Ode to joy

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Andy was busy with her notebook when the cell phone rang in the silent ward.She touched her cell phone subconsciously, but immediately realized that it was not the ringtone of her cell phone, and Lao Bao's cell phone was placed on the bedside table and turned off.She followed the sound and looked at Lao Bao in surprise, only to see Lao Bao quickly opened his eyes, took out another mobile phone from nowhere, and answered "uh, huh".

Andy didn't take it seriously, she also has three mobile phones.Keep your head down and work.

Lao Bao got out of bed after making the phone call. It turned out that his clothes were all neatly on. "After the meeting over there, hehe, it seems that I don't have to pretend to be sick. My son is playing with me."

"You two, what's the matter?"

"What is decent or not, it turned out to be a trap. Once I was hospitalized for a sudden illness, he thought that I was still his father in a heartache, and he changed his mind to welcome me back to the company. I thought he listened to you and was willing to cooperate. Stay in the ward for a few days."

"You think it's not that simple, so you've taken precautions."

"It's been played by him. When everyone heard that I was down, they thought I was hopeless, and they all turned against me."

"Both of you, know yourself and your enemy. Baozi would never have guessed that you have another mobile phone, and there are your loyal ministers in the conference room. You are also acting innocent in front of me. You two, alas." Andy shook his head, not bothering to look at Laobao's expression , packed up the notebook and turned away.

"Uh, Andy, where are you going? Take me to the building by the way. No, it's really a joke if I go now."

"Yes, you and your old courtiers have been put together by your son. A group of people who think they are sophisticated have all stumbled."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know what Baozi wants to do. I'm going to pack my luggage and go back to Haishi. I'm so annoyed by you, father and son shouldn't be like this. Do you want to send you to the mansion?"

"Let's go." Old Bao put on his shoes and went out with Andy.While calling a friend in the hospital, explain the situation.

Andy thought of what Bao Yifan said last night. He said that he would start messing around in the real estate area tomorrow. His father felt sorry for something, so he poked hard there.He did it.If this continues, the deadlock will only become tighter and tighter until both sides suffer.Andy didn't know what to say, only that it was useless.

The two were speechless all the way, and drove straight from the hospital to the building.Bao Yifan's car was recognized by the security guard at a glance, and it stopped randomly and no one rushed it.Andy stopped at the door, but Lao Bao lowered his head and did not speak, nor did he get out of the car. "Are you... all right?"

Lao Bao shook his head, remained silent for a while, and sighed, "I won't go up, let him take care of the house. I'll go to Haishi too. If you're free, take me to the airport now. You'd better not leave."

Andy was surprised, and turned to look at Lao Bao.Seeing Lao Bao sighing, his face was instantly haggard. "It shouldn't be. I can go up with you."

"Forget it. With your words and your presence, I shouldn't suffer a lot in the future."

Andy looked at the old bag for a long time, then turned around and ran to the airport.

Lao Bao took out the card and wrote a number to Andy, "If you need me recently, you can call this number."

"Got it. Have you got enough money?"

"Hehe, the overdraft limit on my card is not small, you should remember to pay it back for me in the future."

Andy didn't answer.This is not her problem, she will not take the initiative to fall into the trap.So Lao Bao looked at Andy and frowned.

In the silence, the cell phone in Andy's pocket rang.Lao Bao first tensed his whole body and looked towards the source of the sound.Andy took out the phone and saw that it was Qu Xiaoxiao, "It belongs to a friend of mine." She answered after explaining. "Xiao Qu, I'm driving, so you can make a long story short."

"It's nothing else. I'm going to investigate Brother Xie. You must not reveal it, including Xiao Guan, as if I hadn't done it. I only realized later that Brother Xie is a criminal policeman, not an ordinary one. The police, he wants to retaliate against me, just check me with private goods, and I will be finished. Please, I know you have the strictest mouth. "

"Understood, I won't say it. But you have to change your routine of watching people order dishes."

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled nonchalantly: "I'm concerned about one more thing today. Wang Baichuan bought a house and signed the contract today. Will he include Sister Fan's name in it? I bet a thousand, there will be a good show."

"Aren't you tired of meddling in your own business?"

"I'm in a hurry. You can drive, I don't bother you. Why did you drive by yourself when you arrived at Mr. Bao's site? Mr. Bao has been drinking?"

Andy ignored her and hung up the phone.

Finally, the phone call that Andy and Lao Bao were waiting for came.When Andy saw that it was Bao Yifan calling, he turned on the phone and handed it to Lao Bao.Lao Bao was not polite at all, he just listened to it.Before he could speak, Bao Yifan asked anxiously on the phone: "Andy, where are you? There is no one in the ward."

Lao Bao replied: "Let's go to the airport..."

"Andy is pregnant, don't mess around. Andy, are you there? Talk."

The two people in the car couldn't help but hey, where did they think, "She's driving, taking me to the airport."

Bao Yifan was obviously a little embarrassed, he was silent for a while, and then asked: "What's going on?"

Lao Bao said: "I'll organize a relationship network for you later, you can do it well. There is nothing else to explain." After Lao Bao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.After being silent for a while, he said to Andy: "Look, what do you think of me, a kidnapper? You can figure it out. Be yourself and learn how to be a bitch."

"It's not as good as my orphan, quiet." Andy shook his head and sighed. "In my eyes, Bao Tai's character is hopeless. What about Bao Zi? Will he become a rising star?"

Lao Bao watched Andy carefully and secretly, and said: "Fucking pervert! He is different. He will wake up in a few days and know that he has gone to extremes."

"Oh. You still protect him."

"If I hadn't been for his father, how would I have suffered like this today. It's completely more shameless than anyone else, how could I do it. Uh, how far will he go to this extreme before he ends." Old Bao scolded very depressed, If the scolding is happy, those who are listening next to him will have to leave their son behind.He can see that this is also a ruthless character, so he won't worry about having two children in his stomach.

Andy sighed again, she didn't know either.

Lao Bao has been the boss for a long time. Although he is familiar with the way at the airport, his techniques are primitive. Andy has to teach him many tricks.Andy sent the old bag to the security check line all the way, waved goodbye, and as expected heard the sound of hurried running from behind, and she soon fell into Bao Yifan's arms.Andy turned his head to look, and Bao Yifan kissed her on the face out of breath, "You are anxious to death, you know?"

Lao Bao turned his face away as if nothing had happened, and followed the team one step forward as if he hadn't seen it.Andy pointed in the direction of Laobao, "Your dad is there. He was very angry at first, but suddenly changed his decision when he rushed to the door of the building."

Bao Yifan panted heavily and looked at Lao Bao's back.Andy felt that Bao Yifan's embrace was stiff, and she also turned her head to look at Lao Bao.Seeing Lao Bao walking towards the security check step by step for nearly seven steps, Bao Yifan said coldly: "Let's go back."

Andy didn't refuse, but said resolutely: "Let's go. We need to talk when we go back, immediately." She left Bao Yifan's arms, said goodbye to Lao Bao, and left with Bao Yifan.Lao Bao looked at the pair with a sullen face, until the people in the queue behind got impatient and touched him to make him move forward, then he looked around all the people indifferently, and became nonchalant again, waiting for the security check with nothing to do.

As soon as Bao Yifan got into the car, he said anxiously: "Speak, talk, wait to be scolded."

"No rush. Go back and follow the doctor's advice. First, hug you, touch you, and then pour you a glass of wine before talking about the topic I've been holding back all night: You can't become a narrow-minded and unscrupulous person."

"What did he tell you? Drinking ecstasy soup all the way? You tell me, and I will argue for you."

"No matter what your father said to me or what he did to you, I just hope that you will insist on being a decent person to everyone and everything, and a person who is consistent with your words and deeds. This is our high IQ and high knowledge. due pride."

Bao Yifan was speechless, and drove the car out silently.


In the gap between waiting for the article, August [-] I know a bone spirit similar to Andy.Responsible for the important work of an important department in a giant unit, which is the so-called top priority.There is a boss on it, and her attitude towards the boss is similar to Andy's attitude towards Lao Tan. In fact, she can be the boss with her ability, but the boss has to take care of too many mundane things. She just wants to concentrate on business and ignore mundane things, so she doesn't care That vain job.The aura is very strong, but the person is genuine and upright, completely different from the devil wearing Prada type, and like Andy, he belongs to the kind of person who looks like he looks at him and feels warm when he touches them.

▼Author's reply

Interesting, the one I met didn't want to be the boss, because he was afraid of the burden of mundane affairs.

Hee hee, why do I feel that starting from "The Meat Eater", the images of bone spirits like Andy are all written according to the prototype of the boss himself?I don't know which of these characters is the closest to the boss?

If you don't want to get involved in common things, you will have a fairy spirit!A very transparent person who understands what he wants too well. He will give up things that seem very attractive to others without hesitation.There is nothing to say about people living so far!When Baozi met such a master, he really had to ask for blessings!

Also say the family is fine

This time I couldn't agree more with Xiaoqu, the bigger I feel, the more I feel that the influence of family on a person can't be ignored.Seeing Xiaoqu go to Xie Tongxie's house to investigate, I can't help but think of my boyfriend and I, when we first met, we took advantage of the vacation to go back to China and ignored everyone's opposition. Even my mother complained that I was not ready yet.But when I went to his house and saw that his parents were nice people + the two of them had a good relationship, I really felt relieved.It's not easy to meet someone who wants to develop with him for a long time. It's great to see his family is so reliable.Of course, this is all recalled afterwards. At that time, everything was subconscious, not as purposeful and courageous as Xiaoqu.

When it comes to being well-matched, I really feel that I can make use of Naida’s interpretation of friends (it seems that this is not what Naida said in the main text, but in a certain reply? Suddenly I feel that I am a loyal reader. ^_^ Please praise .): The other party’s home hardware is important, but software is the decisive factor.Just like friends, maybe they may not necessarily share the same interests, but they often have the character of people who can get close to each other.

But family influence is not absolute.There is no denying that there are still some people with strong hearts.For example, Andy, or the cold-faced boss in the American drama "Criminal Minds".The cold-faced boss once said that most of the children who were domestically abused when they were young grew up to be the perpetrators, but a small number of them chose to be the ones who stopped the violence—such as himself.I think the family's influence on them is indelible, but only in the dead of night do they know it.At least their strong hearts made them choose different paths.On the other hand, Xiao Xie's children's shoes, I am extremely pessimistic about him.

In the last season, I saw Guan Guan and Xiao Xie exchanging messages saying that their families were carved out of the same mold (I was so impressed with this sentence, because when I first met my boyfriend, I also felt the same way). She was happy and felt that this was reliable.

But after seeing Xiao Xie's exaggerated praise of Guan Guan, I really felt that something was wrong.

Of course it's sweet for your boyfriend to praise you in front of outsiders, but it's not right to praise you so much that you feel embarrassed - and it's obviously not the right place for him to praise you.Why do colleagues first say that Guan Guan is good at work and has strong ability when they open their mouths?I humbly think that the shining point of Xiaoguan MM is really not here.I believe that Xiao Xie really appreciates Guan Guan, but this is not what he shows in front of outsiders.When he said that, he really felt like he was saving face.I don't like this very much, and I infer from this that Xiao Xie wants bad food.As for their ending, it depends on the mercy of Nai Da's pen.

By the way, I would like to complain for Guan Guan, she is a very nice girl, she managed to talk about a relationship that seemed very reliable at the beginning, but in the end, Nai Da made such a mess, Guan Guan is really going to vomit blood, hahaha .Then again, since you are a heroine, you must have the consciousness of being a heroine, otherwise you will not be able to entertain, heck, educate the public like us.You just have to bear with it.

(End of this chapter)

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