Ode to joy

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

"Yeah, haha, this route is a shortcut. Tell me, how did I think of this relationship at the beginning, haha. Shengmei, you are really my lucky star. Through you, I can get to know Andy and Mr. Bao. Uh, The traffic police ahead are checking for drunk driving, I will contact you later."

Fan Shengmei put down the phone and smiled, feeling happy that the whole small room couldn't fit in. She opened the door of 2202 and let in the fresh air from outside.That's great, Wang Baichuan said that this deal is very important, so does it mean that Wang Baichuan's promise to buy a house is more solid, and the hope is closer.Wang Baichuan is really good.

When she heard the sound of the elevator door, Fan Shengmei couldn't help poking her head out to have a look. When she saw Andy came back, even though she had been accused by Qu Xiaoxiao, she still walked out to thank her in embarrassment.

Andy was afraid of lying, and wanted to avoid Fan Shengmei, but he ran into Fan Shengmei immediately after returning home.She quickly said yes, yes.Luckily, she was carrying a box of online-bought books from the doorman, and she wanted to escape.But Fan Shengmei was afraid that she would be stingy, and wanted to take the opportunity to repair the relationship with Andy, so she dragged Andy to thank her non-stop.Andy felt guilty, so he had to say that it was all due to Wang Baichuan himself, Wang Baichuan was very capable, and so on.

It wasn't until Fan Shengmei's phone rang in the little black room that Andy had to escape.After closing the door of 2201, Andy couldn't help but let out a long sigh.Those two people, step by step, returned to the original so-called one private car and one private house.

Fan Shengmei answered the call from her junior high school classmate firmly in her heart, but the junior high school classmate laughed at her on the other end, "Is our Mr. Bao's girlfriend really so amazing? The quality control said that the sample was given out, or yesterday. Mr. Bao didn't give him any face in front of his girlfriend."

"Come on, I just heard that it passed. Is your quality control stronger than the boss? As long as the boss nods, it's not a sentence."

The junior high school students were skeptical, "If this is the case, the boss's girlfriend is really amazing. Our company's quality control has always been one-sided, and there is a magic sword."

Fan Shengmei laughed loudly, "That depends on who the boss's girlfriend is."

Fan Shengmei was quite happy.She was going to educate Wang Baichuan well when Wang Baichuan called again, don't rely on her relationship with Andy and not pay attention to quality.

As soon as Qu Xiaoxiao got off the plane, she received a call from Dr. Zhao, and she was instantly elated.She gave the most twisted "Hello", which made the surrounding people express their creeps, but they united tightly around Qu Xiaoxiao and waited for the luggage close to Qu Xiaoxiao three.

Surrounded by all the heroes, Qu Xiaoxiao sneered: "Are you finally free?"

Doctor Zhao smiled and said, "Isn't it too vulgar to treat you to dinner?"

"Eating is only one thing, one vulgarity. Which two vulgarities are you going to do?"

Dr. Zhao was silent for a moment, this three customs are not the other three customs.He paused before replying, "Are you sure?"

"I'm at the airport. I just came back. It's a coincidence that you called. Tell me the location. I'll come to find you with my luggage and hair disheveled."

"Will it be too hard? I'll ask you out tomorrow."

"I just need to make sure my image is normal. Anyway, you already knew that my head is abnormal. Just today, is it easy? Let you take the initiative to ask me out."

When Qu Xiaoxiao was on a business trip, she always had the urge to call Dr. Zhao, but she refused to do so, and she endured it.She was angry with Dr. Zhao's indifferent attitude towards her.But she found that whoever bears it knows that forbearance is killing herself.If she hadn't been on a business trip far away and was so busy, she would have been unable to bear it.Fortunately, as soon as the plane landed, I received a call from Dr. Zhao. How could she not rush to meet her immediately.Sitting in the taxi, during the whole process, she only focused on tidying up her face.

After jumping out of the taxi, to Qu Xiaoxiao's surprise, Dr. Zhao came up to her and helped her take out her luggage from the trunk, acting like a regular boyfriend.Qu Xiaoxiao had never enjoyed such treatment in the hands of Dr. Zhao, she was so excited that she forgot all her pride, and when Dr. Zhao put the suitcase on the ground, she rushed forward and hugged Dr. Zhao tightly.

What reassured Qu Xiaoxiao was that Dr. Zhao also hugged her tightly, with such strength that he seemed to want to crush her and fuse with him.

But when Qu Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, the first thing she did was grab Dr. Zhao by the chest, "Why did you call me?"

Dr. Zhao hugged Qu Xiaoxiao and walked towards the hotel, "Go inside and talk slowly."

"You don't dislike me anymore?"

"I'm wrong, sorry, okay?"

Hearing what Dr. Zhao said, Qu Xiaoxiao immediately felt relieved, "Hee hee, I also know that I am not well-educated. As long as you look back, I forgive you, a good boy who is telling the truth." Qu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to stick to Dr. Zhao's side Bounce and walk in.She was full of enthusiasm, originally she liked Dr. Zhao's handsomeness, but now she was more in the eyes of beholders, and couldn't help but reached out and touched Dr. Zhao three times during the short journey: left cheek, right cheek, and full face.And Dr. Zhao gave a very classic reaction: You touch my left cheek, and I will also give you the right cheek.Qu Xiaoxiao succeeded easily.

Ordering food is still Qu Xiaoxiao's job.Qu Xiaoxiao curled up in Dr. Zhao's arms like a cat to order food. It was meaningless to her to sit and not sit.Dr. Zhao didn't care, he acted as if I had figured it out and was ready to fight.

As soon as the waiter walked away, Dr. Zhao made a review. "I'm sorry, I've been thinking about our relationship a few days ago, so I didn't call you."

"What are you thinking about? I'm uneducated, I just know that no matter what you are, I love you, I love you to death. As long as I love you, I don't care about anything else."

Dr. Zhao was full of words, but when Qu Xiaoxiao said them, he was depressed, "In summary, this is what you said. You are absolutely right."

"That's right, I love vixen, but also want vixen to be able to do housework, have children, play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and be filial to elders. You think you're a poor scholar daydreaming."

Dr. Zhao was embarrassed, this person in front of him is really a vixen. "I love vixen, what do you love?"

"I love Elder Tang."


"Hmm, isn't it?"

On the road of loving skin, Qu Xiaoxiao is upright and confident, Dr. Zhao is awkward, but the two decided to go to the dark together.Dr. Zhao felt that he had fallen as never before.But this kind of depravity brings many pleasures of relief.Qu Xiaoxiao acted recklessly, dared to do things that he always found interesting, but only dared to linger in books, and didn't really dare to do things.This little guy doesn't know what it means to be interesting, but her whole body, even her flaws, are being lively and interesting.

Qu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to ask Dr. Zhao about the meaning of the drama she watched with Guan Juer a few days ago.She always felt that this topic might be of higher grade, which could resonate with Dr. Zhao and make him look at her with admiration a few more times.But at this time, she couldn't remember how depressed she was when she watched the drama. She has not enough brains, and every brain cell in her brain can only do one thing now, and that is to silently say "Dr. Zhao, Dr. Zhao!" , Dr. Zhao..."But Qu Xiaoxiao felt a faint sense of crisis in her heart. She was most afraid that one day Dr. Zhao would suddenly look down on her like last time, and insisted on asking her to go.She had to learn from Guan Ju'er, to learn the kind of knowledge that intellectuals should know, at least, to be able to make a few nonsense out of her mouth.

After eating, Qu Xiaoxiao had to rush to the office first, check the information, and then send an email reply to the client.Doctor Zhao followed.When he saw Qu Xiaoxiao walking into the general manager's small office like a little monster, he couldn't help laughing.He really wanted to know the style of this company, what kind of employees it had, and how it could operate effectively under the management of the goblin.

There was no one else in the office, so when Qu Xiaoxiao entered the office, "$" was engraved on his forehead, he connected to the computer, and searched everywhere for the necessary information.When she finally found the file from a high place and was about to jump on the stool to take it down, hands stretched out behind her and grabbed her waist.Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't help screaming, "Let me go, brother, I promise the client to email him before ten o'clock."

"Just do your thing and ignore me."

Qu Xiaoxiao turned her head, but saw that Dr. Zhao's eyes were full of mischief.She picked up the file and jumped down, threw the file on the table, but instead took the initiative to catch up with Dr. Zhao, hanging on Dr. Zhao's body and kissing wildly.The two of them only kissed complacently, and the sky was dark, and they stumbled and fell on the big sofa outside, but Qu Xiaoxiao threw away the tie he had drawn, jumped back to the general manager's room, and locked the door behind him.Seeing through the glass wall that Dr. Zhao was looking back in confusion, she stretched out a middle finger, clearly showing her sneer, and then drew the curtains to the ground, barely concentrating on making money.

Dr. Zhao was sitting on the sofa, lazily arranging the messy clothes that Qu Xiaoxiao had picked out, and could only laugh.Molested, but was anti-molested.Only Qu Xiaoxiao can play it.

Early in the morning, Dr. Zhao walked out of 2203, ready to go home before going to work.Only to find that she fell into the ocean of the Detachment of Women. The door of 2202 was wide open, and Fan Shengmei came out with a pretty dress and a smile, Qiu Yingying said goodbye to Fan Shengmei at the door, and Guan Juer just came out of the bathroom and took a look at the door.At the elevator entrance, Andy, who just came back from exercising, came out with a bag of bread in his hand.The four detachments of women watched Dr. Zhao walk to the elevator with eight eyes. Dr. Zhao seemed to be caught in bed.In order to avoid the parade of the Women's Army, Dr. Zhao greeted Andy awkwardly, and rushed into the upward elevator that Andy had just come out of.But when he came down again with a curve to save the country, the elevator still stopped dead on the 22nd floor. Fan Shengmei came over with a smile and said hello to him.

Everyone waited for Dr. Zhao to disappear, and they all turned their heads to look at 2203.But seeing that the door of 2203 was also open, Qu Xiaoxiao leaned against the door with her arms folded smiling, accepting everyone's criticism.Fan Shengmei turned her head after taking a look, and continued to wait for the elevator.But there is also a smile on her face. She is in a good mood today.Guan Juer didn't come out at first, she saw Dr. Zhao enter the elevator, she also went back to her room, her heartbeat was a little messy.Andy praised "Niuuuuuuuuuuu". She didn't know how these two people came together again, but it must be Qu Xiaoxiao who went forward bravely and overcame Dr. Zhao with difficulty.

Only Qiu Yingying was so curious that she could not help but ask, "Didn't you say you broke up a long time ago? You were still in love two days ago."

Qu Xiaoxiao proudly said: "Yesterday, we reconciled. Ah, I love him so badly, how can I love him so much, I love him."

Andy, who opened the door and was about to enter the room, turned to look at Qu Xiaoxiao, with goosebumps all over his body, but he admired Qu Xiaoxiao's boldness.

Qiu Yingying covered her mouth and laughed, "Why do you love him? Are you the one who yells like this?"

Qu Xiaoxiao was so happy today that she didn't bother to care about Qiu Yingying, she still expressed her feelings happily, "I can only feel it, but I can't express it in words, ah, ah..."

Qiu Yingying immediately thought of Dr. Zhao's night in 2203 flexibly.She held back her laughter, and kindly said to Qu Xiaoxiao: "Xiao Qu..."

"Why don't you call me Qu Qu?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked coquettishly, winking. In the room of 2202, Guan Juer vomited, what kind of person is this.

"Okay, Ququ. Let me tell you, cherish the hard-won reunion. Maybe it's better to keep yourself clean, don't be so fast and..."

"Why? Is it necessary? The adulterer **** is also a couple."

"Let men respect you, and you will be happier after marriage. Really, men respect women who are clean and self-sufficient. Although it is a modern society, everyone is still very old-fashioned subconsciously."

"I'm in a relationship, who says I'm married?" Qu Xiaoxiao has a good temper like butter today, patiently arguing with Qiu Yingying.

"Didn't you say that you love you very much? If you love you so much, you still don't get married? If you don't get married, how can you prove that you love so much that you hope to stay together forever?"

"This is smelly, you are upside down. Love for the purpose of marriage is utilitarian. If you are so in love that you have no energy to toss, then get married and get married. This is noble and the greatest respect for love. Haha. Free to you Enlightenment. I won’t play with you anymore, I can’t be late for work today.”

"No, love not for the purpose of marriage is hooliganism."

Qu Xiaoxiao was too lazy to say any more, closed the door, washed up and made coffee. In 2202, Qiu Yingying still insisted on her point of view, but Guan Juer felt that Qu Xiaoxiao's point of view was refreshing to her, and she actually resonated with Qu Xiaoxiao's view of love, which is generally recognized as confusing.

While making breakfast, Qiu Yingying said to Guan Juer, "Xiaoguan, what do you think of Xiaoqu's love affair?"

"What do you think?" Although Guan Juer was not upset, he was unwilling to talk about this topic.After all, Dr. Zhao's influence on her has not weakened too much.

"What I'm talking about is that Xiao Qu and her boyfriend are so fast, it seems a little too fast. Really, based on my experience, even though men are flirting outside, they still wish their girlfriends were virgins. Even if they are not, I hope The woman is very reserved. The harder it is to get something, the more they cherish it. If you don’t believe me, look at it later, isn’t that the case.”

"Do you support premarital sex?"

"I didn't understand it before, but I don't support it now. I have learned a lesson from blood. Really, you have all seen it. If you girls give up your body easily, boys will despise you, even his family will look down on you You. Falling in love can be said to be a matter between two people, but it’s different when it comes to marriage. Marriage means marrying the man’s family. The attitude of everyone is too important. I really care about Ququ.”

"Not necessarily. Sister Fan didn't come back on Saturday night. Wang Baichuan still held her in his palm and was afraid of melting when he saw her. It depends."

"Ha, it's a good thing I go home every day, so you know that."

Guan Juer was very embarrassed, so he quickly drank milk and ate cake, and made fun of him.

Andy received a call from Bao Yifan at noon, saying that Wei's wife found Mrs. Bao unexpectedly and sued Andy.

Bao Yifan and Andy breathed a sigh of relief, it was just that everyone knew the bottom of their hearts.He didn't take it seriously, knowing that it was a false accusation.

But the blood relationship between Wei Guoqiang and Andy is a topic that Andy absolutely forbids, Bao Yifan is inconvenient to let go in front of his mother.Bao Tai was very tangled.Her son, her precious son, a young talent, how could he be addicted to a woman with a bad reputation.Who knows, when her son marries that woman, that woman will use her means to transfer the property of the Bao family into that woman's name.

But Mrs. Bao thought of Andy she had seen with her own eyes, a girl who didn't look coquettish, with outstanding abilities, but even when she held her hand, she could get goose bumps all over her body.But then he thought that it was still this seemingly innocent girl who had sex with her son that night.The speed is comparable to that of a rocket flying to the moon.It shows that the essence is not pure.It can only show that this woman is very scheming and has outstanding acting skills.

Bao Tai has seen too many beauties relying on their physical advantages to get rich rewards.Even if Bao Yifan said that Andy has enough assets, he doesn't need to seduce men to make a profit, Bao Tai still doesn't believe it.Because Wei's wife told her that it is a huge profit to have a good relationship with Wei Guoqiang.In this regard, Bao Tai felt a deep pain. Her marriage back then was almost ruined in the hands of goblins. Those goblins don't have to know shame for a little money, let alone in front of a huge inheritance.She was terrified.Bao Taiya's deep-rooted hatred for fox spirits was aroused again.

For the sake of her son and family property, Bao Tai decided to investigate secretly.She inquired about Andy's private life through insiders.This kind of thing is better to kill by mistake than let it go.Especially for her precious son.Of course, she was only investigating secretly, lest Andy would eventually become her daughter-in-law if she found out that nothing happened. If Andy knew about her investigation, it would hurt each other's friendship.

Unexpectedly, after checking, there are really rumors.You don't need to spend too much time inquiring about it. In the morning, you will entrust it, and in the afternoon, the insiders will bring you the news.There are rumors that recently Wei's wife came to beat up the mistress, and it was Andy who hit her.There are also rumors that Wei Guoqiang came out of Andy's office in a panic.The two have been in contact for a long time.Bao Tai sneered in his heart.It turns out that a female gold-collar worker who looks rich and talented is also a gold-seeker.No wonder the huge inheritance fell into Andy's hands.Sure enough, there are a few girls who got to high positions by virtue of their real skills, and most of them rely on more or less romantic relationships.It was in vain that her precious son was so devoted to the girl.She has to expose.

(End of this chapter)

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