Ode to joy

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

After a while, Guan Juer's cell phone reminded him of a text message again, and Fan Shengmei hurriedly peeked out from under her thick eyelashes, and sure enough Guan Juer received it with a flustered expression.The text message said "Yeah, your photo, today's brightest sunshine", Fan Shengmei saw Guan Ju'er blushed, with a half-smile, but hurriedly stuffed the phone into the bag without even replying to the text message.Fan Shengmei suddenly thought that last night Guan Juer was going to the concert with others, but later came back with a box lunch in order to release her.It turns out that Guan Juer didn't lie, Guan Juer gave up more than he said, what Guan Juer gave up was a date.Fan Shengmei was already grateful to Guan Ju Erxuan for coming back last night to replace her, but now she is even more moved silently.

The girls on the 22nd floor are all busy on their mobile phones without exception, even Andy who is far away from Haishi is no exception.After a tossing all night, she slept for the usual six hours before waking up.But as soon as he woke up, he thought about what happened last night, and he didn't want to open his eyes, lest he need to face Bao Yifan's eyes.She's always a little guilty.

But her cell phone was vibrating on the bedside table.After seeing it, it turned out that it was Lao Tan's friend Yan Luming who called, and I don't know what happened.She was about to gently get up and get out of bed to answer the call, when Bao Yifan reached out and hugged her, "I'm awake, just lie down and answer the call."

Andy lay back as she said, but Yan Luming's first words shocked her.

"President Xiuyuan called just now, saying that a group of people came to the courtyard to pick up your brother."

"What? The gang who stole my brother 30 years ago? Can you call the police?"

"It's not that group of people. It's a man... the family member of a mental patient. It's very poor. Those people claim that the male mental patient is your brother's biological father. Now they want to take your brother back to raise him."

"What? Is there such a thing? The question is, is that man capable of raising my brother?"

"That's the problem. They asked Dean Xiuyuan to hand over to them the money you sent every month. In the countryside, this money is enough for a family to live well. They probably heard the news from somewhere and came to the door to confirm Go back to your son and compete for your monthly payment. Judging from what Xiuyuan said, your younger brother does look like that male mental patient, and his appearance is similar to that of dementia. What do you think about this matter? From a safety point of view, it is best Don't contact me directly, leave it to me to deal with it, rural people think they are strong, and women don't listen to what they say. And I don't think it's convenient for you to come forward."

Bao Yifan could also hear clearly, he couldn't help puffing up his cheeks, and restrained himself from speaking.

And Andy has a colorful face, isn't her younger brother's illness inherited from her mother?She didn't know whether she should be happy or not. According to the genetic knowledge she had learned and accumulated over the years, this news was undoubtedly a great benefit to her.She couldn't help blurting out: "A good thing." Immediately realizing the slip of the tongue, she hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, Lao Yan, that's not what I said. This matter really has to be entrusted to you. My opinion is that as long as the two are confirmed to be related by blood , I agree to hand over my younger brother to his father and his family members. Now that my younger brother has found a direct relative, I will not assume the responsibility of raising him. Do you think this is feasible? It should be legally acceptable. I think they have known such a relative for so many years But they don't admit it, and now they call at the door. It's nothing more than my few money. As long as I get back the monthly payment, they will pay back even if they don't get a penny. It's too late to throw it away. Give them a few days, as long as they don't starve to death, I don't think my brother will starve to death, everyone is patient, I will take a gamble."

"This is the only way, as long as you can bear it. You'd better not go to visit these days. If those people grab you face to face and ask you for money or what you want, or find your clues to find Haishi, you can't avoid it. "

"I never dared to go. Thank you, Lao Yan, for reminding me."

After Andy finished the phone call, he looked back at Bao Yifan, "You seem to have something to say to me."

"Bring your brother here, and I'll find a place for someone to take care of him, away from the gossip over there."

"I found my younger brother earlier and planned to do the same, but Xiuyuan, the director of the nursing home who raised him, is a very good person, and my younger brother is also very dependent on her. I feel that my younger brother is happier with Xiuyuan, so I sent [-] yuan a month to do it." Living expenses. It is said that the excess is used in the nursing home, and it is counted as charity. In fact, even if Dean Xiuyuan uses it for my own use, I don’t care. Without her, there would be no brother.”

"Miss, your method is correct in principle, but do you know the value of 1 yuan in the countryside? Those people will not let it go. They will torture your brother to death in the end. Let me tell you, I have no skilled youth here. A middle-aged migrant worker works hard for only [-] yuan a month, after deducting the travel expenses to and from his hometown and living expenses, if you calculate how much you can save in a month, you will get [-] yuan, which is crazy."


"I have managed the factory for so many years, and I have managed thousands of people, half of whom are migrant workers. Can you tell me that I don't understand? When someone came to apply for a job, his eyes were green with hunger, and he just wanted to eat a meal. When he was full, Putting on a security uniform, I paid a meal ticket from the company for a week in advance, but turned around and ran away with an excuse. I was caught a few days later, saying that I thought the new security uniform could sell for a good price, and the meal ticket could be cashed. What do you say? What will people do when they see [-] yuan? The poorest person in the circle that you and that old Yan came into contact with has [-] yuan a month, so you don’t understand. You shouldn’t have left your brother there in the early years, [-] is enough for the dean and You came out to take your brother."


"Won't you ask a few more words? Haha, I've never seen you so stupid. You give me the address, and I'll go and pick him up. By the way, I'll also look at the symptoms of your brother's biological father."

"No, don't go, leave it to Lao Yan. My younger brother received Haishi. You don't need to interfere, the key is that I don't want your mother to know about it."

"Don't go...to see the symptoms of your brother's own father with your own eyes?"

"I'm afraid. But this news has reduced my... probability. I decided to be an ostrich."

But Bao Yifan lay down and thought about it for a while, and said firmly: "I'd better go there, see and compare the two with my own eyes, and then I'll be sure. Say hello to Lao Yan."

Andy looked at Bao Yifan, suddenly a little at a loss, a mass of heavy and fat dark clouds slowly passed by in his heart.

"What are you thinking? You are so serious and ignore me. You haven't kissed me good morning yet."

"Thinking in a mess, I'm thinking about my brother's harmonious relationship with the old people in a yard. He lives happily there. It shouldn't be appropriate to uproot him from the nursing home. Maybe there are other ways?"

"As long as people pass by, the scene can adapt accordingly. Those people are not wise people, and they don't have any background. How about a good morning kiss?"

Andy couldn't help crying, "I can't pretend nothing happened, let me get used to it for a few days."

"If you go on like this, does it mean that I will be the absolute head of the family in the future, and I will listen to everything?"

Andy looked embarrassed, "Stop teasing me, okay? Let me turn my head around."

"I'll help you, we help each other..."

"Ah, what are you doing, I'm pregnant... don't..."

But Bao Yifan has always believed in the unreasonable principle between lovers, psychological barriers and other things are luxuries for survival, who cares about luxury when he is in a hurry?


Hey, Ying Qin and his new girlfriend are destined to be a family and not to enter the family. They both only care about the hardware and don't care about other things. Men don't talk about right and wrong, women don't marry if they don't have a house, have feelings, personality , Whether the three views are compatible or not is not considered. In front of the hardware, the magic horse is just a cloud.

It's really shameful to wait until Chapter 46 to comment.

1. Men often like Xiaoqu, but the one who finally marries, hehe, is often Xiaoguan.

2. Women often have ditties in their hearts, and they often do ditties on the surface.why?Refer to the first article.

3. Is Fan Shengmei an exception?I secretly think that this is the non-material civilization left by our ancestors. If you don’t believe me, look at the many concubines in history, just like Xiaofan.Grandma's, the daughter is used to sell.But this daughter is often dedicated very self-consciously.

4. Is Xiaoqiu annoying?Aren't the girls in shows like the Rubik's Cube more ridiculous?It seems that we have the most people like this around us, right?Xiaoqiu is really not a special case, it can be tolerated, it can be tolerated.

5. Singularity, this talent is extremely disgusting, the first time we met, I was afraid that Andy would take his money, right?The problem is, you are an old and ugly man, what do women want if they don't want your money?It’s fine if you put love first, but the problem is that if you put love first, you won’t care about the flaw that Andy might go crazy. If you can’t do it yourself, why ask others to do it?This person is strict with others and lenient with himself. He is really shameless.I take it very seriously, it's even more shameful than I only commented on Chapter 16.

6. Baozi, Baozi is so cute, the second generation of rich, rich, not afraid of Andy taking his money, colorful, definitely eat together, even after having a child.Most importantly, he is willing to take responsibility for his love.Such a man is born to be a romantic hero.

7. Ying Qin, to be honest, I don't see anything wrong with him, he is just an ordinary man around us, and he didn't try Xiaoqiu to break up with sweet words, marry a wife and marry a man, a bit too demanding , not too much.

8. Wang Baichuan is a role model now, but he is afraid that one day he will be successful, and Fan Shengmei will also be successful and retire.

9. My cutest Dr. Zhao, he is a real man, he knows how to enjoy life, he wants Xiaoqu, but he still doesn’t force it to be transformed into Xiaoguan, God, give me a Dr. Zhao.

10. Andy, many people like Andy, isn't it said that female doctors are the most difficult to marry?Hee hee, just kidding.If I were a man, I don't think she might go crazy, and I would be willing to spend two years with Xiaoqiu instead of being with her for one month before going crazy.Well, I don't dislike Xiaoqiu, haha.

▼ move
The latent conflict after Qu Zhao's passion may break out, but I haven't felt it yet for the little policeman.

In the end, the successful male protagonist often makes people feel, why don't you still have it?I can see that he is smart and individual, and he is a perfect match with the little lady. It is only because of him that there are surprises and surprises in Xiaoguan's life. I think it is absolutely feasible for Naida to change his career as a matchmaker.


People say that Xiaoguan is a second-eyed Mi girl, and the little policeman sees through it at a glance and has a photographic memory, so why didn't he feel it.

(End of this chapter)

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