supernatural farm girl

Chapter 134 Chapter 016

Chapter 134 Chapter 016
Section 016 Conspiracy, the gutter overturned
Anxiu's warehouse was burned in late October, and everything was restored intact in early November. The speed is amazing.

For a while, she became the hottest topic in Suqu County.In the streets and alleys, teahouses and restaurants, a few businessmen gathered together and talked about the Anji Rice Shop.

The biggest gimmick is undoubtedly where her rice comes from.

"In less than 20 days, a few thousand shi of grain was supplemented. How did this woman do it?" the man said.

"I'm afraid there is a way, and there are big people behind it. Otherwise, a peasant girl dares to open a rice shop and compete with so many old owners?" the man said again.

"The loss of tens of thousands of taels, people like us who have been rooted in business for several lifetimes, would tremble, and she didn't change her face. Her property is much more terrifying than we imagined!" Ren said again.

It has nothing to do with them, these people are just talking and joining in the fun.

At the other end of the East Street of the county seat, in the inner room of the time-honored Chenjia Mipu, there are a few downcast old owners.All of them were deaf and staring, without energy.

This is a long-established rice shop.Before Anxiu came to the county seat, although the business of their shop was not the only one, it was still very prosperous. There were three stores and several employees. The one-month income made the nearby Gengxiao shop very greedy.

Along with him, there are three rice shops.They are located in South Street, North Street, and West Street. The regions are different, and the source of customers is naturally different. The business is evenly matched, but the competition is not very fierce.

Looking back at that time, every time-honored brand can make a profit, and many small shops can also make some small profits. They depend on each other and restrict each other. What a warm scene!

But An Ji smashed this warmth to pieces, and even the sound disappeared when it fell to the ground.

Anji Rice Shop first established itself on South Street, knocking down many small shops on South Street.At that time, everyone didn't pay much attention to it, and neither did Wanjia Mipu, a large shop on South Street.They are a time-honored brand with many customers, so naturally they look down on Anxiu's small businesses.However, in less than two months, Wanjia's business declined day by day.

By the time they realized that Anji Rice Shop was a big disaster, it was already too late, and Ling Erhu took away all the business in South Street with lightning speed.You can't blame others, the quality of rice is good and the price is low, why should people eat your Wanjia?Expensive and not tasty.

In just five months, Wanjia Rice Shop, which had been operating for three lifetimes in Suqu County, fell like this, without a trace of struggle, and fell into the hands of a new shop, Anji Rice Shop.

When the Wanjia rice shop closed down, the shops on East Street, North Street, and West Street were very happy. There was one less competing shop, and they didn’t realize that one family fell down. The checks and balances between them have been maintained for many years. It has been broken, and sooner or later it will be the turn of the others.

At that time, they didn't know how powerful Anji Mipu was.

A year and a half later, the two time-honored brands of East Street and North Street gradually collapsed.Fortunately, Anji was only a semicolon on East Street and North Street, so they narrowed down their facades and survived.Three months ago, Anxiu's third branch was located in West Street. There is no doubt that the four time-honored brands are not popular. In Suqu County, Anxiu's family dominates.

Except for Wanjia Rice Shop, the remaining three shops have reduced their operations, dismissed some employees, and kept a small part. They want to continue to share a piece of the leftovers, and Anji Rice Shop always slips through the net.

However, these remaining rice shop owners recently discovered that the last road was blocked, and the price of the best quality rice in Anji Rice Shop has been reduced again.

These rice shops broke their heads and couldn't figure it out. How did Anxiu make money at such a low price!Those high-quality rice are sold at such a low price that they can't even buy in. It's okay, she's selling like crazy.

It doesn't sell like this every day.Every month is divided into thirty days, and every ten days has two days of "price reduction promotion", and the price of rice is [-]% cheaper than usual.Gradually, Anji Rice Shop has wiped out the rice customers in Suqu County, and fewer and fewer fish slipped through the net.

Last month, Xie Yuan, Wan Jia, Chen Jia, Xu Jia, and Sun Jia, who had learned that her man had passed the Ningnan Township Examination, couldn't hold on to the original time-honored shops. The four got together and felt that Something had to be done, otherwise Anxiu would have to sweep him out of Suqu County.

It will be even more difficult to deal with her when her man becomes an official.

So, the four families took out all their belongings, and the Wan family even mortgaged their houses and shops, bought several thousand shi of rice in the nearby countryside, and then sent people to follow Anxiu's warehouse, and took the opportunity to burn her goods. warehouse.

When Anxiu was short of goods, their rice shop was able to stop some business.They all knew about Anxiu's family background - she was a poor child bride-in-law who made a small fortune with the help of the shopkeeper of Jinyutang in the past few years.

Burning so much of her food would definitely cut off all her working capital.

Unexpectedly, the shop was burned, but Anxiu was not affected at all, with a big wave of his hand, start again!

If others say so, do it all over again!Others must think that he is bragging. Tens of thousands of taels of silver have been wasted like this. Without a rich family background, how easy is it to start over?

However, Anxiu didn't have any extra excuses, and with lightning speed, got back three thousand shi of rice and repaired the warehouse.The warehouses did not add extra manpower, but all four warehouses raised dogs, three small ones raised a wolfhound, and one large one raised two dogs.

Everyone was very puzzled, even her shopkeeper Ling Erhu was puzzled.

In just half a month, it is incredible to buy so much rice.Others would jokingly ask her, "Anton's family, where did you buy so much rice?"

An Xiuhui said solemnly, "I conjured it up!"

This is the truth.Everyone thought she was joking and laughed it off.

Now, the owners of these four time-honored brands are getting together to discuss what to do with the rice they have hoarded.The current selling price of Anxiu is [-]% lower than the cost price they recovered. How can this business be done?
Selling this batch of rice with free money and free labor?Think about how to poke your heart like that!

The four old clubs were not reconciled, very reconciled!
However, it's not that you are not reconciled, An Xiu stopped doing business.Her business is still booming, and more and more customers join her.This incident did not affect her shop, but made her deified in the hearts of customers.People in the streets and alleys say: Anton’s rice is not only delicious, but also cheap, and it’s never out of stock!
This is guarantee, this is rest assured!
This is business!

"Chen Dong's family, please tell us what we should do now. You were the one who brought this up first." Wan Dong's voice was tinged with reproach. Seeing that everyone hadn't spoken for a long time, they had no choice but to speak.What should I do now, with so much rice, I am afraid that it will not be sold at the same low price as Anxiu.

What's more, if the price is reduced to the same low price as Anxiu, they will have to pay [-]% of the cost price alone. How can this be said!

Not reconciled ah not reconciled!
"I came up with this idea at the time, but you all agreed!" Chen Dong's parents were fair and effeminate. Hearing that Wan Dong's family put the blame on himself, he was naturally unhappy.Everyone shit together, now he wipes his ass?
He doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

"According to me, it's better to resell this batch of rice to An Dong's family than to rot in our own warehouse!" Xu Dong's family said after a while.Among the four owners, his family has the most business. In addition to the rice shop, he also has an oil workshop and an embroidery room.The rice shop was an industry started by his father, but he was not very interested in it when it was in his hands.

The reason why Xu Dong's family participated in the other three families was purely to fight against An Xiu: a big man, being squeezed to death by a woman, is it not shameful to be ashamed?

Now, Anxiu's action has completely suppressed him!Xu Dong's family hated Anxiu at the beginning, but now they bear the hatred with complete admiration.A woman without any background, broke into the county town by herself, and took care of all the old and cunning businessmen, this is her skill!
Thoroughly capable.Although Dong Xu's family hated her, they admired capable people and compromised with An Xiu.

Besides, Mipu is indeed not his wealth and life!In other words, he spoke so calmly that he didn't feel pain in his back just standing there talking.

"Even if it rots in the warehouse, it's not tender to that woman!" Wan Dong's family slapped the table and shouted sharply.Among the four shops, he was crushed by Anxiu to the point of dying, and he hated her to the bone.I wish I could eat its flesh and drink its blood.If you want him to compromise with Anxiu, it's simply too difficult to be overthrown!

The rest of Chen Dong's family, Sun Dong's family and Wan Dong's family had similar ideas, so they all accused Xu Dong's family of coming up with such a bad idea!

"Since that's the case, I'll share my share and sell it to Anxiu at a low price. You masters do as you please!" Xu Dong's family said angrily.He is good-tempered, but not bad-tempered.What's the point of insisting on integrity when we've come to the end of the mountain?

Selling to Anxiu is better than selling to customers at the lowest price, and you also have to bear the risk of mold and rot on the rice.After all the calculations, there are only two results now: suffer a loss, and suffer a greater loss.

Therefore, Xu Dong's family is a smart person. He would rather suffer a loss than suffer a bigger one.

"Xu Dong's family, don't blame me for not reminding you, your rice shop has been closed for several months, and now there are thousands of stones of rice suddenly popping up. If you can't keep it all, how can others suspect you! That woman, Anxiu, has reported this matter to the government!" How to speak Sun Dongjia said gloomily.

Xu Dong's footsteps faltered.

"Everyone is like grasshoppers on the same rope now, one prospers and the other loses. Please don't lose your temper. Let's discuss things!" Chen Dong's voice still seemed soft, without any masculinity.Such a feminine person has an extremely dark heart, and there are always intrigues and tricks in the business world.

This ghostly idea is what he came up with.If he is an ordinary person, he has really followed his way.But he happened to meet Anxiu!


Happy weekend~~~
(End of this chapter)

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