressedly: "I'll apologize to Xiaoqu, I just said something serious just to calm things down."

"She said just now that I'm really bad at resisting my parents. You're right, she likes to stuff shit into people's mouths, but shit really stinks."

Andy shook his head, noncommittal.

Fan Shengmei watched Andy turn around, and suddenly said: "Andy, please tell Mr. Bao that I will handle the lawsuit myself, and I won't bother his royal lawyer."

"Ah? What I said just now hurt you too?"

"No, no... I just said that rebelling against my parents is tantamount to denying myself, and it is even more difficult... It is really easy to say that others are not clear about myself. The lawsuit is not difficult, but the difficult thing is that I still dare not face my own heart. I'm still hoping that external forces can get away with it. I have to admit that I'm afraid of seeing their desperation, I'm afraid of being soft-hearted, and I'm afraid that the legendary judge's mediation will make me unable to control myself. But in the end, only I can solve my problems .I still do it by myself, I have to use the official driver's club to strengthen my heart, I have to face it."

"Okay, I support it. Let me know if you need help."

"Please don't give me a chance."

Andy nodded.Looking at 2203 again, he paused, and said to the door: "Xiao Qu, you are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, you must stick to the door and listen. Get out and tell me, what the hell are you planning?"

Qu Xiaoxiao poked her head out as expected, but she didn't smile. "I'm angry. I'm so good to Guan Juer, but she bites Lu Dongbin, and she's still biting Lu Dongbin. And you, Andy!"

"I treat you? My heart is clear, and the sun can show. If you don't adjust your attitude, I won't apologize."

"How can you apologize with this attitude?"

"Learned from you. Did you know that you have already lit the fire. When Xiao Xie meets the Guan family, will Guan Guan's mother let Xiao Xie go?"

"I didn't say anything, hehe, how could I say that, Andy, you don't even think about it, how dare I say nonsense. I said earlier that I dare not take care of the criminal police."

Andy stamped his feet, "You, you set up a trap..."

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled triumphantly, and she was unscrupulous, not afraid of being angry at all.

In the few rounds when Guan Guan and Xie fought against each other, Guan was obviously barely able to parry!Xie's scheming is still quite heavy, and he is too light everywhere, unwilling to take responsibility.Not an ideal target for Guanguan!
Not only sigh, the boss wrote too real.In fact, for an ordinary person, where is such an ideal person?Boutiques that are ideal for everything basically look down on themselves.The problem that is similar to myself is either this problem or that problem.Therefore, for an ordinary person, how to improve their ability to deal with problems is closely related to whether they can be happy!It's just that now the only child, no matter whether he has money or not, belongs to the young master and young lady at home, and whenever there is a problem, it is his parents who will go into battle.Alas, the current customs are still far away from happiness, and the road is long and long.


Overly intrusive parents are scary.It is said that the relationship between parents is justified in any way. If you ignore you, you have to admit that they are parents. Hello".

The mothers of the previous generation of Naida also wrote it very well and captured it well.Ying's mother is a walking textbook, an old lady full of justice; Fan's mother is instinctively cowardly when you need her, and ignorantly cruel when she needs you; The man's hands fell, but fortunately he taught an upgraded version of the song; Qiu Yingying's mother is blurred, which is her husband's background color; one time.

"Xiao Qu, you often stuff people's mouths with a piece of shit and tell them that shit is stinky, and whoever you say is willing to accept it."

This is so classic!Many people do not pay attention to the way they speak. Although the audience understands that he is right intellectually, it is really difficult to accept emotionally.If you don't have enough strong nerves, you often can't even make friends.

(End of this chapter)

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