Ode to joy

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

Fan Shengmei couldn't fall asleep at all, she lay on the window and saw an Internet cafe nearby, so she took out a pack of cigarettes from her bag and went to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet.She didn't know that Qu Xiaoxiao was rushing out of her room at this time, joined forces with Andy and the others, and then ran to her house.

Coincidentally, the three girls in 2202 have their own worries, they can't fall asleep, and they are all surfing the Internet boringly.They met in the QQ group.

At this moment, Fan Shengmei couldn't help bursting into tears, as if seeing a real relative.She took a sharp puff on her cigarette, held back her tears, and flipped her fingers on the keyboard.

"I'm in my hometown. My elder brother was released from prison and had no way of life. He threw my father who was paralyzed in bed at Wang Baichuan's house and forced me to pay."

Both Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying were stunned that they could do such a thing.Guan Juer hurriedly moved his notebook and sat in Qiu Yingying's room, the two chatted and typed.

"Have you sent it back?" "How can this be?" "Inhumane." "Is it all right, uncle?" Guan and Qiu were concerned, forgetting the troubles they had encountered.

"Wang Baichuan called two friends to take my dad back, but more people rushed out of my house. Wang Baichuan threw my dad away. The car almost hit my dad."

"Boss Wang is too rough." Qiu Yingying quickly entered the line.

"If you can't send it back the first time, you can find another time." Guan Ju'er did not criticize, but expressed dissatisfaction.

"Yeah!!!!" Fan Shengmei was extremely pleased that they finally had a common language.

"What if someone gets hit by a car? You can't just dump your burden like this. Why is it your dad? Don't you have the least respect?"

Qiu Yingying's hands and feet were fast, and her group blamed her. Fan Shengmei was almost choked to death by a puff of cigarettes. Wang Baichuan was not that bad, but the situation was critical at the time... Afraid that Qiu Yingying would scold Wang Baichuan again, Fan Shengmei hurriedly called again: "I'm worried about my brother They will throw people at Wang Baichuan's house tomorrow. Wang Baichuan will close the door tonight, and his parents are going to go out with him to hide from the limelight. Sigh..."

"Boss Wang's family is also in bad luck. Meeting such a person, alas." Qiu Yingying's words always came out first.

"Mr. Wang is involved. Sister Fan, it will be very bad for your relationship if you continue to fight like this." Guan Juer said.

Qiu Yingying went further and said: "Sister Fan, it's wrong to implicate Mr. Wang's family. He just loves you and didn't offend your brother." Others don't even want to get a penny from you. If you voluntarily withdraw, you can consider giving some money. Wait. Negotiations are needed, so you can't hide from him." "Sister Fan, you are too gentle to be polite to your brother, you must Don't leave any room, don't show affection."

Fan Shengmei was once again choked by Qiu Yingying's fast typed words, and finally replied, "It's not as simple as you think. For scoundrels, negotiating with words is useless."

"Then Mr. Wang's parents won't be able to go home? Are they retired? If they are still working, it will be even more troublesome. The loss is huge."

Fan Shengmei couldn't answer Qiu Yingying's questioning, "I'll ask Wang Baichuan again. Tomorrow... oh, it's another day of big trouble. I can't sleep and I have to go back to lie down, oh... I'm off. 88."

When Fan Shengmei walked out of the Internet cafe, she was more depressed than when she walked in.Qiu Yingying spoke freely, exposing the reality she didn't want to face.Yes, the Wang family has suffered because of her, and she should appear at the Wang family at this time, asking for forgiveness from the family.Fan Shengmei looked at the frighteningly silent street, and when she saw an empty taxi passing by, she tiptoed slightly, but she never raised one hand.The taxi slowed down, the driver in the car looked at her, and she looked at the driver, and she finally turned away when the driver was parallel to her.She didn't have the guts to face the Wang family, especially the Queen Mother.The thought of fleeing came up again.She couldn't bear this life.Why is she always in debt to others.

A private car brushed against Fan Shengmei. Fan Shengmei was startled and jumped back to the sidewalk. The window of the private car was lowered, and a fat man poked his head out, "100 yuan, do you want to go?"

Fan Shengmei was taken aback for a moment, and when she realized what was going on, she cursed angrily.She is a local, and when she swears, she speaks the local language. The people in the car saw that she was wrong, and hurried away laughing.Fan Shengmei was so angry that she cursed at the taillight for a long time.

"100 yuan!" Fan Shengmei ruthlessly walked through the intersection, watching the green light turn red halfway, she was not in a hurry to rush to the sidewalk, she just gritted her teeth and said to herself, "100 yuan! Damn you."

He didn't even bother to pick up the phone in his pocket, so he walked hard, walked into the hotel, took out the phone, and saw that it belonged to Wang Baichuan.And the text messages followed. "Your family's affairs have been resolved. Your brother was injured a little. He won't make trouble anymore. You can rest assured when you see the text message. My parents don't have to flee. Everyone is relieved. Now I am so excited that I can't sleep, so I simply put my luggage away." Go back to the closet."

Fan Shengmei was so excited that she couldn't believe it, and immediately called, "Really? Really? Wang Baichuan, how did you do it? Just now? Why didn't you tell me. How did you do it? Tell me, my house What's wrong?"

Wang Baichuan couldn't answer, it wasn't his doing in the first place.He said Ai Ai ambiguously: "It's not me, it's a friend. With the help of friends, I can't deal with so many people. I smashed the door of your house, knocked down everyone, er, let your brother bleed, threatened a few words, That's it. It's rough, so don't ask for details..."

Fan Shengmei listened excitedly, but before Wang Baichuan could finish speaking, the Queen Mother's angry reprimand came from the phone, reprimanding her son for contacting the daughter of that kind of family.Fan Shengmei hurriedly said: "Let's talk again when we return to Haishi, thank you, you've done a good job."

Fan Shengmei's heart was in full bloom, and she spun in the hall with joy. She really didn't expect that things could turn out to be so bright, and Wang Baichuan was so powerful.She jumped into the elevator, wishing she could jump out again, and asked Qu Xiaoxiao which room she lived in. She was so happy that she could deal with Qu Xiaoxiao's cold and cold eyes.It is really not allowed to move around in the elevator, so she excitedly sent a text message to Qiu Yingying to tell Guan Juer that the problem was successfully solved by Wang Baichuan.

Qiu Yingying hurriedly told Guan Juer, while blaming herself, "Just now I made a mistake to blame President Wang, I really didn't expect him to solve the problem overnight. You are right, don't jump to conclusions too early, I was reckless just now."

"Hurry up and send a text message to Sister Fan to praise Mr. Wang for his wisdom and martial arts. Sister Fan knows you and won't blame you."

"Yes, that's a compliment." Qiu Yingying used both hands to send the text message.She muttered, "It's great to have such a capable boyfriend. I really envy Sister Fan."

Xie Bin's figure floated in Guan Ju'er's mind.She said insincerely, "Yes, how good, how good", and her head became a ball of paste again.The blue lotus that Xie Bin gave didn't bloom at night, and the firm buds were like a monk's hammer on a wooden fish.Guan Ju'er couldn't help pulling out a branch and knocking his paste on the head.

After Qiu Yingying sent the text message, she came back to convey the latest instructions, and smiled when she saw this: "Don't knock, I think you have a best solution, you can find Sister Fan for your relationship problems, she is now solving her own family affairs, and she is in good spirits on happy occasions. "

"What about relationship issues? I've been working overtime for the past few days and I have a headache. I'll be free next month."

"Oh, we can fall in love next month. Haha."

Guan Juer looked at Qiu Yingying's back, squeezed her face into a ball, whimpered several times, and pushed the computer away to sleep.She didn't know what to do, not at all.

Qu Xiaoxiao originally thought that the second-tier cities would be dark at night, but unexpectedly, there are many delicious small shops scattered along the streets and alleys like pearls.It was agreed, Bao Yifan treated the guests to barbecue, but Qu Xiaoxiao insisted on buying beer at his own expense.

As soon as she sat down, she ordered six bottles and split with Bao Yifan.

"Beer isn't alcohol, is it, Andy?"

"Well, let's drink, to celebrate, it should be. If it weren't for my special situation, I would drink with you. You are so happy tonight, it is my ideal state." Andy personally poured wine for Qu Xiaoxiao who was still very excited .But Qu Xiaoxiao disliked that the level of poured beer was too smelly, full of bubbles.

"You are so good, Xiao Qu, especially the butt carving bastard, a classic among the classics. I respect you." Bao Yifan poured himself a glass and clinked glasses with Qu Xiaoxiao.

Qu Xiaoxiao's confidence was low due to being promoted by the two bosses, "You two, play me together, right?"

Bao Yifan said: "Who is playing with you, you can ask Andy, you are a heroine upstairs, and the two of us are amazed at the bottom. I still think about it until now, if I lead ten brothers to go upstairs, The effect is absolutely impossible to be as good as yours, and if it is not done well, a few injured people will be sent to the hospital. Someone from our side must take the blame and go to the classroom. It is not good to really break the law. Diao bastard is really a classic. .”

"You two doctors really don't think I'm a shrew or a gaffe? Well..." Qu Xiaoxiao drank heavily, barely eating barbecue, and soon the bottle of wine ran out.She asked forcefully and forcefully: "If Dr. Zhao was watching in the car tonight, what would he say? Hey, Brother Bao, you especially can't avoid this question. If it were Andy who was upstairs making turtle sculptures tonight Can you still laugh about it?"

"Andy may not be able to do cunning things. Hands and feet are not her strong point, but she can do other things. She is no worse than you."

"Come on, you haven't seen it before." Andy grinned, "The last time I cooperated with Xiaoqu to beat Xiaoqiu's ex-boyfriend, it's a perfect match."

"Yes, yes, Brother Bao, what do you say now?"

"Andy is really temperamental, and he loves everything. If your boyfriend is here today, how could he not like such a lively girl?"

"Don't you think it's a joke?"

"It's a nonsense to make a serious thing, and the effect is better. If your boyfriend doesn't like it, I'll introduce you to a better one."

"It's become an ex-boyfriend, what I did today, he won't stop me, but maybe it's too much to educate me back, it's indecent. Right, Andy?"

Andy thought for a while, then nodded, "He will."

"Look. You stinking men, I still want to beat up Lao Wang when I think about it. I am very dissatisfied with my performance tonight."

"Then, become an ex-boyfriend and become good."

"No, I miss him."

Andy got used to it, Bao Yifan was astonished.

"But I won't look for him again. I will quit him like quitting smoking. Then one day, he will recall that he met a vixen when he was young, and he was very happy with the vixen. But the vixen will suck He is very spiritual, he is getting less and less energetic every day. One day the vixen reluctantly left him, and he slowly regained his spirit. He was admitted to the first prize, and his children and grandchildren were full. When he was old, he thought of that vixen again. Wow, the vixen is really Poor..." Qu Xiaoxiao lay down on the table, weeping uncontrollably, the beer she drank turned into tears.

Andy and Bao Yifan looked at each other, where did that majestic ditty just now go?Suddenly came a gorgeous 180° turn and turned into a small romance and a small chat room.But after saying this, even Bao Yifan understood what happened between Qu Xiaoxiao and Dr. Zhao.Qu Xiaoxiao understands her feelings, but no matter how she understands, she will be sad.Seeing Andy reached out and touched Qu Xiaoxiao's head to try to persuade him, Bao Yifan said: "No need to persuade, when you quit smoking, you will also have evil faces, tears and nose. As long as you understand it in your heart and bear it, you will come out slowly. "

"I want to persuade, I want Andy to hold her." Even though she was crying bitterly, Qu Xiaoxiao was still able to express herself clearly, and plunged into Andy's arms to seek care.

"Andy is my wife. How could she be so overbearing when making light bulbs?"

"I spend more time with Andy, you're the light bulb."

Bao Yifan can only laugh, but he has figured out some things, and tonight the gloom of the past few days has been swept away. "Xiao Qu, I will introduce you a big fish tomorrow, Lao Yu, Mr. Yu."

"Ah, really? He's coming here tomorrow?" Qu Xiaoxiao immediately raised her body, her eyes sparkling.

"Yes. Give me Andy back."

Qu Xiaoxiao quit immediately and transformed into the most sensible light bulb.

When Qiu Yingying got up in the morning, she subconsciously took out her mobile phone and saw a text message from Ying Qin who didn't know when in the middle of the night. "I work overtime in the office, forget it all night, I can't work when I go home. Are you still online?"

Qiu Yingying looked up the time and looked, she was so regretful that she would have received this text message if she persisted in staying awake for another half an hour last night.She replied quickly, then sat on the bed and waited anxiously, muttering something in her heart.

Soon, Ying Qin replied, "Oh, you got up so early on Saturday? Are you going out to do sales again?"

Qiu Yingying was taken aback, and quickly replied: "Yes, I have to go back to the store to get some samples. It's getting late, and the sun is shining outside."

"When you come to the store, why don't you just have lunch together? Don't delay you, just eat KFC."

Qiu Yingying replied "Yes", jumped up immediately, jumped from the bed to the ground, and slammed it with a "boom".But even so, it didn't wake up Guan Juer next door.Qiu Yingying almost danced a self-made ballet and floated into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, and then came out like a float, lingering at the gate of Guanjuer, she couldn't help knocking on the door and shouting: "Guan, get up, do you want to eat tofu and fried brains?" Bao, let's go together."

Guan Ju'er was woken up, he got his head under the bed and ignored him.But once she woke up, troubles came to her mind naturally, she jumped out of the quilt annoyed, and opened the door with a huff, "Can't you burn incense, can't you dream, why are you bothering me?"

Qiu Yingying didn't expect Guan Juer to yell like crazy, she hugged Guan Juer with a smile, "Get up, get up, the sun is so bright, I will open the curtain for you."

Guan Ju'er rolled his eyes and watched Qiu Yingying open the curtains for her as she talked to herself. Sure enough, the bright sun burst in, as if it could brighten and warm people's hearts.Guan Ju'er was blinded by the sunlight and couldn't get angry anymore. "Wait outside, 10 minutes."

Qiu Yingying succeeded and jumped out happily.Although Guan Juer procrastinated for more than 10 minutes, he finally yawned and half-closed his eyes and went out to have breakfast with her.In order to save money, Qiu Yingying has cooked food by herself for many days, she is so happy today, she must celebrate with extravagance.

Guan Juer was held by Qiu Yingying, and continued to sleepwalk with her eyes closed, until Qiu Yingying asked in a low voice, "Hey, someone greeted you. Who is it?"

Guan Ju'er managed to open half of his eyes, and when he saw the person in front of him, he was immediately enlightened and woke up.Xie Bin, why did he come?

Seeing the two people staring at each other as if no one else was there, Qiu Yingying immediately thought of a word and blurted it out without hesitation: "Heavenly thunder hits the ground! Wow."

Guan Juer woke up startled, his face was flushed red, and he couldn't help hiding behind Qiu Yingying.And Xie Bin said generously, "Hi Qiu Yingying."

"How do you know I'm Qiu Yingying? I'm Sister Fan Shengmei Fan."

"I've seen you. Last time you got lost at the train station, I'll take you back."

Qiu Yingying was so embarrassed that she stared at her eyes, she quickly broke away from Guan Juer, and hid behind Guan Juer, "I didn't check the old emperor's calendar today, so it's inappropriate to go out. Guan, you guys hurry up and have breakfast, I won't accompany you."

"Let's go eat together, I'm treating you. Xiaoguan, just be friends, don't worry too much."

Guan Ju'er firmly held Qiu Yingying who wanted to slip away, and said nothing to let her go, "Let's go together, let's go together. Let's AA."

Qiu Yingying shot a false shot, but when she got to the gate of the community, she quickly slipped away while Guan Ju'er relaxed her vigilance.Guan Juer was left to face Xie Bin in embarrassment.Xie Bin also looked nervous, but he pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Don't worry, we are just friends. I got up early and saw the weather was fine, so I want to invite you out to play. Botanical garden? Wildlife park?"

Of course Guan Ju'er knew that they were not just friends, she wanted to say it, but her face turned red and she couldn't say it, she was very ashamed.In the end, she pointed to a fast food restaurant, "The pan fried food there is delicious."

"Go. Just go there."

The two got their food, paid the bill, and sat down facing each other. Guan Juer took out his mobile phone, saw Xie Bin craned his neck to look at her, and hurriedly said, "Sorry, I'm sending a text message."

Xie Bin nodded, lowered his head to eat raw fried tofu, and didn't look at it.But after a while, the mobile phone in his pocket reminded that there was a text message, he was taken aback, looked at Guan Juer, opened it, and it was indeed sent by Guan Juer. "I have a mess in my heart and I don't know what to do, but I understand that I can't do unfair things to you. I'm very, very sorry, please forgive me. I can't accept your invitation."

(End of this chapter)

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