Ode to joy

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

"I faxed the story you wrote to my dad. Based on what you know about my parents from what I wrote, what do you think they'll say?"

"They said that Xiao Xie is a good comrade, so let him go. In fact, the visit is just a formality, mainly to get to know Comrade Xiao Xie."

Guan Juer burst out laughing, "You can submit your resignation letter. The organization has decided to give you another chance. You have to prove yourself with your strength."

"Your father thinks, suddenly, a kid came out of nowhere and wanted to snatch my daughter, no way. Let's go through our test first. Daughter, you did the right thing in this matter, but if you submit the application report earlier, you will find signs It would be even more correct to report on the same day. For now, you and the kid will suspend contact until we meet and analyze it."

"Well, you are indeed a professional, a little scary. Can you introduce the reasoning process like Sherlock Holmes?"

"You guessed it right? I just thought about it that way, and I can't say it's reasoning. Just a flash of inspiration. You are the only baby girl in your family. Anyone who dares to approach indiscriminately will be killed by your father. Right? I'm so scared."

"It's still... a little bit wrong. You didn't ask me why I told my parents so soon."

"Why? I thought it was normal. You have always done things in a calm and magnanimous manner. Naturally, you would not hide such a big matter from your closest parents. You should ask your parents for permission first. Unlike me from a divorced family, many things can only be solved by yourself. "

"No. I'm... It's hard for me to say."

"Is it because of my family? Usually... yes, parents will warn their daughters to stay away from broken families."

"That's not what I meant. Don't say it, wait until I finish. If I'm in a hurry, I can't speak quickly."

"Speak slowly, I'll wait for you. There is one thing I want to tell you in advance. No matter what you say, I will not blame you. I fully understand your worries."

"Hey, I told you not to say it, you have to say it. In fact, you have already expressed your wrong point of view, but I won't blame you. Don't speak now, wait until I finish."

Xie Bin stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and let out a "huh" to show that he was obedient and dared not speak.Guan Ju'er was so nervous that his face was stiff, so he couldn't help being happy seeing this.She dawdled for a while, until Xie Bin almost broke the contract, and said: "My mother is very, very picky. I grew up listening to her pickiness, even if I got used to it, even if I knew she was doing my best for me wholeheartedly. And there is also my father who encourages me in private, I still can't stand it often, she can't take care of other people's self-esteem at all. I'm worried, she will be no exception when she sees you. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. I think, instead of waiting We... We are a long time later, you met my mother, you endured and endured for me, until you suffered internal injuries, but you couldn't go away due to various situations, why not encounter it at the beginning, you can go simply... If you suffer No, just turn around and leave, I won’t blame you. I’m just a very ordinary girl who disappears when thrown into the crowd. I believe that if what should happen happens earlier, at least it won’t hold you back. I will have self-knowledge. I It's over."

Xie Bin opened his mouth into an "O" and said after a while: "What are you talking about? I... um, don't cry. I'll find a place to park, so don't cry. Okay, okay, cry when you're sad , but I'm not the kind of person you thought, don't cry for the me you thought. How to put it well, I cried right away. "

Xie Binyue said that Guan Juer was more sad and wronged, and grabbed the paper box Xie Bin handed over, and wiped the paper on his face one by one.Xie Bin was flustered, finally found a safe place to park, quickly reached out and grabbed a piece of paper, and wiped Guan Ju'er's tears. "You believe in me, I won't turn around and leave, even if your mother chases me away, I won't leave."

"No." Guan Juer managed to say two words.

Even if he had the ability to guess the psychological activities of various criminals, Xie Bin was helpless against Guan Juer. He asked patiently: "What is that? At least I know. From the first time I saw you, I knew it was you." How could I be scared away by some little pickiness? Even you can stand it, and I can stand it even more. I swear to you, I won't walk away."

"No." Guan Juer gave two more words, but he was so choked up that he couldn't say anything else, and finally said intermittently: "It's the first time you can't see me."

Xie Bin was completely taken aback, "Are you a god? A monster?"

"No." But because Xie Bin's accent was too much like Zhou Xingchi, Guan Juer was originally a fan of Westward Journey, and could recite long passages of Westward Journey, she couldn't help snorting, a little wanting to laugh.The sense of grievance was a little weaker. "You can't see me. My mother said every day that I didn't look like her. I had a public face that disappeared in the crowd. She was right. I was with Andy. When asked afterwards, others didn't agree I have no memory. Our security guard recognized me for a year and a half, and he still doesn’t know me yet, but he knows a colleague who entered a year later than me. Don’t worry, if you turn around and leave, you won’t remember me soon, at least ...It won't do you any harm, then I did the right thing."

Xie Bin was dizzy, he strung together the foreword and the afterword, found out the connection, looked for clues, and then he knew where to start complaining, "I knew you from the beginning, you forgot and I sent you a multimedia message saying that I met you A pedestrian in my life is very similar to you, you deny it first, and then admit it later. I recognized you well from the beginning, and you have been imprinted in my heart from the beginning, how could I forget it. There is a multimedia message to prove it."

"That's right." Guan Juer just remembered that there was indeed such a thing. "You disgusting security guard, you took me for a thief this morning, and you don't even know me."

It was only at this point that Xie Bin finally figured it out, "So you reported to your parents right away? You thought I wouldn't recognize you, that's why you arranged this meeting. We just started. If I can't stand your mother, I'll leave you I will soon forget you in the future, so that I won't suffer too much? Look at what you are thinking."

"I'm cranky, you despise me."

"How can I despise you, you are still thinking of me when you are angry, I am too late to be moved. Xiao Guan, you are the best girl I have ever seen. Your smile is as warm as a soft breeze in spring. I was on night shift that day At the end, cold, tired and sleepy, I saw you smiling and walking towards me from the elevator, until you walked in front of me, I was sure that you were smiling at me. From that moment on, I knew it was you. "


"Really. Let me... kiss you, please."

Guan Juer has countless beautiful kiss scenes in her heart, some in black and white, some in color, and some in 3D. While she yearns for love, she also yearns for that kind of beautiful kiss.But she forgot that beauty is the patent of masters. She and Xie Bin, two novices, went on the road with the wrong angle, wrong speed, and wrong breathing, let alone the rhythm.The two pressed their lips stiffly, feeling nothing but flustered heartbeats.But Xie Bin persevered, he seized Guan Juer and improved his combat skills in actual combat.Gradually, beauty appeared.And it is the most beautiful.

"Did I find an excuse to tell my parents not to come. I said I was on a business trip?"

"Don't be afraid, I believe they will like me too. See you soon, like me sooner. In order to be with you, I will definitely behave well. Look at me."

"No." Guan Juer was so ashamed that he simply covered his face with his hands.

Xie Bin looked at her and waited patiently. When one of her fingers raised slightly, revealing a watery eyeball, he immediately leaned forward and grinned, making the ugliest grimace.Guan Juer felt that he had never laughed so heartlessly.

Andy got rid of Xie Bin's car, followed Fan Shengmei's guidance, and went home by another road.Seeing a shop from a distance, Fan Shengmei said, "Can I stop there for a while? I heard that Napoleon at that shop is doing very well. I don't know if there are still so late."

"There doesn't seem to be a place to park there. I'll drop you off on the side of the road, and come back to pick you up after a turn."

While speaking, she arrived at the place, and Fan Shengmei got off the car and rushed into the shop gracefully.Andy turned around and came back, but there was no one, so he had to turn again.The second lap finally got people. "Have it?"

"There's only one left, and it's still a little disfigured. It's not for sale. The clerk was convinced by me anyway."

"Well, if you meet Mr. Chen, please apologize to him for me."

"There's no need to apologize to him. He doesn't take it seriously when he comes out for fun, and I won't take him seriously either."

"He seems nice to you."

"A married man tries every means to get close to me. Can I be serious with him? He thinks I won't know if he doesn't tell me. You just need to observe this kind of thing. Will he come to you when he has acquaintances? If not , Obviously he has scruples. What other scruples can there be. Please drink coffee today, pay off the favor, and continue to treat him as a face-to-face guest in the future, quiet."

"Oh, it's really knowledgeable. I will only ask if you are married. If you are married, No."

Fan Shengmei was taken aback, "Actually, I can also ask this question. I'm not afraid of offending, and I'm justified."

"You can see clearly just by looking at it like this. Why do you learn from me. Ask you again, why did you let me get rid of Xiaoguan?"

"Xiao Guan has a thin skin and is too embarrassed to act alone, so he forced Xiao Xie to follow us. What do we want them to do?"

"Well, Ying Ming. Do you think it's suitable for Xiao Guan and Xiao Xie to be together?"

"It looks good now. They are all motivated young people, with good careers and free love, and their future can be predicted."

"I'm a little confused today. I'll think about whether I want to discuss something with you. Can I tell Baozi that I'm unhappy tonight?"

"I don't know why you are unhappy, but I suggest that if you have a major problem, you should meet in person. It is easy to solve it in person, but it is easy to misunderstand on the phone."

Andy hummed, and when the two arrived at the gate of Ode to Joy, she stopped the car, "Xiao Fan, go in by yourself. Napoleon left it for me to make supper on the road. I'll rush to Baozi's house."

"What? You don't want to die?"

"I'm very uncomfortable. I want to see him."

Fan Shengmei got out of the car in a hurry, and stared blankly at Andy, who made a big turn and drove away quickly, and quickly disappeared into the night.She stared blankly for a while, then quickly searched for Bao Yifan's phone number.But I searched and couldn't find it, and I don't know where it was lost.She had no choice but to ask Qu Xiaoxiao for it.But Qu Xiaoxiao went home immediately after socializing, got entangled with Dr. Zhao, and turned off her cell phone early.Fan Shengmei couldn't wait, so she could only send a text message to Wang Baichuan, saying that Andy was busy and asked Bao Yifan to call.Wang Baichuan immediately gave a series of numbers, without unnecessary nonsense.Fan Shengmei was stunned for a moment, bit her lower lip tightly and strode inside.

The elevator was as bright as a mirror, and when Fan Shengmei saw herself in the mirror, she couldn't help being taken aback, and quickly forced a smile.

But she also knew that this smile was too forced.On the contrary, she couldn't help but sneered, but it made her come alive again.This aroused Fan Shengmei's love of beauty. Anyway, she was the only one in the elevator, so she posed various poses in front of the mirror. The place is bright, the background is simple, and the mirror is wide, which is much better than the mirror in her small dark room. .She didn't leave until the elevator dinged to the stop.

But unexpectedly, Bao Yifan got through to his cell phone, but no one answered it.Repeatedly, Fan Shengmei thought that maybe Bao Yifan's private mobile phone had changed his mobile phone number.She could only call Andy's cell phone again.She asked Andy: "You ran thousands of miles and wanted to say something to Master Bao. Could it be that I'm not feeling well?"

Andy was stunned by the question, "I don't know."

Fan Shengmei was persuasive: "Did you miss him?"

Andy replied blankly again: "I don't know."

Fan Shengmei couldn't help being a little discouraged and amused, "I suggest you find a place to park your car and think it through before you go. It's not easy to go there, it's too far away, and it won't be until tomorrow morning."

"Fortunately, the new road has just been opened, which can save two hours."

Fan Shengmei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "The question is, you are pregnant, can you bear it? Come back quickly, and you will have time to fly there tomorrow morning. You are pregnant, so you have to consider your health. You can't do it alone on this journey."

"I consider."

But Fan Shengmei knew that these three words were perfunctory for her, so she had no choice but to hang up the phone in disappointment.Think about how dangerous it is for a young, beautiful pregnant woman to drive a fancy car on the highway in the middle of the night.But all she could do was leave a text message on Bao Yifan's unreachable cell phone, hoping that he would take a look.

After finishing all this work, Fan Shengmei stood in the small lobby of 2202 where there was only one person, and suddenly realized that she could move into Qiu Yingying's room overnight.She looked happily at the room where Qiu Yingying lived, the door that was now open.Without hesitation, she walked over immediately and pulled the window to the end to breathe thoroughly.The air of the spring night rushed in, and Fan Shengmei felt that her skin opened up her pores to breathe freely.

If there is a third eye in the room, you will be able to see an unbelievable scene. Fan Mei, who has always paid attention to her manners, stands with her hips and legs akimbo, standing solidly like a door panel in the center of the empty room.

Before Andy got on the highway, he went to the gas station to refuel, so he inevitably brought back a pack of supplies.After drinking a sip of cool water, her thoughts finally became clear.She took out her mobile phone, thought for a while, but changed to texting, and sent a text message to Fan Shengmei who was starting to move: I want to ask Baozi whether he loves me or not.

Fan Shengmei almost laughed out loud, a sense of psychological balance emerged spontaneously.And she, who has experienced many battles, of course knows that when a girl is obsessed with this question, it is best to let her ask her immediately, otherwise, even if she is tied up and put at home, she will not be able to sleep all night.She replied two words: go.

After receiving these two words, Andy turned the car around and drove onto the highway.

The first piece of furniture that Fan Shengmei moved was a floor-to-ceiling mirror.She put the mirror next to the window, so that every time she went in and out of the house, she could always turn around in the mirror and make a gesture.This little thought made her relocation work more interesting.

But the world is unpredictable, when Fan Shengmei had just made a bed and a phone call came, Qiu Yingying eagerly discussed it with her. "Sister Fan, just now my dad found out that we moved to Ying Qin's house, he was very angry. He got angry with me and asked me to move back. He said that it was not proper for me to live in a man's house without getting a marriage certificate. I broke the contract because I didn't do things properly, and I haven't received the certificate yet, so I'm in big trouble. My mother panicked and wanted to move back with me overnight. What do you say?"

Fan Shengmei couldn't help looking at her beautifully made bed and the window where the night breeze was blowing, "Then what are you going to do? Your house has been rented out, I just made a deal with the landlord for you."

"I just called Guan Guan and turned off the phone. I wanted to ask them to come back again. Sister Fan, is Guan Guan back yet? Can you talk to her? Please, please make another trip. And An Dee, I dare not call her. Anyway, no one has moved in yet, so it doesn't matter if you cancel the rent or not."

Fan Shengmei looked at the made bed and said decisively: "Xiaoguan hasn't come back yet. Andy threw me at the gate and didn't know where to go. It's so late, we have to wait until tomorrow if we want to move. Why would you think of moving to Ying's house? Didn't you say that Ying Qin's mother wants you to live here? Tell me more about it." Fan Shengmei said while wiping the window sill with a rag, so depressed that she wanted to wipe the window sill out of the groove.Over there, Qiu Yingying knew that the problem was serious, so she originally told Fan Shengmei everything she had to say about being discharged from the hospital in the morning.

Fan Shengmei thought for a while after listening, and said: "It's easy to handle, you tell your father, since both of you are the most polite, when both mothers are present, the biggest rule for you is to listen to the two mothers. Mom's words. Since the two of them asked you to move, then you have to move even if there is a sea of ​​swords and fires ahead, right? Now that you have moved, and Ying Qin's mother personally moved you to her house, you suddenly want to move back, Saying it's against the rules, isn't that slapping Yingqin's mother in the face and rejecting her good intentions. Ask your father if he offended you by doing so. "

"Ah, Sister Fan, you speak so well, I'll tell my dad right now. What are you doing?"

"Don't worry about me, you can do your business quickly. Go to bed early today, get up early tomorrow to accompany your mother to go grocery shopping, and make some delicious food for Ying Qin. That's serious."

Fan Shengmei put down her phone and let out a sigh of relief.But when she thought that Qiu Yingying might still move back, she became a little listless.Without doing anything else, Fan Shengmei immediately called the landlord's phone number and returned Qiu Yingying's house.

(End of this chapter)

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